Remove SPARSE_CHOLESKY based covariance estimation.

Sparse Cholesky factorization is not rank revealing. Therefore
this algorithm cannot reliably tell when the Jacobian matrix is
rank deficient or so poorly conditioned that the covariance matrix
cannot be estimated.

Making things worse, this algorithm works on the normal equations,
which makes the conditioning problem much worse.

This change, deletes the SPARSE_CHOLESKY algorithm in the covariance
estimation code. Also to make the naming consistent, it renames


so that it parallels EIGEN_SPARSE_QR.

Also, since we now have EIGEN_SPARSE_QR, we can default to using
it when SuiteSparse is not available instead of DENSE_SVD, which
generally speaking should only be used by folks who are dealing
with small rank deficient jacobians.

Change-Id: I8b134c7e8a2e86ca374371f185b19f1c3e74349c
diff --git a/docs/source/solving.rst b/docs/source/solving.rst
index 89c837e..fc8219e 100644
--- a/docs/source/solving.rst
+++ b/docs/source/solving.rst
@@ -2262,7 +2262,8 @@
 .. member:: CovarianceAlgorithmType Covariance::Options::algorithm_type
-   Default: ``SPARSE_QR`` or ``DENSE_SVD``
+   Default: ``SUITE_SPARSE_QR`` if ``SuiteSparseQR`` is installed and
+   ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR`` otherwise.
    Ceres supports three different algorithms for covariance
    estimation, which represent different tradeoffs in speed, accuracy
@@ -2281,47 +2282,23 @@
       small to moderate sized problems. It can handle full-rank as
       well as rank deficient Jacobians.
-   2. ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY`` uses the ``CHOLMOD`` sparse Cholesky
-      factorization library to compute the decomposition :
-      .. math::   R^\top R = J^\top J
-      and then
-      .. math::   \left(J^\top J\right)^{-1}  = \left(R^\top R\right)^{-1}
-      It a fast algorithm for sparse matrices that should be used when
-      the Jacobian matrix J is well conditioned. For ill-conditioned
-      matrices, this algorithm can fail unpredictabily. This is
-      because Cholesky factorization is not a rank-revealing
-      factorization, i.e., it cannot reliably detect when the matrix
-      being factorized is not of full
-      rank. ``SuiteSparse``/``CHOLMOD`` supplies a heuristic for
-      checking if the matrix is rank deficient (cholmod_rcond), but it
-      is only a heuristic and can have both false positive and false
-      negatives.
-      Recent versions of ``SuiteSparse`` (>= 4.2.0) provide a much more
-      efficient method for solving for rows of the covariance
-      matrix. Therefore, if you are doing ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY``, we strongly
-      recommend using a recent version of ``SuiteSparse``.
-   3. ``SPARSE_QR`` uses the ``SuiteSparseQR`` sparse QR factorization
-      library to compute the decomposition
+   2. ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR`` uses the sparse QR factorization algorithm
+      in ``Eigen`` to compute the decomposition
        .. math::
           QR &= J\\
           \left(J^\top J\right)^{-1} &= \left(R^\top R\right)^{-1}
-      It is a moderately fast algorithm for sparse matrices, which at
-      the price of more time and memory than the ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY``
-      algorithm is numerically better behaved and is rank revealing,
-      i.e., it can reliably detect when the Jacobian matrix is rank
-      deficient.
+      It is a moderately fast algorithm for sparse matrices.
-   Neither ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY`` or ``SPARSE_QR`` are capable of computing
-   the covariance if the Jacobian is rank deficient.
+   3. ``SUITE_SPARSE_QR`` uses the sparse QR factorization algorithm
+      in ``SuiteSparse``. It uses dense linear algebra and is multi
+      threaded, so for large sparse sparse matrices it is
+      significantly faster than ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR``.
+   Neither ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR`` nor ``SUITE_SPARSE_QR`` are capable of
+   computing the covariance if the Jacobian is rank deficient.
 .. member:: int Covariance::Options::min_reciprocal_condition_number
@@ -2360,29 +2337,14 @@
       :math:`\sigma_{\text{max}}` are the minimum and maxiumum
       singular values of :math:`J` respectively.
-       .. math::  \text{cholmod_rcond} < \text{min_reciprocal_conditioner_number}
-      Here cholmod_rcond is a crude estimate of the reciprocal
-      condition number of :math:`J^\top J` by using the maximum and
-      minimum diagonal entries of the Cholesky factor :math:`R`. There
-      are no theoretical guarantees associated with this test. It can
-      give false positives and negatives. Use at your own risk. The
-      default value of ``min_reciprocal_condition_number`` has been
-      set to a conservative value, and sometimes the
-      :func:`Covariance::Compute` may return false even if it is
-      possible to estimate the covariance reliably. In such cases, the
-      user should exercise their judgement before lowering the value
-      of ``min_reciprocal_condition_number``.
-    3. ``SPARSE_QR``
        .. math:: \operatorname{rank}(J) < \operatorname{num\_col}(J)
        Here :\math:`\operatorname{rank}(J)` is the estimate of the
-       rank of `J` returned by the ``SuiteSparseQR`` algorithm. It is
-       a fairly reliable indication of rank deficiency.
+       rank of `J` returned by the sparse QR factorization
+       algorithm. It is a fairly reliable indication of rank
+       deficiency.
 .. member:: int Covariance::Options::null_space_rank
@@ -2417,8 +2379,8 @@
     .. math::  \frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_{\textrm{max}}} < \textrm{min_reciprocal_condition_number}
-    This option has no effect on ``SPARSE_QR`` and ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY``
-      algorithms.
+    This option has no effect on ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR`` and
 .. member:: bool Covariance::Options::apply_loss_function
diff --git a/docs/source/version_history.rst b/docs/source/version_history.rst
index 1dcc002..a52ab30 100644
--- a/docs/source/version_history.rst
+++ b/docs/source/version_history.rst
@@ -10,12 +10,23 @@
 #. Added ``Solver::Options::IsValid`` which allows users to validate
    their solver configuration before calling ``Solve``.
+#. Added ``EIGEN_SPARSE_QR`` algorithm for covariance estimation using
+   ``Eigen``'s sparse QR factorization. (Michael Vitus)
 Backward Incompatible API Changes
 #. ``Solver::Options::solver_log`` has been removed. If needed this
    iteration callback can easily be implemented in user code.
+#. The ``SPARSE_CHOLESKY`` algorithm for covariance estimation has
+   been removed. It is not rank revealing and numerically poorly
+   behaved. Sparse QR factorization is a much better way to do this.
+#. The ``SPARSE_QR`` algorithm for covariance estimation has been
+   renamed to ``SUITE_SPARSE_QR`` to be consistent with
diff --git a/include/ceres/covariance.h b/include/ceres/covariance.h
index 245381a..35fde4d 100644
--- a/include/ceres/covariance.h
+++ b/include/ceres/covariance.h
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@
   struct CERES_EXPORT Options {
-        : algorithm_type(SPARSE_QR),
+        : algorithm_type(SUITE_SPARSE_QR),
-        : algorithm_type(DENSE_SVD),
+        : algorithm_type(EIGEN_SPARSE_QR),
@@ -229,47 +229,22 @@
     //    for small to moderate sized problems. It can handle
     //    full-rank as well as rank deficient Jacobians.
-    // 2. SPARSE_CHOLESKY uses the CHOLMOD sparse Cholesky
-    //    factorization library to compute the decomposition :
-    //
-    //      R'R = J'J
-    //
-    //    and then
-    //
-    //      [J'J]^-1  = [R'R]^-1
-    //
-    //    It a fast algorithm for sparse matrices that should be used
-    //    when the Jacobian matrix J is well conditioned. For
-    //    ill-conditioned matrices, this algorithm can fail
-    //    unpredictabily. This is because Cholesky factorization is
-    //    not a rank-revealing factorization, i.e., it cannot reliably
-    //    detect when the matrix being factorized is not of full
-    //    rank. SuiteSparse/CHOLMOD supplies a heuristic for checking
-    //    if the matrix is rank deficient (cholmod_rcond), but it is
-    //    only a heuristic and can have both false positive and false
-    //    negatives.
-    //
-    //    Recent versions of SuiteSparse (>= 4.2.0) provide a much
-    //    more efficient method for solving for rows of the covariance
-    //    matrix. Therefore, if you are doing SPARSE_CHOLESKY, we
-    //    strongly recommend using a recent version of SuiteSparse.
-    //
-    // 3. SPARSE_QR uses the SuiteSparseQR sparse QR factorization
-    //    library to compute the decomposition
+    // 2. EIGEN_SPARSE_QR uses the sparse QR factorization algorithm
+    //    in Eigen to compute the decomposition
     //      Q * R = J
     //    [J'J]^-1 = [R*R']^-1
-    //    It is a moderately fast algorithm for sparse matrices, which
-    //    at the price of more time and memory than the
-    //    SPARSE_CHOLESKY algorithm is numerically better behaved and
-    //    is rank revealing, i.e., it can reliably detect when the
-    //    Jacobian matrix is rank deficient.
+    //    It is a moderately fast algorithm for sparse matrices.
-    // Neither SPARSE_CHOLESKY or SPARSE_QR are capable of computing
-    // the covariance if the Jacobian is rank deficient.
+    // 3. SUITE_SPARSE_QR uses the SuiteSparseQR sparse QR
+    //    factorization algorithm. It uses dense linear algebra and is
+    //    multi threaded, so for large sparse sparse matrices it is
+    //    significantly faster than EIGEN_SPARSE_QR.
+    //
+    // Neither EIGEN_SPARSE_QR not SUITE_SPARSE_QR are capable of
+    // computing the covariance if the Jacobian is rank deficient.
     CovarianceAlgorithmType algorithm_type;
     // If the Jacobian matrix is near singular, then inverting J'J
@@ -295,29 +270,13 @@
     //    where min_sigma and max_sigma are the minimum and maxiumum
     //    singular values of J respectively.
-    //
-    //      cholmod_rcond < min_reciprocal_conditioner_number
-    //
-    //    Here cholmod_rcond is a crude estimate of the reciprocal
-    //    condition number of J'J by using the maximum and minimum
-    //    diagonal entries of the Cholesky factor R. There are no
-    //    theoretical guarantees associated with this test. It can
-    //    give false positives and negatives. Use at your own
-    //    risk. The default value of min_reciprocal_condition_number
-    //    has been set to a conservative value, and sometimes the
-    //    Covariance::Compute may return false even if it is possible
-    //    to estimate the covariance reliably. In such cases, the user
-    //    should exercise their judgement before lowering the value of
-    //    min_reciprocal_condition_number.
-    //
-    // 3. SPARSE_QR
     //      rank(J) < num_col(J)
     //   Here rank(J) is the estimate of the rank of J returned by the
-    //   SuiteSparseQR algorithm. It is a fairly reliable indication
-    //   of rank deficiency.
+    //   sparse QR factorization algorithm. It is a fairly reliable
+    //   indication of rank deficiency.
     double min_reciprocal_condition_number;
@@ -352,8 +311,8 @@
     //   lambda_i / lambda_max < min_reciprocal_condition_number.
-    // This option has no effect on the SPARSE_CHOLESKY or SPARSE_QR
-    // algorithms.
+    // This option has no effect on the SUITE_SPARSE_QR and
+    // EIGEN_SPARSE_QR algorithms.
     int null_space_rank;
     int num_threads;
diff --git a/include/ceres/types.h b/include/ceres/types.h
index ba31236..5fccd03 100644
--- a/include/ceres/types.h
+++ b/include/ceres/types.h
@@ -399,8 +399,7 @@
 enum CovarianceAlgorithmType {
diff --git a/internal/ceres/ b/internal/ceres/
index 437a03d..0fe481d 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/
+++ b/internal/ceres/
@@ -55,40 +55,6 @@
 namespace ceres {
 namespace internal {
-namespace {
-// Per thread storage for SuiteSparse.
-struct PerThreadContext {
-  explicit PerThreadContext(int num_rows)
-      : solution(NULL),
-        solution_set(NULL),
-        y_workspace(NULL),
-        e_workspace(NULL),
-        rhs(NULL) {
-    rhs = ss.CreateDenseVector(NULL, num_rows, num_rows);
-  }
-  ~PerThreadContext() {
-    ss.Free(solution);
-    ss.Free(solution_set);
-    ss.Free(y_workspace);
-    ss.Free(e_workspace);
-    ss.Free(rhs);
-  }
-  cholmod_dense* solution;
-  cholmod_sparse* solution_set;
-  cholmod_dense* y_workspace;
-  cholmod_dense* e_workspace;
-  cholmod_dense* rhs;
-  SuiteSparse ss;
-}  // namespace
 typedef vector<pair<const double*, const double*> > CovarianceBlocks;
@@ -398,10 +364,12 @@
     case DENSE_SVD:
       return ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingDenseSVD();
-      return ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseCholesky();
-    case SPARSE_QR:
-      return ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseQR();
+    case SUITE_SPARSE_QR:
+      return ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSuiteSparseQR();
+      LOG(ERROR) << "SuiteSparse is required to use the "
+                 << "SUITE_SPARSE_QR algorithm.";
+      return false;
     case EIGEN_SPARSE_QR:
       return ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingEigenSparseQR();
@@ -413,197 +381,7 @@
   return false;
-bool CovarianceImpl::ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseCholesky() {
-  EventLogger event_logger(
-      "CovarianceImpl::ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseCholesky");
-  if (covariance_matrix_.get() == NULL) {
-    // Nothing to do, all zeros covariance matrix.
-    return true;
-  }
-  SuiteSparse ss;
-  CRSMatrix jacobian;
-  problem_->Evaluate(evaluate_options_, NULL, NULL, NULL, &jacobian);
-  event_logger.AddEvent("Evaluate");
-  // m is a transposed view of the Jacobian.
-  cholmod_sparse cholmod_jacobian_view;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.nrow = jacobian.num_cols;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.ncol = jacobian.num_rows;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.nzmax = jacobian.values.size();
- = NULL;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.p = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&jacobian.rows[0]);
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.i = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&jacobian.cols[0]);
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.x = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&jacobian.values[0]);
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.z = NULL;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.stype = 0;  // Matrix is not symmetric.
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.itype = CHOLMOD_INT;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.xtype = CHOLMOD_REAL;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.dtype = CHOLMOD_DOUBLE;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.sorted = 1;
-  cholmod_jacobian_view.packed = 1;
-  string message;
-  cholmod_factor* factor = ss.AnalyzeCholesky(&cholmod_jacobian_view, &message);
-  event_logger.AddEvent("Symbolic Factorization");
-  if (factor == NULL) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Covariance estimation failed. "
-               << "CHOLMOD symbolic cholesky factorization returned with: "
-               << message;
-    return false;
-  }
-  LinearSolverTerminationType termination_type =
-      ss.Cholesky(&cholmod_jacobian_view, factor, &message);
-  event_logger.AddEvent("Numeric Factorization");
-  if (termination_type != LINEAR_SOLVER_SUCCESS) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Covariance estimation failed. "
-               << "CHOLMOD numeric cholesky factorization returned with: "
-               << message;
-    ss.Free(factor);
-    return false;
-  }
-  const double reciprocal_condition_number =
-      cholmod_rcond(factor, ss.mutable_cc());
-  if (reciprocal_condition_number <
-      options_.min_reciprocal_condition_number) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Cholesky factorization of J'J is not reliable. "
-               << "Reciprocal condition number: "
-               << reciprocal_condition_number << " "
-               << "min_reciprocal_condition_number: "
-               << options_.min_reciprocal_condition_number;
-    ss.Free(factor);
-    return false;
-  }
-  const int num_rows = covariance_matrix_->num_rows();
-  const int* rows = covariance_matrix_->rows();
-  const int* cols = covariance_matrix_->cols();
-  double* values = covariance_matrix_->mutable_values();
-  // The following loop exploits the fact that the i^th column of A^{-1}
-  // is given by the solution to the linear system
-  //
-  //  A x = e_i
-  //
-  // where e_i is a vector with e(i) = 1 and all other entries zero.
-  //
-  // Since the covariance matrix is symmetric, the i^th row and column
-  // are equal.
-  //
-  // The ifdef separates two different version of SuiteSparse. Newer
-  // versions of SuiteSparse have the cholmod_solve2 function which
-  // re-uses memory across calls.
-  cholmod_dense* rhs = ss.CreateDenseVector(NULL, num_rows, num_rows);
-  double* rhs_x = reinterpret_cast<double*>(rhs->x);
-  for (int r = 0; r < num_rows; ++r) {
-    int row_begin = rows[r];
-    int row_end = rows[r + 1];
-    if (row_end == row_begin) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    rhs_x[r] = 1.0;
-    cholmod_dense* solution = ss.Solve(factor, rhs, &message);
-    double* solution_x = reinterpret_cast<double*>(solution->x);
-    for (int idx = row_begin; idx < row_end; ++idx) {
-      const int c = cols[idx];
-      values[idx] = solution_x[c];
-    }
-    ss.Free(solution);
-    rhs_x[r] = 0.0;
-  }
-  ss.Free(rhs);
-#else  // SUITESPARSE_VERSION < 4002
-  const int num_threads = options_.num_threads;
-  vector<PerThreadContext*> contexts(num_threads);
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-    contexts[i] = new PerThreadContext(num_rows);
-  }
-  // The first call to cholmod_solve2 is not thread safe, since it
-  // changes the factorization from supernodal to simplicial etc.
-  {
-    PerThreadContext* context = contexts[0];
-    double* context_rhs_x =  reinterpret_cast<double*>(context->rhs->x);
-    context_rhs_x[0] = 1.0;
-    cholmod_solve2(CHOLMOD_A,
-                   factor,
-                   context->rhs,
-                   NULL,
-                   &context->solution,
-                   &context->solution_set,
-                   &context->y_workspace,
-                   &context->e_workspace,
-                   context->ss.mutable_cc());
-    context_rhs_x[0] = 0.0;
-  }
-#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(num_threads) schedule(dynamic)
-  for (int r = 0; r < num_rows; ++r) {
-    int row_begin = rows[r];
-    int row_end = rows[r + 1];
-    if (row_end == row_begin) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    int thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
-#  else
-    int thread_id = 0;
-#  endif
-    PerThreadContext* context = contexts[thread_id];
-    double* context_rhs_x =  reinterpret_cast<double*>(context->rhs->x);
-    context_rhs_x[r] = 1.0;
-    // TODO(sameeragarwal) There should be a more efficient way
-    // involving the use of Bset but I am unable to make it work right
-    // now.
-    cholmod_solve2(CHOLMOD_A,
-                   factor,
-                   context->rhs,
-                   NULL,
-                   &context->solution,
-                   &context->solution_set,
-                   &context->y_workspace,
-                   &context->e_workspace,
-                   context->ss.mutable_cc());
-    double* solution_x = reinterpret_cast<double*>(context->solution->x);
-    for (int idx = row_begin; idx < row_end; ++idx) {
-      const int c = cols[idx];
-      values[idx] = solution_x[c];
-    }
-    context_rhs_x[r] = 0.0;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-    delete contexts[i];
-  }
-#endif  // SUITESPARSE_VERSION < 4002
-  ss.Free(factor);
-  event_logger.AddEvent("Inversion");
-  return true;
-  return false;
-bool CovarianceImpl::ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseQR() {
+bool CovarianceImpl::ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSuiteSparseQR() {
   EventLogger event_logger(
diff --git a/internal/ceres/covariance_impl.h b/internal/ceres/covariance_impl.h
index ff640b9..135f4a1 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/covariance_impl.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/covariance_impl.h
@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@
       ProblemImpl* problem);
   bool ComputeCovarianceValues();
-  bool ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseCholesky();
-  bool ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSparseQR();
   bool ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingDenseSVD();
+  bool ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingSuiteSparseQR();
   bool ComputeCovarianceValuesUsingEigenSparseQR();
   const CompressedRowSparseMatrix* covariance_matrix() const {
diff --git a/internal/ceres/ b/internal/ceres/
index 6de3fec..6c506b7 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/
+++ b/internal/ceres/
@@ -400,10 +400,7 @@
   Covariance::Options options;
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_CHOLESKY;
-  ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_QR;
+  options.algorithm_type = SUITE_SPARSE_QR;
   ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
@@ -451,10 +448,7 @@
   options.num_threads = 4;
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_CHOLESKY;
-  ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_QR;
+  options.algorithm_type = SUITE_SPARSE_QR;
   ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
@@ -503,10 +497,7 @@
   Covariance::Options options;
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_CHOLESKY;
-  ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_QR;
+  options.algorithm_type = SUITE_SPARSE_QR;
   ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
@@ -562,10 +553,7 @@
   Covariance::Options options;
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_CHOLESKY;
-  ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
-  options.algorithm_type = SPARSE_QR;
+  options.algorithm_type = SUITE_SPARSE_QR;
   ComputeAndCompareCovarianceBlocks(options, expected_covariance);
@@ -793,8 +781,7 @@
 #if !defined(CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) && defined(CERES_USE_OPENMP)
 TEST_F(LargeScaleCovarianceTest, Parallel) {
-  ComputeAndCompare(SPARSE_CHOLESKY, 4);
-  ComputeAndCompare(SPARSE_QR, 4);
+  ComputeAndCompare(SUITE_SPARSE_QR, 4);
 #endif  // !defined(CERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) && defined(CERES_USE_OPENMP)
diff --git a/internal/ceres/ b/internal/ceres/
index 8eaadc3..adf1090 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/
+++ b/internal/ceres/
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@
     CovarianceAlgorithmType type) {
   switch (type) {
       return "UNKNOWN";
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@
     CovarianceAlgorithmType* type) {
   return false;