Export ceres_cuda_kernels to project's build tree

This avoids the following CMake error when exporting Ceres build
directory to local CMake package registry:

    export called with target "ceres" which requires target
      "ceres_cuda_kernels" that is not in any export set.

Fixes #966

Change-Id: I5a75191fc414a3f138b19cb9d5850f7330f2d24a
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index cedc787..a6d196d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -814,13 +814,23 @@
+  set (Ceres_EXPORT_TARGETS ceres)
+  if (TARGET ceres_cuda_kernels)
+    # The target ceres depends on ceres_cuda_kernels requiring the latter to be
+    # exported as part of the same export set.
+    list (APPEND Ceres_EXPORT_TARGETS ceres_cuda_kernels)
+  endif (TARGET ceres_cuda_kernels)
   # Analogously to install(EXPORT ...), export the Ceres target from the build
   # directory as a package called Ceres into the local CMake package registry.
-  export(TARGETS ceres
          NAMESPACE Ceres::
          FILE ${Ceres_BINARY_DIR}/CeresTargets.cmake)
+  unset (Ceres_EXPORT_TARGETS)
   # Configure a CeresConfig.cmake file for the export of the Ceres build
   # directory from the template, reflecting the current build options.