Change logging for TRUST_REGION.

The current logging for trust region minimizer is very informative
but cryptic. Single or double letter abbreviations must be deciphered
to make sense of it.

Here is an alternate take on it.


   0: f: 4.185660e+06 d: 0.00e+00 g: 2.16e+07 h: 0.00e+00 rho: 0.00e+00 mu: 1.00e+04 li:  0 it: 7.36e-02 tt: 3.47e-01
   1: f: 1.980525e+05 d: 3.99e+06 g: 5.34e+06 h: 2.40e+03 rho: 9.60e-01 mu: 3.00e+04 li:  1 it: 1.80e-01 tt: 5.27e-01
   2: f: 5.086543e+04 d: 1.47e+05 g: 2.11e+06 h: 1.01e+03 rho: 8.22e-01 mu: 4.09e+04 li:  1 it: 1.57e-01 tt: 6.84e-01
   3: f: 1.859667e+04 d: 3.23e+04 g: 2.87e+05 h: 2.64e+02 rho: 9.85e-01 mu: 1.23e+05 li:  1 it: 1.50e-01 tt: 8.34e-01
   4: f: 1.803857e+04 d: 5.58e+02 g: 2.69e+04 h: 8.66e+01 rho: 9.93e-01 mu: 3.69e+05 li:  1 it: 1.47e-01 tt: 9.82e-01
   5: f: 1.803391e+04 d: 4.66e+00 g: 3.11e+02 h: 1.02e+01 rho: 1.00e+00 mu: 1.11e+06 li:  1 it: 1.51e-01 tt: 1.13e+00


iter      cost      cost_change  |gradient|   |step|    tr_ratio  tr_radius  ls_iter  iter_time  total_time
   0  4.185660e+06    0.00e+00    2.16e+07   0.00e+00   0.00e+00  1.00e+04       0    7.16e-02    3.27e-01
   1  1.980525e+05    3.99e+06    5.34e+06   2.40e+03   9.60e-01  3.00e+04       1    1.77e-01    5.04e-01
   2  5.086543e+04    1.47e+05    2.11e+06   1.01e+03   8.22e-01  4.09e+04       1    1.49e-01    6.54e-01
   3  1.859667e+04    3.23e+04    2.87e+05   2.64e+02   9.85e-01  1.23e+05       1    1.45e-01    7.99e-01
   4  1.803857e+04    5.58e+02    2.69e+04   8.66e+01   9.93e-01  3.69e+05       1    1.46e-01    9.45e-01
   5  1.803391e+04    4.66e+00    3.11e+02   1.02e+01   1.00e+00  1.11e+06       1    1.48e-01    1.09e+00

Change-Id: I251f99d474028e07cb709965d513809c443884b6
1 file changed