| .. highlight:: c++ |
| |
| .. default-domain:: cpp |
| |
| .. cpp:namespace:: ceres |
| |
| .. _chapter-nnls_covariance: |
| |
| ===================== |
| Covariance Estimation |
| ===================== |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| One way to assess the quality of the solution returned by a non-linear |
| least squares solver is to analyze the covariance of the solution. |
| |
| Let us consider the non-linear regression problem |
| |
| .. math:: y = f(x) + N(0, I) |
| |
| i.e., the observation :math:`y` is a random non-linear function of the |
| independent variable :math:`x` with mean :math:`f(x)` and identity |
| covariance. Then the maximum likelihood estimate of :math:`x` given |
| observations :math:`y` is the solution to the non-linear least squares |
| problem: |
| |
| .. math:: x^* = \arg \min_x \|f(x) - y\|^2 |
| |
| And the covariance of :math:`x^*` is given by |
| |
| .. math:: C(x^*) = \left(J'(x^*)J(x^*)\right)^{-1} |
| |
| Here :math:`J(x^*)` is the Jacobian of :math:`f` at :math:`x^*`. The |
| above formula assumes that :math:`J(x^*)` has full column rank. |
| |
| If :math:`J(x^*)` is rank deficient, then the covariance matrix :math:`C(x^*)` |
| is also rank deficient and is given by the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. |
| |
| .. math:: C(x^*) = \left(J'(x^*)J(x^*)\right)^{\dagger} |
| |
| Note that in the above, we assumed that the covariance matrix for |
| :math:`y` was identity. This is an important assumption. If this is |
| not the case and we have |
| |
| .. math:: y = f(x) + N(0, S) |
| |
| Where :math:`S` is a positive semi-definite matrix denoting the |
| covariance of :math:`y`, then the maximum likelihood problem to be |
| solved is |
| |
| o.. math:: x^* = \arg \min_x f'(x) S^{-1} f(x) |
| |
| and the corresponding covariance estimate of :math:`x^*` is given by |
| |
| .. math:: C(x^*) = \left(J'(x^*) S^{-1} J(x^*)\right)^{-1} |
| |
| So, if it is the case that the observations being fitted to have a |
| covariance matrix not equal to identity, then it is the user's |
| responsibility that the corresponding cost functions are correctly |
| scaled, e.g. in the above case the cost function for this problem |
| should evaluate :math:`S^{-1/2} f(x)` instead of just :math:`f(x)`, |
| where :math:`S^{-1/2}` is the inverse square root of the covariance |
| matrix :math:`S`. |
| |
| Gauge Invariance |
| ================ |
| |
| In structure from motion (3D reconstruction) problems, the |
| reconstruction is ambiguous up to a similarity transform. This is |
| known as a *Gauge Ambiguity*. Handling Gauges correctly requires the |
| use of SVD or custom inversion algorithms. For small problems the |
| user can use the dense algorithm. For more details see the work of |
| Kanatani & Morris [KanataniMorris]_. |
| |
| |
| :class:`Covariance` |
| =================== |
| |
| :class:`Covariance` allows the user to evaluate the covariance for a |
| non-linear least squares problem and provides random access to its |
| blocks. The computation assumes that the cost functions compute |
| residuals such that their covariance is identity. |
| |
| Since the computation of the covariance matrix requires computing the |
| inverse of a potentially large matrix, this can involve a rather large |
| amount of time and memory. However, it is usually the case that the |
| user is only interested in a small part of the covariance |
| matrix. Quite often just the block diagonal. :class:`Covariance` |
| allows the user to specify the parts of the covariance matrix that she |
| is interested in and then uses this information to only compute and |
| store those parts of the covariance matrix. |
| |
| Rank of the Jacobian |
| ==================== |
| |
| As we noted above, if the Jacobian is rank deficient, then the inverse |
| of :math:`J'J` is not defined and instead a pseudo inverse needs to be |
| computed. |
| |
| The rank deficiency in :math:`J` can be *structural* -- columns |
| which are always known to be zero or *numerical* -- depending on the |
| exact values in the Jacobian. |
| |
| Structural rank deficiency occurs when the problem contains parameter |
| blocks that are constant. This class correctly handles structural rank |
| deficiency like that. |
| |
| Numerical rank deficiency, where the rank of the matrix cannot be |
| predicted by its sparsity structure and requires looking at its |
| numerical values is more complicated. Here again there are two |
| cases. |
| |
| a. The rank deficiency arises from overparameterization. e.g., a |
| four dimensional quaternion used to parameterize :math:`SO(3)`, |
| which is a three dimensional manifold. In cases like this, the |
| user should use an appropriate |
| :class:`Manifold`. Not only will this lead to better |
| numerical behaviour of the Solver, it will also expose the rank |
| deficiency to the :class:`Covariance` object so that it can |
| handle it correctly. |
| |
| b. More general numerical rank deficiency in the Jacobian requires |
| the computation of the so called Singular Value Decomposition |
| (SVD) of :math:`J'J`. We do not know how to do this for large |
| sparse matrices efficiently. For small and moderate sized |
| problems this is done using dense linear algebra. |
| |
| |
| :class:`Covariance::Options` |
| |
| .. class:: Covariance::Options |
| |
| .. member:: int Covariance::Options::num_threads |
| |
| Default: ``1`` |
| |
| Number of threads to be used for evaluating the Jacobian and |
| estimation of covariance. |
| |
| .. member:: SparseLinearAlgebraLibraryType Covariance::Options::sparse_linear_algebra_library_type |
| |
| Default: ``SUITE_SPARSE`` Ceres Solver is built with support for |
| `SuiteSparse <http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html>`_ |
| and ``EIGEN_SPARSE`` otherwise. Note that ``EIGEN_SPARSE`` is |
| always available. |
| |
| .. member:: CovarianceAlgorithmType Covariance::Options::algorithm_type |
| |
| Default: ``SPARSE_QR`` |
| |
| Ceres supports two different algorithms for covariance estimation, |
| which represent different tradeoffs in speed, accuracy and |
| reliability. |
| |
| 1. ``SPARSE_QR`` uses the sparse QR factorization algorithm to |
| compute the decomposition |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| QR &= J\\ |
| \left(J^\top J\right)^{-1} &= \left(R^\top R\right)^{-1} |
| |
| The speed of this algorithm depends on the sparse linear algebra |
| library being used. ``Eigen``'s sparse QR factorization is a |
| moderately fast algorithm suitable for small to medium sized |
| matrices. For best performance we recommend using |
| ``SuiteSparseQR`` which is enabled by setting |
| :member:`Covariance::Options::sparse_linear_algebra_library_type` |
| to ``SUITE_SPARSE``. |
| |
| ``SPARSE_QR`` cannot compute the covariance if the |
| Jacobian is rank deficient. |
| |
| |
| 2. ``DENSE_SVD`` uses ``Eigen``'s ``JacobiSVD`` to perform the |
| computations. It computes the singular value decomposition |
| |
| .. math:: U D V^\top = J |
| |
| and then uses it to compute the pseudo inverse of J'J as |
| |
| .. math:: (J'J)^{\dagger} = V D^{2\dagger} V^\top |
| |
| It is an accurate but slow method and should only be used for |
| small to moderate sized problems. It can handle full-rank as |
| well as rank deficient Jacobians. |
| |
| |
| .. member:: double Covariance::Options::column_pivot_threshold |
| |
| Default: :math:`-1` |
| |
| During QR factorization, if a column with Euclidean norm less than |
| ``column_pivot_threshold`` is encountered it is treated as zero. |
| |
| If ``column_pivot_threshold < 0``, then an automatic default value |
| of `20*(m+n)*eps*sqrt(max(diag(J’*J)))` is used. Here `m` and `n` |
| are the number of rows and columns of the Jacobian (`J`) |
| respectively. |
| |
| This is an advanced option meant for users who know enough about |
| their Jacobian matrices that they can determine a value better |
| than the default. |
| |
| |
| .. member:: int Covariance::Options::min_reciprocal_condition_number |
| |
| Default: :math:`10^{-14}` |
| |
| If the Jacobian matrix is near singular, then inverting :math:`J'J` |
| will result in unreliable results, e.g, if |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| J = \begin{bmatrix} |
| 1.0& 1.0 \\ |
| 1.0& 1.0000001 |
| \end{bmatrix} |
| |
| which is essentially a rank deficient matrix, we have |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| (J'J)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} |
| 2.0471e+14& -2.0471e+14 \\ |
| -2.0471e+14& 2.0471e+14 |
| \end{bmatrix} |
| |
| |
| This is not a useful result. Therefore, by default |
| :func:`Covariance::Compute` will return ``false`` if a rank |
| deficient Jacobian is encountered. How rank deficiency is detected |
| depends on the algorithm being used. |
| |
| 1. ``DENSE_SVD`` |
| |
| .. math:: \frac{\sigma_{\text{min}}}{\sigma_{\text{max}}} < \sqrt{\text{min_reciprocal_condition_number}} |
| |
| where :math:`\sigma_{\text{min}}` and |
| :math:`\sigma_{\text{max}}` are the minimum and maximum |
| singular values of :math:`J` respectively. |
| |
| 2. ``SPARSE_QR`` |
| |
| .. math:: \operatorname{rank}(J) < \operatorname{num\_col}(J) |
| |
| Here :math:`\operatorname{rank}(J)` is the estimate of the rank |
| of :math:`J` returned by the sparse QR factorization |
| algorithm. It is a fairly reliable indication of rank |
| deficiency. |
| |
| .. member:: int Covariance::Options::null_space_rank |
| |
| When using ``DENSE_SVD``, the user has more control in dealing |
| with singular and near singular covariance matrices. |
| |
| As mentioned above, when the covariance matrix is near singular, |
| instead of computing the inverse of :math:`J'J`, the Moore-Penrose |
| pseudoinverse of :math:`J'J` should be computed. |
| |
| If :math:`J'J` has the eigen decomposition :math:`(\lambda_i, |
| e_i)`, where :math:`\lambda_i` is the :math:`i^\textrm{th}` |
| eigenvalue and :math:`e_i` is the corresponding eigenvector, then |
| the inverse of :math:`J'J` is |
| |
| .. math:: (J'J)^{-1} = \sum_i \frac{1}{\lambda_i} e_i e_i' |
| |
| and computing the pseudo inverse involves dropping terms from this |
| sum that correspond to small eigenvalues. |
| |
| How terms are dropped is controlled by |
| `min_reciprocal_condition_number` and `null_space_rank`. |
| |
| If `null_space_rank` is non-negative, then the smallest |
| `null_space_rank` eigenvalue/eigenvectors are dropped irrespective |
| of the magnitude of :math:`\lambda_i`. If the ratio of the |
| smallest non-zero eigenvalue to the largest eigenvalue in the |
| truncated matrix is still below min_reciprocal_condition_number, |
| then the `Covariance::Compute()` will fail and return `false`. |
| |
| Setting `null_space_rank = -1` drops all terms for which |
| |
| .. math:: \frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_{\textrm{max}}} < \textrm{min_reciprocal_condition_number} |
| |
| This option has no effect on ``SPARSE_QR``. |
| |
| .. member:: bool Covariance::Options::apply_loss_function |
| |
| Default: `true` |
| |
| Even though the residual blocks in the problem may contain loss |
| functions, setting ``apply_loss_function`` to false will turn off |
| the application of the loss function to the output of the cost |
| function and in turn its effect on the covariance. |
| |
| .. class:: Covariance |
| |
| :class:`Covariance::Options` as the name implies is used to control |
| the covariance estimation algorithm. Covariance estimation is a |
| complicated and numerically sensitive procedure. Please read the |
| entire documentation for :class:`Covariance::Options` before using |
| :class:`Covariance`. |
| |
| .. function:: bool Covariance::Compute(const std::vector<std::pair<const double*, const double*> >& covariance_blocks, Problem* problem) |
| |
| Compute a part of the covariance matrix. |
| |
| The vector ``covariance_blocks``, indexes into the covariance |
| matrix block-wise using pairs of parameter blocks. This allows the |
| covariance estimation algorithm to only compute and store these |
| blocks. |
| |
| Since the covariance matrix is symmetric, if the user passes |
| ``<block1, block2>``, then ``GetCovarianceBlock`` can be called with |
| ``block1``, ``block2`` as well as ``block2``, ``block1``. |
| |
| ``covariance_blocks`` cannot contain duplicates. Bad things will |
| happen if they do. |
| |
| Note that the list of ``covariance_blocks`` is only used to |
| determine what parts of the covariance matrix are computed. The |
| full Jacobian is used to do the computation, i.e. they do not have |
| an impact on what part of the Jacobian is used for computation. |
| |
| The return value indicates the success or failure of the covariance |
| computation. Please see the documentation for |
| :class:`Covariance::Options` for more on the conditions under which |
| this function returns ``false``. |
| |
| .. function:: bool GetCovarianceBlock(const double* parameter_block1, const double* parameter_block2, double* covariance_block) const |
| |
| Return the block of the cross-covariance matrix corresponding to |
| ``parameter_block1`` and ``parameter_block2``. |
| |
| Compute must be called before the first call to ``GetCovarianceBlock`` |
| and the pair ``<parameter_block1, parameter_block2>`` OR the pair |
| ``<parameter_block2, parameter_block1>`` must have been present in the |
| vector covariance_blocks when ``Compute`` was called. Otherwise |
| ``GetCovarianceBlock`` will return false. |
| |
| ``covariance_block`` must point to a memory location that can store |
| a ``parameter_block1_size x parameter_block2_size`` matrix. The |
| returned covariance will be a row-major matrix. |
| |
| .. function:: bool GetCovarianceBlockInTangentSpace(const double* parameter_block1, const double* parameter_block2, double* covariance_block) const |
| |
| Return the block of the cross-covariance matrix corresponding to |
| ``parameter_block1`` and ``parameter_block2``. |
| Returns cross-covariance in the tangent space if a local |
| parameterization is associated with either parameter block; |
| else returns cross-covariance in the ambient space. |
| |
| Compute must be called before the first call to ``GetCovarianceBlock`` |
| and the pair ``<parameter_block1, parameter_block2>`` OR the pair |
| ``<parameter_block2, parameter_block1>`` must have been present in the |
| vector covariance_blocks when ``Compute`` was called. Otherwise |
| ``GetCovarianceBlock`` will return false. |
| |
| ``covariance_block`` must point to a memory location that can store |
| a ``parameter_block1_local_size x parameter_block2_local_size`` matrix. The |
| returned covariance will be a row-major matrix. |
| |
| Example Usage |
| ============= |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| double x[3]; |
| double y[2]; |
| |
| Problem problem; |
| problem.AddParameterBlock(x, 3); |
| problem.AddParameterBlock(y, 2); |
| <Build Problem> |
| <Solve Problem> |
| |
| Covariance::Options options; |
| Covariance covariance(options); |
| |
| std::vector<std::pair<const double*, const double*> > covariance_blocks; |
| covariance_blocks.push_back(make_pair(x, x)); |
| covariance_blocks.push_back(make_pair(y, y)); |
| covariance_blocks.push_back(make_pair(x, y)); |
| |
| CHECK(covariance.Compute(covariance_blocks, &problem)); |
| |
| double covariance_xx[3 * 3]; |
| double covariance_yy[2 * 2]; |
| double covariance_xy[3 * 2]; |
| covariance.GetCovarianceBlock(x, x, covariance_xx) |
| covariance.GetCovarianceBlock(y, y, covariance_yy) |
| covariance.GetCovarianceBlock(x, y, covariance_xy) |