Minor changes to the documentation. Formatting, and typos.
diff --git a/docs/build.tex b/docs/build.tex
index 78b21b8..b857a36 100644
--- a/docs/build.tex
+++ b/docs/build.tex
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 \item{\cmake~\footnote{\url{http://www.cmake.org/}}} is the cross-platform build system used by Ceres.
 \item{\eigen~\footnote{\url{http://eigen.tuxfamily.org}}} is used for doing all the low level matrix and
-  linear algebra operations.
+  linear algebra operations. 
 \item{\glog~\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/google-glog}}} is used for error checking and logging.
 \item{\gflags~\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/gflags}}} is used by the code in
-  \texttt{examples}. It is not a requirement to build the core Ceres library.
+  \texttt{examples}. It is not required to build the core Ceres library.
 \item{\suitesparse~\footnote{\url{http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/suitesparse/}}} is used for sparse matrix analysis,
   ordering and factorization. In particular Ceres uses the
   \amd, \colamd\ and \cholmod\ libraries. This is an optional
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     both of which ship with \blas\ and \lapack\ routines.
-\item{\texttt{protobuf}~\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/}}} is an optional dependency that is used for serializing and deserializing linear least squares problems to disk. This is useful for debugging and testing. Without it, some of the tests will not be build.
+\item{\texttt{protobuf}~\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/}}} is an optional dependency that is used for serializing and deserializing linear least squares problems to disk. This is useful for debugging and testing. Without it, some of the tests will be disabled.
 Currently we support building on Linux and MacOS X. Support for other
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 examples/simple_bundle_adjuster \
   ../ceres-solver-1.0/data/problem-16-22106-pre.txt \
-This runs Ceres for a maximum of 10 iterations using the  \denseschur linear solver. The output should look something like this.
+This runs Ceres for a maximum of 10 iterations using the  \denseschur\ linear solver. The output should look something like this.
 0: f: 1.598216e+06 d: 0.00e+00 g: 5.67e+18 h: 0.00e+00 rho: 0.00e+00 mu: 1.00e-04 li:  0
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 make -j3
 make test
+Like the Linux build, you should now be able to run \texttt{examples/simple\_bundle\_adjuster}.
 \section{Customizing the Build Process}
 It is possible to reduce the libraries needed to build Ceres and
@@ -201,12 +201,16 @@
 Protocol Buffers is a big dependency and if you do not care for the tests that depend on it and the logging support it enables, you can turn it off by using
 It is possible to compile Ceres in without \suitesparse, which
 saves on binary size, but the resulting version of Ceres is not suited
 to large scale problems due to the lack of a sparse Cholesky solver.  This will reduce Ceres' dependencies down to
@@ -215,13 +219,19 @@
  This will also disable dependency checking for \lapack\ and \blas.
 To build Ceres without \gflags, use
 Disabling this flag will prevent some of the example code from building.
 \item{Template Specializations}
 If you are concerned about binary size/compilation time over some
 small (10-20\%) performance gains in the \sparseschur\ solver, you can disable some of the template
 specializations by using
@@ -230,6 +240,8 @@
 On certain platforms like Android, multithreading with OpenMP is not supported. OpenMP support can be disabled by using
diff --git a/docs/ceres.tex b/docs/ceres.tex
index 8c92659..5a08c0c 100644
--- a/docs/ceres.tex
+++ b/docs/ceres.tex
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
@@ -94,17 +94,17 @@
 \chapter{A Note About This Document}
-This document is a work in progress. The best documentation for Ceres will always be the code. 
+Building this pdf from source requires a relatively recent installation of \texttt{LaTeX}~\footnote{\url{http://www.tug.org/texlive/}}, \texttt{minted.sty}\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/minted/}} and \texttt{pygments}\footnote{\url{http://pygments.org/}}.
-Building this pdf from source will require a relatively recent installation of \texttt{LaTeX}~\footnote{\url{http://www.tug.org/texlive/}}, \texttt{minted.sty}\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/minted/}} and \texttt{pygments}\footnote{\url{http://pygments.org/}}.
+This document is incomplete and we are working to fix this. In the meanwhile please refer to the source code.
diff --git a/docs/introduction.tex b/docs/introduction.tex
index 8fbae87..7151b12 100644
--- a/docs/introduction.tex
+++ b/docs/introduction.tex
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Ceres has been used for solving a variety of problems in computer vision and machine learning at Google with sizes that range from a tens of variables and objective functions with a few hundred terms to problems with millions of variables and objective functions with tens of millions of terms. 
 \section{What's in a name?}
-While there is some debate as to who invented of the method of Least Squares~\cite{stigler1981gauss}. There is no debate that it was Carl Friedrich Gauss's prediction of the orbit of the newly discovered asteroid Ceres based on just 41 days of observations that brought it to the attention of the world~\cite{tennenbaum-director}. We named our solver Ceres to celebrate this seminal event in the history of astronomy, statistics and optimization.
+While there is some debate as to who invented of the method of Least Squares~\cite{stigler1981gauss}. There is no debate that it was Carl Friedrich Gauss's prediction of the orbit of the newly discovered asteroid Ceres based on just 41 days of observations that brought it to the attention of the world~\cite{tennenbaum-director}. We named our solver after Ceres to celebrate this seminal event in the history of astronomy, statistics and optimization.
 \section{Contributing to Ceres}
 We welcome contributions to Ceres, whether they are new features, bug fixes or tests. If you have ideas on how you would like to contribute to Ceres, please join the Ceres mailing list (\texttt{ceres-solver@googlegroups.com}) or if you are looking for ideas, please let us know about your interest and skills and we will be happy to make a suggestion or three.