Use target_compile_features() to specify C++11 requirement if available.

- Use target_compile_features() to specify the C++11 dependency for
  Ceres if the CXX11 option is enabled and the current CMake version
  supports it (>= 3.1).  Otherwise fall back onto our existing
  target_compile_options() solution if available.
- We prefer the use of target_compile_features() if available as it more
  gracefully handles ‘upgrading’ of the C++ standard in client projects
  that depend upon Ceres, e.g. if the client requires C++14.  The
  current solution may fail to produce the expected result in this case
  as raised in

Change-Id: Ib3cff8d4b9fe93fa6d6b376b4dd53923bb1c4ecc
3 files changed
tree: ce2ef19fdaef3effc2fccf7ec77a8374f5913066
  1. cmake/
  2. config/
  3. data/
  4. docs/
  5. examples/
  6. include/
  7. internal/
  8. jni/
  9. scripts/
  10. .gitignore
  11. CMakeLists.txt
  13. package.xml

Ceres Solver

Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems.

  1. Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints.
  2. General unconstrained optimization problems.

Please see for more information.

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Ceres development happens on Gerrit, including both repository hosting and code reviews. The GitHub Repository is a continuously updated mirror which is primarily meant for issue tracking. Please see our Contributing to Ceres Guide for more details.

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