Changes documentation to reflect changes in output format.

Change-Id: Ic0ba234283e791edcad29aec067905dcb2130813
diff --git a/docs/source/building.rst b/docs/source/building.rst
index cf147b0..902b9ea 100644
--- a/docs/source/building.rst
+++ b/docs/source/building.rst
@@ -132,52 +132,54 @@
 .. code-block:: bash
-    0: f: 4.185660e+06 d: 0.00e+00 g: 1.09e+08 h: 0.00e+00 rho: 0.00e+00 mu: 1.00e+04 li:  0 it: 1.16e-01 tt: 3.39e-01
-    1: f: 1.062590e+05 d: 4.08e+06 g: 8.99e+06 h: 5.36e+02 rho: 9.82e-01 mu: 3.00e+04 li:  1 it: 3.90e-01 tt: 7.29e-01
-    2: f: 4.992817e+04 d: 5.63e+04 g: 8.32e+06 h: 3.19e+02 rho: 6.52e-01 mu: 3.09e+04 li:  1 it: 3.52e-01 tt: 1.08e+00
-    3: f: 1.899774e+04 d: 3.09e+04 g: 1.60e+06 h: 1.24e+02 rho: 9.77e-01 mu: 9.26e+04 li:  1 it: 3.60e-01 tt: 1.44e+00
-    4: f: 1.808729e+04 d: 9.10e+02 g: 3.97e+05 h: 6.39e+01 rho: 9.51e-01 mu: 2.78e+05 li:  1 it: 3.62e-01 tt: 1.80e+00
-    5: f: 1.803399e+04 d: 5.33e+01 g: 1.48e+04 h: 1.23e+01 rho: 9.99e-01 mu: 8.33e+05 li:  1 it: 3.54e-01 tt: 2.16e+00
-    6: f: 1.803390e+04 d: 9.02e-02 g: 6.35e+01 h: 8.00e-01 rho: 1.00e+00 mu: 2.50e+06 li:  1 it: 3.59e-01 tt: 2.52e+00
+   0: f: 4.185660e+06 d: 0.00e+00 g: 1.09e+08 h: 0.00e+00 rho: 0.00e+00 mu: 1.00e+04 li:  0 it: 8.73e-02 tt: 2.61e-01
+   1: f: 1.062590e+05 d: 4.08e+06 g: 8.99e+06 h: 5.36e+02 rho: 9.82e-01 mu: 3.00e+04 li:  1 it: 1.85e-01 tt: 4.46e-01
+   2: f: 4.992817e+04 d: 5.63e+04 g: 8.32e+06 h: 3.19e+02 rho: 6.52e-01 mu: 3.09e+04 li:  1 it: 1.74e-01 tt: 6.20e-01
+   3: f: 1.899774e+04 d: 3.09e+04 g: 1.60e+06 h: 1.24e+02 rho: 9.77e-01 mu: 9.26e+04 li:  1 it: 1.74e-01 tt: 7.94e-01
+   4: f: 1.808729e+04 d: 9.10e+02 g: 3.97e+05 h: 6.39e+01 rho: 9.51e-01 mu: 2.78e+05 li:  1 it: 1.73e-01 tt: 9.67e-01
+   5: f: 1.803399e+04 d: 5.33e+01 g: 1.48e+04 h: 1.23e+01 rho: 9.99e-01 mu: 8.33e+05 li:  1 it: 1.75e-01 tt: 1.14e+00
+   6: f: 1.803390e+04 d: 9.02e-02 g: 6.35e+01 h: 8.00e-01 rho: 1.00e+00 mu: 2.50e+06 li:  1 it: 1.75e-01 tt: 1.32e+00
- Ceres Solver Report
- -------------------
-                                      Original                  Reduced
- Parameter blocks                        22122                    22122
- Parameters                              66462                    66462
- Residual blocks                         83718                    83718
- Residual                               167436                   167436
- Trust Region Strategy     LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
+Ceres Solver Report
+                                     Original                  Reduced
+Parameter blocks                        22122                    22122
+Parameters                              66462                    66462
+Residual blocks                         83718                    83718
+Residual                               167436                   167436
-                                         Given                     Used
- Linear solver                     DENSE_SCHUR              DENSE_SCHUR
- Preconditioner                            N/A                      N/A
- Threads:                                    1                        1
- Linear solver threads                       1                        1
- Linear solver ordering              AUTOMATIC                 22106,16
+Minimizer                        TRUST_REGION
- Cost:
- Initial                          4.185660e+06
- Final                            1.803390e+04
- Change                           4.167626e+06
+Dense linear algebra library            EIGEN
+Trust region strategy     LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
- Number of iterations:
- Successful                                  6
- Unsuccessful                                0
- Total                                       6
+                                        Given                     Used
+Linear solver                     DENSE_SCHUR              DENSE_SCHUR
+Threads                                     1                        1
+Linear solver threads                       1                        1
+Linear solver ordering              AUTOMATIC                22106, 16
- Time (in seconds):
- Preprocessor                        2.229e-01
+Initial                          4.185660e+06
+Final                            1.803390e+04
+Change                           4.167626e+06
-   Evaluator::Residuals              7.438e-02
-   Evaluator::Jacobians              6.790e-01
-   Linear Solver                     1.681e+00
- Minimizer                           2.547e+00
+Minimizer iterations                        6
+Successful steps                            6
+Unsuccessful steps                          0
- Postprocessor                       1.920e-02
- Total                               2.823e+00
+Time (in seconds):
+Preprocessor                            0.173
- Termination:               FUNCTION_TOLERANCE
+  Residual evaluation                   0.115
+  Jacobian evaluation                   0.498
+  Linear solver                         0.517
+Minimizer                               1.242
+Postprocessor                           0.003
+Total                                   1.437
+Termination:                      CONVERGENCE (Function tolerance reached. |cost_change|/cost: 1.769750e-09 <= 1.000000e-06)
 .. section-osx: