Miscellaneous fixes.
Change-Id: I521e11f2d20bf24960bbc6b5dab4ec8bb1503d23
diff --git a/docs/changes.tex b/docs/changes.tex
index 5e5bf44..cd41fd3 100644
--- a/docs/changes.tex
+++ b/docs/changes.tex
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
TolerantLossFunction} and \texttt{ComposedLossFunction}. (James Roseborough).
\item New \texttt{DENSE\_NORMAL\_CHOLESKY} linear solver, which uses Eigen's
LDLT factorization on the normal equations.
+\item Cached symbolic factorization when using \texttt{CXSparse}.
+ (Petter Strandark)
\item The traditional Dogleg solver now uses an elliptical trust
region (Markus Moll)
\item Support for returning initial and final gradients \& Jacobians.
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
\item Do not link to \texttt{libgomp} when building on
windows. (Petter Strandmark)
-\item Include \texttt{gflags.h} in \texttt{test_utils.cc}. (Petter
+\item Include \texttt{gflags.h} in \texttt{test\_utils.cc}. (Petter
\item Use standard random number generation routines. (Petter Strandmark)
\item \texttt{TrustRegionMinimizer} does not implicitly negate the