Delete obsolete code

Remove outer product computation code from CompressedRowSparseMatrix.
In the process also remove the crsb_cols and crsb_rows vectors from
the matrix, which were added to carry the block sparsity of the matrix
so that the outer product could be computed fast.

InnerProductComputer and its reliance on BlockSparseMatrix has
rendered all of this code moot.

Change-Id: If3ee0dc8ad4ff79594fd1eebc15a647c4495d726
4 files changed
tree: 7f0b92f08bd8956fb4603f33579af748a2b62f64
  1. cmake/
  2. config/
  3. data/
  4. docs/
  5. examples/
  6. include/
  7. internal/
  8. jni/
  9. scripts/
  10. .gitignore
  11. CMakeLists.txt
  13. package.xml

Ceres Solver

Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems.

  1. Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints.
  2. General unconstrained optimization problems.

Please see for more information.

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