Speed up Problem construction and destruction.
Change-Id: I3147b0b60eedf40f8453d5a39ff04a572c445a2f
diff --git a/include/ceres/problem.h b/include/ceres/problem.h
index 201cc7f..a8645c6 100644
--- a/include/ceres/problem.h
+++ b/include/ceres/problem.h
@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@
: cost_function_ownership(TAKE_OWNERSHIP),
- local_parameterization_ownership(TAKE_OWNERSHIP) {}
+ local_parameterization_ownership(TAKE_OWNERSHIP),
+ disable_all_safety_checks(false) {}
// These flags control whether the Problem object owns the cost
// functions, loss functions, and parameterizations passed into
@@ -134,6 +135,18 @@
Ownership cost_function_ownership;
Ownership loss_function_ownership;
Ownership local_parameterization_ownership;
+ // By default, Ceres performs a variety of safety checks when
+ // constructing the problem. There is a small but measurable
+ // performance penalty to these checks ~5%. If you are sure of
+ // your problem construction, and 5% of the problem construction
+ // time is truly an overhead you want to avoid, then you can set
+ // disable_all_safety_checks to true.
+ //
+ // Do not set this to true, unless you are absolutely sure of what
+ // you are doing.
+ bool disable_all_safety_checks;
// The default constructor is equivalent to the
diff --git a/internal/ceres/problem_impl.cc b/internal/ceres/problem_impl.cc
index f061e33..e9d23ec 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/problem_impl.cc
+++ b/internal/ceres/problem_impl.cc
@@ -73,51 +73,54 @@
<< "size " << new_block_size << ".";
-static ParameterBlock* InternalAddParameterBlock(
- double* values,
- int size,
- ParameterMap* parameter_map,
- vector<ParameterBlock*>* parameter_blocks) {
- CHECK(values) << "Null pointer passed to AddParameterBlock for a parameter "
- << "with size " << size;
+ParameterBlock* ProblemImpl::InternalAddParameterBlock(double* values,
+ int size) {
+ CHECK(values != NULL) << "Null pointer passed to AddParameterBlock "
+ << "for a parameter with size " << size;
// Ignore the request if there is a block for the given pointer already.
- ParameterMap::iterator it = parameter_map->find(values);
- if (it != parameter_map->end()) {
- int existing_size = it->second->Size();
- CHECK(size == existing_size)
- << "Tried adding a parameter block with the same double pointer, "
- << values << ", twice, but with different block sizes. Original "
- << "size was " << existing_size << " but new size is "
- << size;
+ ParameterMap::iterator it = parameter_block_map_.find(values);
+ if (it != parameter_block_map_.end()) {
+ if (!options_.disable_all_safety_checks) {
+ int existing_size = it->second->Size();
+ CHECK(size == existing_size)
+ << "Tried adding a parameter block with the same double pointer, "
+ << values << ", twice, but with different block sizes. Original "
+ << "size was " << existing_size << " but new size is "
+ << size;
+ }
return it->second;
- // Before adding the parameter block, also check that it doesn't alias any
- // other parameter blocks.
- if (!parameter_map->empty()) {
- ParameterMap::iterator lb = parameter_map->lower_bound(values);
- // If lb is not the first block, check the previous block for aliasing.
- if (lb != parameter_map->begin()) {
- ParameterMap::iterator previous = lb;
- --previous;
- CheckForNoAliasing(previous->first,
- previous->second->Size(),
- values,
- size);
- }
+ if (!options_.disable_all_safety_checks) {
+ // Before adding the parameter block, also check that it doesn't alias any
+ // other parameter blocks.
+ if (!parameter_block_map_.empty()) {
+ ParameterMap::iterator lb = parameter_block_map_.lower_bound(values);
- // If lb is not off the end, check lb for aliasing.
- if (lb != parameter_map->end()) {
- CheckForNoAliasing(lb->first,
- lb->second->Size(),
- values,
- size);
+ // If lb is not the first block, check the previous block for aliasing.
+ if (lb != parameter_block_map_.begin()) {
+ ParameterMap::iterator previous = lb;
+ --previous;
+ CheckForNoAliasing(previous->first,
+ previous->second->Size(),
+ values,
+ size);
+ }
+ // If lb is not off the end, check lb for aliasing.
+ if (lb != parameter_block_map_.end()) {
+ CheckForNoAliasing(lb->first,
+ lb->second->Size(),
+ values,
+ size);
+ }
ParameterBlock* new_parameter_block = new ParameterBlock(values, size);
- (*parameter_map)[values] = new_parameter_block;
- parameter_blocks->push_back(new_parameter_block);
+ parameter_block_map_[values] = new_parameter_block;
+ program_->parameter_blocks_.push_back(new_parameter_block);
return new_parameter_block;
@@ -128,8 +131,14 @@
ProblemImpl::~ProblemImpl() {
// Collect the unique cost/loss functions and delete the residuals.
- set<CostFunction*> cost_functions;
- set<LossFunction*> loss_functions;
+ const int num_residual_blocks = program_->residual_blocks_.size();
+ vector<CostFunction*> cost_functions;
+ cost_functions.reserve(num_residual_blocks);
+ vector<LossFunction*> loss_functions;
+ loss_functions.reserve(num_residual_blocks);
for (int i = 0; i < program_->residual_blocks_.size(); ++i) {
ResidualBlock* residual_block = program_->residual_blocks_[i];
@@ -137,11 +146,11 @@
// pointers as const pointers but we have ownership of them and
// have the right to destroy them when the destructor is called.
if (options_.cost_function_ownership == TAKE_OWNERSHIP) {
- cost_functions.insert(
+ cost_functions.push_back(
if (options_.loss_function_ownership == TAKE_OWNERSHIP) {
- loss_functions.insert(
+ loss_functions.push_back(
@@ -149,24 +158,25 @@
// Collect the unique parameterizations and delete the parameters.
- set<LocalParameterization*> local_parameterizations;
+ vector<LocalParameterization*> local_parameterizations;
for (int i = 0; i < program_->parameter_blocks_.size(); ++i) {
ParameterBlock* parameter_block = program_->parameter_blocks_[i];
if (options_.local_parameterization_ownership == TAKE_OWNERSHIP) {
- local_parameterizations.insert(parameter_block->local_parameterization_);
+ local_parameterizations.push_back(
+ parameter_block->local_parameterization_);
delete parameter_block;
// Delete the owned cost/loss functions and parameterizations.
- STLDeleteContainerPointers(local_parameterizations.begin(),
- local_parameterizations.end());
- STLDeleteContainerPointers(cost_functions.begin(),
- cost_functions.end());
- STLDeleteContainerPointers(loss_functions.begin(),
- loss_functions.end());
+ STLDeleteUniqueContainerPointers(local_parameterizations.begin(),
+ local_parameterizations.end());
+ STLDeleteUniqueContainerPointers(cost_functions.begin(),
+ cost_functions.end());
+ STLDeleteUniqueContainerPointers(loss_functions.begin(),
+ loss_functions.end());
const ResidualBlock* ProblemImpl::AddResidualBlock(
@@ -180,25 +190,28 @@
// Check the sizes match.
const vector<int16>& parameter_block_sizes =
- CHECK_EQ(parameter_block_sizes.size(), parameter_blocks.size())
- << "Number of blocks input is different than the number of blocks "
- << "that the cost function expects.";
- // Check for duplicate parameter blocks.
- vector<double*> sorted_parameter_blocks(parameter_blocks);
- sort(sorted_parameter_blocks.begin(), sorted_parameter_blocks.end());
- vector<double*>::const_iterator duplicate_items =
- unique(sorted_parameter_blocks.begin(),
- sorted_parameter_blocks.end());
- if (duplicate_items != sorted_parameter_blocks.end()) {
- string blocks;
- for (int i = 0; i < parameter_blocks.size(); ++i) {
- blocks += internal::StringPrintf(" %p ", parameter_blocks[i]);
+ if (!options_.disable_all_safety_checks) {
+ CHECK_EQ(parameter_block_sizes.size(), parameter_blocks.size())
+ << "Number of blocks input is different than the number of blocks "
+ << "that the cost function expects.";
+ // Check for duplicate parameter blocks.
+ vector<double*> sorted_parameter_blocks(parameter_blocks);
+ sort(sorted_parameter_blocks.begin(), sorted_parameter_blocks.end());
+ vector<double*>::const_iterator duplicate_items =
+ unique(sorted_parameter_blocks.begin(),
+ sorted_parameter_blocks.end());
+ if (duplicate_items != sorted_parameter_blocks.end()) {
+ string blocks;
+ for (int i = 0; i < parameter_blocks.size(); ++i) {
+ blocks += internal::StringPrintf(" %p ", parameter_blocks[i]);
+ }
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Duplicate parameter blocks in a residual parameter "
+ << "are not allowed. Parameter block pointers: ["
+ << blocks << "]";
- LOG(FATAL) << "Duplicate parameter blocks in a residual parameter "
- << "are not allowed. Parameter block pointers: ["
- << blocks << "]";
// Add parameter blocks and convert the double*'s to parameter blocks.
@@ -206,20 +219,20 @@
for (int i = 0; i < parameter_blocks.size(); ++i) {
parameter_block_ptrs[i] =
- parameter_block_sizes[i],
- ¶meter_block_map_,
- &program_->parameter_blocks_);
+ parameter_block_sizes[i]);
- // Check that the block sizes match the block sizes expected by the
- // cost_function.
- for (int i = 0; i < parameter_block_ptrs.size(); ++i) {
- CHECK_EQ(cost_function->parameter_block_sizes()[i],
- parameter_block_ptrs[i]->Size())
- << "The cost function expects parameter block " << i
- << " of size " << cost_function->parameter_block_sizes()[i]
- << " but was given a block of size "
- << parameter_block_ptrs[i]->Size();
+ if (!options_.disable_all_safety_checks) {
+ // Check that the block sizes match the block sizes expected by the
+ // cost_function.
+ for (int i = 0; i < parameter_block_ptrs.size(); ++i) {
+ CHECK_EQ(cost_function->parameter_block_sizes()[i],
+ parameter_block_ptrs[i]->Size())
+ << "The cost function expects parameter block " << i
+ << " of size " << cost_function->parameter_block_sizes()[i]
+ << " but was given a block of size "
+ << parameter_block_ptrs[i]->Size();
+ }
ResidualBlock* new_residual_block =
@@ -372,10 +385,7 @@
void ProblemImpl::AddParameterBlock(double* values, int size) {
- InternalAddParameterBlock(values,
- size,
- ¶meter_block_map_,
- &program_->parameter_blocks_);
+ InternalAddParameterBlock(values, size);
void ProblemImpl::AddParameterBlock(
@@ -383,10 +393,7 @@
int size,
LocalParameterization* local_parameterization) {
ParameterBlock* parameter_block =
- InternalAddParameterBlock(values,
- size,
- ¶meter_block_map_,
- &program_->parameter_blocks_);
+ InternalAddParameterBlock(values, size);
if (local_parameterization != NULL) {
diff --git a/internal/ceres/problem_impl.h b/internal/ceres/problem_impl.h
index 2f20d0d..82a1956 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/problem_impl.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/problem_impl.h
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
const ParameterMap& parameter_map() const { return parameter_block_map_; }
+ ParameterBlock* InternalAddParameterBlock(double* values, int size);
const Problem::Options options_;
// The mapping from user pointers to parameter blocks.
diff --git a/internal/ceres/stl_util.h b/internal/ceres/stl_util.h
index a1a19e8..5e92eff 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/stl_util.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/stl_util.h
@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@
+template <class ForwardIterator>
+void STLDeleteUniqueContainerPointers(ForwardIterator begin,
+ ForwardIterator end) {
+ sort(begin, end);
+ ForwardIterator new_end = unique(begin, end);
+ while (begin != new_end) {
+ ForwardIterator temp = begin;
+ ++begin;
+ delete *temp;
+ }
// STLDeleteElements() deletes all the elements in an STL container and clears
// the container. This function is suitable for use with a vector, set,
// hash_set, or any other STL container which defines sensible begin(), end(),