Further encapsulate Ceres's Mutex class.

There are cases where one wishes to link Ceres against another
application or library which uses a mutex implementation with
similar ancestry to the one in Ceres. In those cases there are
problems due to macro interactions which can't be contained with

This further isolates the Ceres Mutex class by adding CERES_
prefix to all the macros and also working around a macro name
clash with MutexLock by renaming the MutexLock class to

Change-Id: I923f4427d5939823ea67d48005a90391736d7751
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 49a1399..628cab7 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
 # Disable threads in mutex.h. Someday, after there is OpenMP support in
 # Android, this can get removed.
 # Use the std namespace for the hash<> and related templates. This may vary by
diff --git a/internal/ceres/block_random_access_matrix.h b/internal/ceres/block_random_access_matrix.h
index f398af3..b76cb78 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/block_random_access_matrix.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/block_random_access_matrix.h
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 //  if (cell != NULL) {
 //     MatrixRef m(cell->values, row_stride, col_stride);
-//     MutexLock l(&cell->m);
+//     CeresMutexLock l(&cell->m);
 //     m.block(row, col, row_block_size, col_block_size) = ...
 //  }
diff --git a/internal/ceres/mutex.h b/internal/ceres/mutex.h
index 6514b10..5090a71 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/mutex.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/mutex.h
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
-#if defined(NO_THREADS)
+#if defined(CERES_NO_THREADS)
   typedef int MutexType;      // to keep a lock-count
 #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN64__)
-# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN  // We only need minimal includes
+# define CERES_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN  // We only need minimal includes
   // We need Windows NT or later for TryEnterCriticalSection().  If you
   // don't need that functionality, you can remove these _WIN32_WINNT
   // lines, and change TryLock() to assert(0) or something.
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
 #   endif
 # endif
 // To avoid macro definition of ERROR.
-# define NOGDI
+# define CERES_NOGDI
 // To avoid macro definition of min/max.
-# define NOMINMAX
 # include <windows.h>
   typedef CRITICAL_SECTION MutexType;
 #elif defined(CERES_HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined(CERES_HAVE_RWLOCK)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   inline void Lock();    // Block if needed until free then acquire exclusively
   inline void Unlock();  // Release a lock acquired via Lock()
   inline bool TryLock(); // If free, Lock() and return true, else return false
   // Note that on systems that don't support read-write locks, these may
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 // Now the implementation of Mutex for various systems
-#if defined(NO_THREADS)
+#if defined(CERES_NO_THREADS)
 // When we don't have threads, we can be either reading or writing,
 // but not both.  We can have lots of readers at once (in no-threads
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 Mutex::~Mutex()            { assert(mutex_ == 0); }
 void Mutex::Lock()         { assert(--mutex_ == -1); }
 void Mutex::Unlock()       { assert(mutex_++ == -1); }
 bool Mutex::TryLock()      { if (mutex_) return false; Lock(); return true; }
 void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { assert(++mutex_ > 0); }
@@ -220,91 +220,101 @@
 #elif defined(CERES_HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined(CERES_HAVE_RWLOCK)
-#define SAFE_PTHREAD(fncall)  do {   /* run fncall if is_safe_ is true */  \
-  if (is_safe_ && fncall(&mutex_) != 0) abort();                           \
+#define CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(fncall) do { /* run fncall if is_safe_ is true */ \
+  if (is_safe_ && fncall(&mutex_) != 0) abort();                             \
 } while (0)
 Mutex::Mutex() {
   if (is_safe_ && pthread_rwlock_init(&mutex_, NULL) != 0) abort();
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_destroy); }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_wrlock); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock); }
+Mutex::~Mutex()            { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_destroy); }
+void Mutex::Lock()         { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_wrlock); }
+void Mutex::Unlock()       { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock); }
 bool Mutex::TryLock()      { return is_safe_ ?
                                     pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&mutex_) == 0 :
                                     true; }
-void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_rdlock); }
-void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock); }
+void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_rdlock); }
+void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock); }
 #elif defined(CERES_HAVE_PTHREAD)
-#define SAFE_PTHREAD(fncall)  do {   /* run fncall if is_safe_ is true */  \
-  if (is_safe_ && fncall(&mutex_) != 0) abort();                           \
+#define CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(fncall) do { /* run fncall if is_safe_ is true */  \
+  if (is_safe_ && fncall(&mutex_) != 0) abort();                              \
 } while (0)
 Mutex::Mutex()             {
   if (is_safe_ && pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, NULL) != 0) abort();
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_destroy); }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_lock); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_unlock); }
+Mutex::~Mutex()            { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_destroy); }
+void Mutex::Lock()         { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_lock); }
+void Mutex::Unlock()       { CERES_SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_mutex_unlock); }
 bool Mutex::TryLock()      { return is_safe_ ?
                                  pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex_) == 0 : true; }
 void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { Lock(); }
 void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { Unlock(); }
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Some helper classes
-// MutexLock(mu) acquires mu when constructed and releases it when destroyed.
-class MutexLock {
+// Note: The weird "Ceres" prefix for the class is a workaround for having two
+// similar mutex.h files included in the same translation unit. This is a
+// problem because macros do not respect C++ namespaces, and as a result, this
+// does not work well (e.g. inside Chrome). The offending macros are
+// "MutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(false)". To work around this, "Ceres" is
+// prefixed to the class names; this permits defining the classes.
+// CeresMutexLock(mu) acquires mu when constructed and releases it when destroyed.
+class CeresMutexLock {
-  explicit MutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->Lock(); }
-  ~MutexLock() { mu_->Unlock(); }
+  explicit CeresMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->Lock(); }
+  ~CeresMutexLock() { mu_->Unlock(); }
   Mutex * const mu_;
   // Disallow "evil" constructors
-  MutexLock(const MutexLock&);
-  void operator=(const MutexLock&);
+  CeresMutexLock(const CeresMutexLock&);
+  void operator=(const CeresMutexLock&);
-// ReaderMutexLock and WriterMutexLock do the same, for rwlocks
-class ReaderMutexLock {
+// CeresReaderMutexLock and CeresWriterMutexLock do the same, for rwlocks
+class CeresReaderMutexLock {
-  explicit ReaderMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->ReaderLock(); }
-  ~ReaderMutexLock() { mu_->ReaderUnlock(); }
+  explicit CeresReaderMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->ReaderLock(); }
+  ~CeresReaderMutexLock() { mu_->ReaderUnlock(); }
   Mutex * const mu_;
   // Disallow "evil" constructors
-  ReaderMutexLock(const ReaderMutexLock&);
-  void operator=(const ReaderMutexLock&);
+  CeresReaderMutexLock(const CeresReaderMutexLock&);
+  void operator=(const CeresReaderMutexLock&);
-class WriterMutexLock {
+class CeresWriterMutexLock {
-  explicit WriterMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->WriterLock(); }
-  ~WriterMutexLock() { mu_->WriterUnlock(); }
+  explicit CeresWriterMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->WriterLock(); }
+  ~CeresWriterMutexLock() { mu_->WriterUnlock(); }
   Mutex * const mu_;
   // Disallow "evil" constructors
-  WriterMutexLock(const WriterMutexLock&);
-  void operator=(const WriterMutexLock&);
+  CeresWriterMutexLock(const CeresWriterMutexLock&);
+  void operator=(const CeresWriterMutexLock&);
 // Catch bug where variable name is omitted, e.g. MutexLock (&mu);
-#define MutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, mutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
-#define ReaderMutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, rmutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
-#define WriterMutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, wmutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
+#define CeresMutexLock(x) \
+    COMPILE_ASSERT(0, ceres_mutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
+#define CeresReaderMutexLock(x) \
+    COMPILE_ASSERT(0, ceres_rmutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
+#define CeresWriterMutexLock(x) \
+    COMPILE_ASSERT(0, ceres_wmutex_lock_decl_missing_var_name)
 }  // namespace internal
 }  // namespace ceres
diff --git a/internal/ceres/schur_eliminator_impl.h b/internal/ceres/schur_eliminator_impl.h
index a388d00..a916de0 100644
--- a/internal/ceres/schur_eliminator_impl.h
+++ b/internal/ceres/schur_eliminator_impl.h
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
         typename EigenTypes<kFBlockSize>::ConstVectorRef
             diag(D + bs->cols[i].position, block_size);
-        MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+        CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
         MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
         m.block(r, c, block_size, block_size).diagonal()
             += diag.array().square().matrix();
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
             row.block.size, block_size);
       const int block = block_id - num_eliminate_blocks_;
-      MutexLock l(rhs_locks_[block]);
+      CeresMutexLock l(rhs_locks_[block]);
       typename EigenTypes<kFBlockSize>::VectorRef
           (rhs + lhs_row_layout_[block], block_size).noalias()
           += b.transpose() * sj;
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
       const typename EigenTypes<kEBlockSize, kFBlockSize>::ConstMatrixRef
           b2(buffer + it2->second, e_block_size, block2_size);
-      MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+      CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
       MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
       // We explicitly construct a block object here instead of using
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
                                        &r, &c,
                                        &row_stride, &col_stride);
     if (cell_info != NULL) {
-      MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+      CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
       MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
       m.block(r, c, block1_size, block1_size)
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
       const int block2_size = bs->cols[row.cells[j].block_id].size;
-      MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+      CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
       MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
       m.block(r, c, block1_size, block2_size).noalias() +=
           b1.transpose() * ConstMatrixRef(row_values + row.cells[j].position,
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
-      MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+      CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
       MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
       Eigen::Block<MatrixRef, kFBlockSize, kFBlockSize>
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
-      MutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
+      CeresMutexLock l(&cell_info->m);
       MatrixRef m(cell_info->values, row_stride, col_stride);
       Eigen::Block<MatrixRef, kFBlockSize, kFBlockSize>
           block(m, r, c,  block1_size, block2_size);