Autodiff local parameterization class
This class is used to create local parameterization
with Jacobians computed via automatic differentiation.
To get an auto differentiated local parameterization,
class with a templated operator() (a functor) that
plus_delta = Plus(x, delta);
shall be defined.
Then given such functor, the auto differentiated local
parameterization can be constructed as
LocalParameterization* local_parameterization =
new AutoDiffLocalParameterization<PlusFunctor, 4, 3>;
| |
Global Size ---------------+ |
Local Size -------------------+
See autodiff_local_parameterization.h for more information
and usage example.
Initial implementation by Keir Mierle, finished by self
and integrated into Ceres and covered with unit tests
by Sameer Agarwal.
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4 files changed