Add CostFunctionToFunctor.

CostFunctionToFunctor wraps a CostFunction, and makes it available
as a templated functor that can be called from other templated
functors. This is useful for when one wants to mix automatic,
numeric and analytic differentiated functions.

Also a bug fix in autodiff.h

Change-Id: If8ba281a89fda976ef2ce10a5844a74c4ac7b84a
diff --git a/include/ceres/cost_function_to_functor.h b/include/ceres/cost_function_to_functor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363ba12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ceres/cost_function_to_functor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+// Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer
+// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+//   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+//   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be
+//   used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+//   specific prior written permission.
+// Author: (Sameer Agarwal)
+// CostFunctionToFunctor is an adapter class that allows users to use
+// CostFunction objects in templated functors which are to be used for
+// automatic differentiation.  This allows the user to seamlessly mix
+// analytic, numeric and automatic differentiation.
+// For example, let us assume that
+//  class IntrinsicProjection : public SizedCostFunction<2, 5, 3> {
+//    public:
+//      IntrinsicProjection(const double* observations);
+//      virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+//                            double* residuals,
+//                            double** jacobians) const;
+//  };
+// is a cost function that implements the projection of a point in its
+// local coordinate system onto its image plane and subtracts it from
+// the observed point projection. It can compute its residual and
+// either via analytic or numerical differentiation can compute its
+// jacobians.
+// Now we would like to compose the action of this CostFunction with
+// the action of camera extrinsics, i.e., rotation and
+// translation. Say we have a templated function
+//   template<typename T>
+//   void RotateAndTranslatePoint(const T* rotation,
+//                                const T* translation,
+//                                const T* point,
+//                                T* result);
+// Then we can now do the following,
+// struct CameraProjection {
+//   CameraProjection(double* observation) {
+//     intrinsic_projection_.reset(
+//         new CostFunctionToFunctor<2, 5, 3>(new IntrinsicProjection(observation_)));
+//   }
+//   template <typename T>
+//   bool operator(const T* rotation,
+//                 const T* translation,
+//                 const T* intrinsics,
+//                 const T* point,
+//                 T* residual) const {
+//     T transformed_point[3];
+//     RotateAndTranslatePoint(rotation, translation, point, transformed_point);
+//     // Note that we call intrinsic_projection_, just like it was
+//     // any other templated functor.
+//     return (*intrinsic_projection_)(intrinsics, transformed_point, residual); }
+//  private:
+//   scoped_ptr<CostFunctionToFunctor<2,5,3> > intrinsic_projection_;
+// };
+#include <numeric>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ceres/cost_function.h"
+#include "ceres/internal/fixed_array.h"
+#include "ceres/internal/port.h"
+#include "ceres/internal/scoped_ptr.h"
+namespace ceres {
+template <int kNumResiduals,
+          int N0, int N1 = 0, int N2 = 0, int N3 = 0, int N4 = 0,
+          int N5 = 0, int N6 = 0, int N7 = 0, int N8 = 0, int N9 = 0>
+class CostFunctionToFunctor {
+ public:
+  CostFunctionToFunctor(CostFunction* cost_function)
+  : cost_function_(cost_function) {
+    CHECK_NOTNULL(cost_function);
+    CHECK(kNumResiduals > 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(cost_function->num_residuals(), kNumResiduals);
+    // This block breaks the 80 column rule to keep it somewhat readable.
+    CHECK((!N1 && !N2 && !N3 && !N4 && !N5 && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && !N2 && !N3 && !N4 && !N5 && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && !N3 && !N4 && !N5 && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && !N4 && !N5 && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && !N5 && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && (N5 > 0) && !N6 && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && (N5 > 0) && (N6 > 0) && !N7 && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && (N5 > 0) && (N6 > 0) && (N7 > 0) && !N8 && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && (N5 > 0) && (N6 > 0) && (N7 > 0) && (N8 > 0) && !N9) ||
+          ((N1 > 0) && (N2 > 0) && (N3 > 0) && (N4 > 0) && (N5 > 0) && (N6 > 0) && (N7 > 0) && (N8 > 0) && (N9 > 0)))
+        << "Zero block cannot precede a non-zero block. Block sizes are "
+        << "(ignore trailing 0s): " << N0 << ", " << N1 << ", " << N2 << ", "
+        << N3 << ", " << N4 << ", " << N5 << ", " << N6 << ", " << N7 << ", "
+        << N8 << ", " << N9;
+    const vector<int16>& parameter_block_sizes = cost_function->parameter_block_sizes();
+    const int num_parameter_blocks =
+        (N0 > 0) + (N1 > 0) + (N2 > 0) + (N3 > 0) + (N4 > 0) +
+        (N5 > 0) + (N6 > 0) + (N7 > 0) + (N8 > 0) + (N9 > 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(parameter_block_sizes.size(), num_parameter_blocks);
+    CHECK_EQ(N0, parameter_block_sizes[0]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 1) CHECK_EQ(N1, parameter_block_sizes[1]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 2) CHECK_EQ(N2, parameter_block_sizes[2]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 3) CHECK_EQ(N3, parameter_block_sizes[3]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 4) CHECK_EQ(N4, parameter_block_sizes[4]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 5) CHECK_EQ(N5, parameter_block_sizes[5]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 6) CHECK_EQ(N6, parameter_block_sizes[6]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 7) CHECK_EQ(N7, parameter_block_sizes[7]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 8) CHECK_EQ(N8, parameter_block_sizes[8]);
+    if (parameter_block_sizes.size() > 9) CHECK_EQ(N9, parameter_block_sizes[9]);
+    CHECK_EQ(accumulate(parameter_block_sizes.begin(), parameter_block_sizes.end(), 0),
+             N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N7 + N8 + N9);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0, double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(&x0, residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(2);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(3);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(4);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(5);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  const double* x5,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(6);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    parameter_blocks[5] = x5;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  const double* x5,
+                  const double* x6,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(7);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    parameter_blocks[5] = x5;
+    parameter_blocks[6] = x6;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  const double* x5,
+                  const double* x6,
+                  const double* x7,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(8);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    parameter_blocks[5] = x5;
+    parameter_blocks[6] = x6;
+    parameter_blocks[7] = x7;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  const double* x5,
+                  const double* x6,
+                  const double* x7,
+                  const double* x8,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(9);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    parameter_blocks[5] = x5;
+    parameter_blocks[6] = x6;
+    parameter_blocks[7] = x7;
+    parameter_blocks[8] = x8;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  bool operator()(const double* x0,
+                  const double* x1,
+                  const double* x2,
+                  const double* x3,
+                  const double* x4,
+                  const double* x5,
+                  const double* x6,
+                  const double* x7,
+                  const double* x8,
+                  const double* x9,
+                  double* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const double*> parameter_blocks(10);
+    parameter_blocks[0] = x0;
+    parameter_blocks[1] = x1;
+    parameter_blocks[2] = x2;
+    parameter_blocks[3] = x3;
+    parameter_blocks[4] = x4;
+    parameter_blocks[5] = x5;
+    parameter_blocks[6] = x6;
+    parameter_blocks[7] = x7;
+    parameter_blocks[8] = x8;
+    parameter_blocks[9] = x9;
+    return cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals, NULL);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0, JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    return EvaluateWithJets(&x0, residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(2);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(3);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(4);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(5);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  const JetT* x5,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(6);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    jets[5] = x5;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  const JetT* x5,
+                  const JetT* x6,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(7);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    jets[5] = x5;
+    jets[6] = x6;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  const JetT* x5,
+                  const JetT* x6,
+                  const JetT* x7,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(8);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    jets[5] = x5;
+    jets[6] = x6;
+    jets[7] = x7;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  const JetT* x5,
+                  const JetT* x6,
+                  const JetT* x7,
+                  const JetT* x8,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_EQ(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(9);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    jets[5] = x5;
+    jets[6] = x6;
+    jets[7] = x7;
+    jets[8] = x8;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool operator()(const JetT* x0,
+                  const JetT* x1,
+                  const JetT* x2,
+                  const JetT* x3,
+                  const JetT* x4,
+                  const JetT* x5,
+                  const JetT* x6,
+                  const JetT* x7,
+                  const JetT* x8,
+                  const JetT* x9,
+                  JetT* residuals) const {
+    CHECK_NE(N0, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N1, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N2, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N3, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N4, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N5, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N6, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N7, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N8, 0);
+    CHECK_NE(N9, 0);
+    internal::FixedArray<const JetT*> jets(10);
+    jets[0] = x0;
+    jets[1] = x1;
+    jets[2] = x2;
+    jets[3] = x3;
+    jets[4] = x4;
+    jets[5] = x5;
+    jets[6] = x6;
+    jets[7] = x7;
+    jets[8] = x8;
+    jets[9] = x9;
+    return EvaluateWithJets(jets.get(), residuals);
+  }
+ private:
+  template <typename JetT>
+  bool EvaluateWithJets(const JetT** inputs, JetT* output) const {
+    const int kNumParameters =  N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N7 + N8 + N9;
+    const vector<int16>& parameter_block_sizes = cost_function_->parameter_block_sizes();
+    const int num_parameter_blocks = parameter_block_sizes.size();
+    const int num_residuals = cost_function_->num_residuals();
+    internal::FixedArray<double> parameters(kNumParameters);
+    internal::FixedArray<double*> parameter_blocks(num_parameter_blocks);
+    internal::FixedArray<double> jacobians(num_residuals * kNumParameters);
+    internal::FixedArray<double*> jacobian_blocks(num_parameter_blocks);
+    internal::FixedArray<double> residuals(num_residuals);
+    // Build a set of arrays to get the residuals and jacobians from
+    // the CostFunction wrapped by this functor.
+    double* parameter_ptr = parameters.get();
+    double* jacobian_ptr = jacobians.get();
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_parameter_blocks; ++i) {
+      parameter_blocks[i] = parameter_ptr;
+      jacobian_blocks[i] = jacobian_ptr;
+      for (int j = 0; j < parameter_block_sizes[i]; ++j) {
+        *parameter_ptr++ = inputs[i][j].a;
+      }
+      jacobian_ptr += num_residuals * parameter_block_sizes[i];
+    }
+    if (!cost_function_->Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(),
+                                  residuals.get(),
+                                  jacobian_blocks.get())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Now that we have the incoming Jets, which are carrying the
+    // partial derivatives of each of the inputs w.r.t to some other
+    // underlying parameters. The derivative of the outputs of the
+    // cost function w.r.t to the same underlying parameters can now
+    // be computed by applying the chain rule.
+    //
+    //  d output[i]               d output[i]   d input[j]
+    //  --------------  = sum_j   ----------- * ------------
+    //  d parameter[k]            d input[j]    d parameter[k]
+    //
+    // d input[j]
+    // --------------  = inputs[j], so
+    // d parameter[k]
+    //
+    //  outputJet[i]  = sum_k jacobian[i][k] * inputJet[k]
+    //
+    // The following loop, iterates over the residuals, computing one
+    // output jet at a time.
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_residuals; ++i) {
+      output[i].a = residuals[i];
+      output[i].v.setZero();
+      for (int j = 0; j < num_parameter_blocks; ++j) {
+        const int16 block_size = parameter_block_sizes[j];
+        for (int k = 0; k < parameter_block_sizes[j]; ++k) {
+          output[i].v += jacobian_blocks[j][i * block_size + k] * inputs[j][k].v;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  internal::scoped_ptr<CostFunction> cost_function_;
+}  // namespace ceres
diff --git a/include/ceres/internal/autodiff.h b/include/ceres/internal/autodiff.h
index 3497a90..36e45ac 100644
--- a/include/ceres/internal/autodiff.h
+++ b/include/ceres/internal/autodiff.h
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
         x.get() + jet8,
         x.get() + jet9,
-    JetT* output = x.get() + jet9;
+    JetT* output = x.get() + N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N7 + N8 + N9;
     if (N ## i) { \
diff --git a/internal/ceres/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/ceres/CMakeLists.txt
index 786a3d7..193dd63 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/ceres/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@
+  CERES_TEST(cost_function_to_functor)
diff --git a/internal/ceres/ b/internal/ceres/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee02bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/ceres/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#include "ceres/cost_function_to_functor.h"
+#include "ceres/autodiff_cost_function.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace ceres {
+namespace internal {
+const double kTolerance = 1e-18;
+void ExpectCostFunctionsAreEqual(const CostFunction& cost_function,
+                                 const CostFunction& actual_cost_function) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(cost_function.num_residuals(), actual_cost_function.num_residuals());
+  const int num_residuals = cost_function.num_residuals();
+  const vector<int16>& parameter_block_sizes = cost_function.parameter_block_sizes();
+  const vector<int16>& actual_parameter_block_sizes  = actual_cost_function.parameter_block_sizes();
+  EXPECT_EQ(parameter_block_sizes.size(), actual_parameter_block_sizes.size());
+  int num_parameters = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < parameter_block_sizes.size(); ++i) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(parameter_block_sizes[i], actual_parameter_block_sizes[i]);
+    num_parameters += parameter_block_sizes[i];
+  }
+  scoped_array<double> parameters(new double[num_parameters]);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_parameters; ++i) {
+    parameters[i] = static_cast<double>(i) + 1.0;
+  }
+  scoped_array<double> residuals(new double[num_residuals]);
+  scoped_array<double> jacobians(new double[num_parameters * num_residuals]);
+  scoped_array<double> actual_residuals(new double[num_residuals]);
+  scoped_array<double> actual_jacobians(new double[num_parameters * num_residuals]);
+  scoped_array<double*> parameter_blocks(new double*[parameter_block_sizes.size()]);
+  scoped_array<double*> jacobian_blocks(new double*[parameter_block_sizes.size()]);
+  scoped_array<double*> actual_jacobian_blocks(new double*[parameter_block_sizes.size()]);
+  num_parameters = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < parameter_block_sizes.size(); ++i) {
+    parameter_blocks[i] = parameters.get() + num_parameters;
+    jacobian_blocks[i] = jacobians.get() + num_parameters * num_residuals;
+    actual_jacobian_blocks[i] = actual_jacobians.get() + num_parameters * num_residuals;
+    num_parameters += parameter_block_sizes[i];
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(cost_function.Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), residuals.get(), NULL));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(actual_cost_function.Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(), actual_residuals.get(), NULL));
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_residuals; ++i) {
+    EXPECT_NEAR(residuals[i], actual_residuals[i], kTolerance)
+        << "residual id: " << i;
+  }
+  EXPECT_TRUE(cost_function.Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(),
+                                     residuals.get(),
+                                     jacobian_blocks.get()));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(actual_cost_function.Evaluate(parameter_blocks.get(),
+                                            actual_residuals.get(),
+                                            actual_jacobian_blocks.get()));
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_residuals; ++i) {
+    EXPECT_NEAR(residuals[i], actual_residuals[i], kTolerance)
+        << "residual : " << i;
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_residuals * num_parameters; ++i) {
+    EXPECT_NEAR(jacobians[i], actual_jacobians[i], kTolerance)
+        << "jacobian : " << i << " " << jacobians[i] << " " << actual_jacobians[i];
+  }
+struct OneParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct TwoParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct ThreeParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct FourParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct FiveParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct SixParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, const T* x6,  T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0] + x6[0] * x6[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1] + x6[1] * x6[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct SevenParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, const T* x6, const T* x7, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0] + x6[0] * x6[0] + x7[0] * x7[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1] + x6[1] * x6[1] + x7[1] * x7[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct EightParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, const T* x6, const T* x7, const T* x8,
+                  T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0] + x6[0] * x6[0] + x7[0] * x7[0]
+        + x8[0] * x8[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1] + x6[1] * x6[1] + x7[1] * x7[1]
+        + x8[1] * x8[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct NineParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, const T* x6, const T* x7, const T* x8,
+                  const T* x9, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0] + x6[0] * x6[0] + x7[0] * x7[0]
+        + x8[0] * x8[0] + x9[0] * x9[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1] + x6[1] * x6[1] + x7[1] * x7[1]
+        + x8[1] * x8[1] + x9[1] * x9[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+struct TenParameterBlockFunctor {
+ public:
+  template <typename T>
+  bool operator()(const T* x1, const T* x2, const T* x3, const T* x4,
+                  const T* x5, const T* x6, const T* x7, const T* x8,
+                  const T* x9, const T* x10, T* residuals) const {
+    residuals[0] = x1[0] * x1[0]  + x2[0] * x2[0] + x3[0] * x3[0]
+        + x4[0] * x4[0] + x5[0] * x5[0] + x6[0] * x6[0] + x7[0] * x7[0]
+        + x8[0] * x8[0] + x9[0] * x9[0] + x10[0] * x10[0];
+    residuals[1] = x1[1] * x1[1]  + x2[1] * x2[1] + x3[1] * x3[1]
+        + x4[1] * x4[1] + x5[1] * x5[1] + x6[1] * x6[1] + x7[1] * x7[1]
+        + x8[1] * x8[1] + x9[1] * x9[1] + x10[1] * x10[1];
+    return true;
+  }
+#define TEST_BODY(NAME)                                                 \
+  TEST(CostFunctionToFunctor, NAME){                                    \
+    scoped_ptr<CostFunction> cost_function(                             \
+        new AutoDiffCostFunction<                                       \
+            CostFunctionToFunctor<2, PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES >,           \
+                2, PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES>(new CostFunctionToFunctor<    \
+                    2, PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES >(                         \
+                        new AutoDiffCostFunction<                       \
+                            NAME##Functor, 2, PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES >(  \
+                  new NAME##Functor))));                                \
+                                                                        \
+scoped_ptr<CostFunction> actual_cost_function(                          \
+    new AutoDiffCostFunction<NAME##Functor, 2, PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES >( \
+        new NAME##Functor));                                            \
+ExpectCostFunctionsAreEqual(*cost_function, *actual_cost_function);     \
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+#define PARAMETER_BLOCK_SIZES 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+#undef TEST_BODY
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace ceres