Expand reporting of timing information.

1. Add an ExecutionSummary object to record execution
   information about Ceres objects.
2. Add an EventLogger object to log events in a function call.
3. Add a ScopedExecutionTimer object to log times in ExecutionSummary.
4. Instrument ProgramEvaluator and all the linear solvers
   to report their timing statistics.
5. Connect the timing statistics to Summary::FullReport.
6. Add high precision timer on unix systems using
   gettimeofday() call.
7. Various minor clean ups all around.

Change-Id: I5e09804b730b09535484124be7dbc1c58eccd1d4
diff --git a/internal/ceres/linear_solver.h b/internal/ceres/linear_solver.h
index 29959d3..219939e 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/linear_solver.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/linear_solver.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 #include "ceres/compressed_row_sparse_matrix.h"
 #include "ceres/dense_sparse_matrix.h"
 #include "ceres/execution_summary.h"
+#include "ceres/execution_summary.h"
 #include "ceres/triplet_sparse_matrix.h"
 #include "ceres/types.h"
@@ -256,6 +257,18 @@
                         const PerSolveOptions& per_solve_options,
                         double* x) = 0;
+  // The following two methods return copies instead of references so
+  // that the base class implementation does not have to worry about
+  // life time issues. Further, these calls are not expected to be
+  // frequent or performance sensitive.
+  virtual map<string, int> CallStatistics() const {
+    return map<string, int>();
+  }
+  virtual map<string, double> TimeStatistics() const {
+    return map<string, double>();
+  }
   // Factory
   static LinearSolver* Create(const Options& options);
@@ -276,18 +289,29 @@
       const double* b,
       const LinearSolver::PerSolveOptions& per_solve_options,
       double* x) {
+    ScopedExecutionTimer total_time("LinearSolver::Solve", &execution_summary_);
     return SolveImpl(down_cast<MatrixType*>(A), b, per_solve_options, x);
+  virtual map<string, int> CallStatistics() const {
+    return execution_summary_.calls();
+  }
+  virtual map<string, double> TimeStatistics() const {
+    return execution_summary_.times();
+  }
   virtual LinearSolver::Summary SolveImpl(
       MatrixType* A,
       const double* b,
       const LinearSolver::PerSolveOptions& per_solve_options,
       double* x) = 0;
+  ExecutionSummary execution_summary_;
 // Linear solvers that depend on acccess to the low level structure of