Refactor SolverImpl.

Replace SolverImpl with

 a. A minimizer specific preprocessor class.
 b. A generic Solve function inside
 c. Presummarize and Postsummarize functions to handle
    updates to the summary object.

The existing SolverImpl class was a mixture of the above three
things and was increasingly complicated code to follow. This change,
breaks it into its three separate constituents, with the aims of
better separation of concerns and thus better testability and

The call to Solver::Solve() now consists of

1. Presummarize - summarize the given state of the problem and solver
2. Preprocess - Setup everything that is needed to call the minimizer.
   This includes, removing redundant parameter and residual blocks,
   setting up the reordering for the linear solver, creating the
   linear solver, evaluator, inner iteration minimizer etc.
3. Minimize.
4. Post summarize - summarize the result of the preprocessing and the

Change-Id: I80f35cfc9f2cbf78f1df4aceace27075779d8a3a
12 files changed