Add an article on interfacing with automatic differentiation.

Doing this also necessitated some re-organization of the derivatives
article into chapters and some minor edits.

Change-Id: Ic08e83af138817173caa80a52a9e72707cd57512
diff --git a/docs/source/analytical_derivatives.rst b/docs/source/analytical_derivatives.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd5028
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+++ b/docs/source/analytical_derivatives.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. cpp:namespace:: ceres
+.. _chapter-analytical_derivatives:
+Analytic Derivatives
+Consider the problem of fitting the following curve (`Rat43
+<>`_) to
+.. math::
+  y = \frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
+That is, given some data :math:`\{x_i, y_i\},\ \forall i=1,... ,n`,
+determine parameters :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` that best
+fit this data.
+Which can be stated as the problem of finding the
+values of :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` are the ones that
+minimize the following objective function [#f1]_:
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+   E(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4)
+   &= \sum_i f^2(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4 ; x_i, y_i)\\
+   &= \sum_i \left(\frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x_i})^{1/b_4}} - y_i\right)^2\\
+   \end{align}
+To solve this problem using Ceres Solver, we need to define a
+:class:`CostFunction` that computes the residual :math:`f` for a given
+:math:`x` and :math:`y` and its derivatives with respect to
+:math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4`.
+Using elementary differential calculus, we can see that:
+.. math::
+  \begin{align}
+  D_1 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &= \frac{1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}\\
+  D_2 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
+  \frac{-b_1e^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
+  D_3 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
+  \frac{b_1xe^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
+  D_4 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) & = \frac{b_1  \log\left(1+e^{b_2-b_3x}\right) }{b_4^2(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
+  \end{align}
+With these derivatives in hand, we can now implement the
+:class:`CostFunction` as:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  class Rat43Analytic : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
+     public:
+       Rat43Analytic(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
+       virtual ~Rat43Analytic() {}
+       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+                             double* residuals,
+			     double** jacobians) const {
+	 const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
+	 const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
+	 const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
+	 const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
+	 residuals[0] = b1 *  pow(1 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
+         if (!jacobians) return true;
+	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
+	 if (!jacobian) return true;
+         jacobian[0] = pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4);
+         jacobian[1] = -b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
+                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
+	 jacobian[2] = x_ * b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
+                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
+         jacobian[3] = b1 * log(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_)) *
+                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) / (b4 * b4);
+         return true;
+       }
+      private:
+       const double x_;
+       const double y_;
+   };
+This is tedious code, hard to read and with a lot of
+redundancy. So in practice we will cache some sub-expressions to
+improve its efficiency, which would give us something like:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  class Rat43AnalyticOptimized : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
+     public:
+       Rat43AnalyticOptimized(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
+       virtual ~Rat43AnalyticOptimized() {}
+       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+                             double* residuals,
+			     double** jacobians) const {
+	 const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
+	 const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
+	 const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
+	 const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
+	 const double t1 = exp(b2 -  b3 * x_);
+         const double t2 = 1 + t1;
+	 const double t3 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4);
+	 residuals[0] = b1 * t3 - y_;
+         if (!jacobians) return true;
+	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
+	 if (!jacobian) return true;
+	 const double t4 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4 - 1);
+	 jacobian[0] = t3;
+	 jacobian[1] = -b1 * t1 * t4 / b4;
+	 jacobian[2] = -x_ * jacobian[1];
+	 jacobian[3] = b1 * log(t2) * t3 / (b4 * b4);
+	 return true;
+       }
+     private:
+       const double x_;
+       const double y_;
+   };
+What is the difference in performance of these two implementations?
+==========================   =========
+CostFunction                 Time (ns)
+==========================   =========
+Rat43Analytic                      255
+Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
+==========================   =========
+``Rat43AnalyticOptimized`` is :math:`2.8` times faster than
+``Rat43Analytic``.  This difference in run-time is not uncommon. To
+get the best performance out of analytically computed derivatives, one
+usually needs to optimize the code to account for common
+When should you use analytical derivatives?
+#. The expressions are simple, e.g. mostly linear.
+#. A computer algebra system like `Maple
+   <>`_ , `Mathematica
+   <>`_, or `SymPy
+   <>`_ can be used to symbolically
+   differentiate the objective function and generate the C++ to
+   evaluate them.
+#. Performance is of utmost concern and there is algebraic structure
+   in the terms that you can exploit to get better performance than
+   automatic differentiation.
+   That said, getting the best performance out of analytical
+   derivatives requires a non-trivial amount of work.  Before going
+   down this path, it is useful to measure the amount of time being
+   spent evaluating the Jacobian as a fraction of the total solve time
+   and remember `Amdahl's Law
+   <'s_law>`_ is your friend.
+#. There is no other way to compute the derivatives, e.g. you
+   wish to compute the derivative of the root of a polynomial:
+   .. math::
+     a_3(x,y)z^3 + a_2(x,y)z^2 + a_1(x,y)z + a_0(x,y) = 0
+   with respect to :math:`x` and :math:`y`. This requires the use of
+   the `Inverse Function Theorem
+   <>`_
+#. You love the chain rule and actually enjoy doing all the algebra by
+   hand.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#f1] The notion of best fit depends on the choice of the objective
+	 function used to measure the quality of fit, which in turn
+	 depends on the underlying noise process which generated the
+	 observations. Minimizing the sum of squared differences is
+	 the right thing to do when the noise is `Gaussian
+	 <>`_. In
+	 that case the optimal value of the parameters is the `Maximum
+	 Likelihood Estimate
+	 <>`_.
diff --git a/docs/source/automatic_derivatives.rst b/docs/source/automatic_derivatives.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a10af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/automatic_derivatives.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. cpp:namespace:: ceres
+.. _chapter-automatic_derivatives:
+Automatic Derivatives
+We will now consider automatic differentiation. It is a technique that
+can compute exact derivatives, fast, while requiring about the same
+effort from the user as is needed to use numerical differentiation.
+Don't believe me? Well here goes. The following code fragment
+implements an automatically differentiated ``CostFunction`` for `Rat43
+.. code-block:: c++
+  struct Rat43CostFunctor {
+    Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
+    template <typename T>
+    bool operator()(const T* parameters, T* residuals) const {
+      const T b1 = parameters[0];
+      const T b2 = parameters[1];
+      const T b3 = parameters[2];
+      const T b4 = parameters[3];
+      residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
+      return true;
+    }
+    private:
+      const double x_;
+      const double y_;
+  };
+  CostFunction* cost_function =
+        new AutoDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, 1, 4>(
+	  new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
+Notice that compared to numeric differentiation, the only difference
+when defining the functor for use with automatic differentiation is
+the signature of the ``operator()``.
+In the case of numeric differentition it was
+.. code-block:: c++
+   bool operator()(const double* parameters, double* residuals) const;
+and for automatic differentiation it is a templated function of the
+.. code-block:: c++
+   template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* parameters, T* residuals) const;
+So what does this small change buy us? The following table compares
+the time it takes to evaluate the residual and the Jacobian for
+`Rat43` using various methods.
+==========================   =========
+CostFunction                 Time (ns)
+==========================   =========
+Rat43Analytic                      255
+Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
+Rat43NumericDiffForward            262
+Rat43NumericDiffCentral            517
+Rat43NumericDiffRidders           3760
+Rat43AutomaticDiff                 129
+==========================   =========
+We can get exact derivatives using automatic differentiation
+(``Rat43AutomaticDiff``) with about the same effort that is required
+to write the code for numeric differentiation but only :math:`40\%`
+slower than hand optimized analytical derivatives.
+So how does it work? For this we will have to learn about **Dual
+Numbers** and **Jets** .
+Dual Numbers & Jets
+.. NOTE::
+   Reading this and the next section on implementing Jets is not
+   necessary to use automatic differentiation in Ceres Solver. But
+   knowing the basics of how Jets work is useful when debugging and
+   reasoning about the performance of automatic differentiation.
+Dual numbers are an extension of the real numbers analogous to complex
+numbers: whereas complex numbers augment the reals by introducing an
+imaginary unit :math:`\iota` such that :math:`\iota^2 = -1`, dual
+numbers introduce an *infinitesimal* unit :math:`\epsilon` such that
+:math:`\epsilon^2 = 0` . A dual number :math:`a + v\epsilon` has two
+components, the *real* component :math:`a` and the *infinitesimal*
+component :math:`v`.
+Surprisingly, this simple change leads to a convenient method for
+computing exact derivatives without needing to manipulate complicated
+symbolic expressions.
+For example, consider the function
+.. math::
+   f(x) = x^2 ,
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+   f(10 + \epsilon) &= (10 + \epsilon)^2\\
+            &= 100 + 20 \epsilon + \epsilon^2\\
+            &= 100 + 20 \epsilon
+   \end{align}
+Observe that the coefficient of :math:`\epsilon` is :math:`Df(10) =
+20`. Indeed this generalizes to functions which are not
+polynomial. Consider an arbitrary differentiable function
+:math:`f(x)`. Then we can evaluate :math:`f(x + \epsilon)` by
+considering the Taylor expansion of :math:`f` near :math:`x`, which
+gives us the infinite series
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+   f(x + \epsilon) &= f(x) + Df(x) \epsilon + D^2f(x)
+   \frac{\epsilon^2}{2} + D^3f(x) \frac{\epsilon^3}{6} + \cdots\\
+   f(x + \epsilon) &= f(x) + Df(x) \epsilon
+   \end{align}
+Here we are using the fact that :math:`\epsilon^2 = 0`.
+A `Jet <>`_ is a
+:math:`n`-dimensional dual number, where we augment the real numbers
+with :math:`n` infinitesimal units :math:`\epsilon_i,\ i=1,...,n` with
+the property that :math:`\forall i, j\ :\epsilon_i\epsilon_j = 0`. Then
+a Jet consists of a *real* part :math:`a` and a :math:`n`-dimensional
+*infinitesimal* part :math:`\mathbf{v}`, i.e.,
+.. math::
+   x = a + \sum_j v_{j} \epsilon_j
+The summation notation gets tedious, so we will also just write
+.. math::
+   x = a + \mathbf{v}.
+where the :math:`\epsilon_i`'s are implict. Then, using the same
+Taylor series expansion used above, we can see that:
+.. math::
+  f(a + \mathbf{v}) = f(a) + Df(a) \mathbf{v}.
+Similarly for a multivariate function
+:math:`f:\mathbb{R}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m`, evaluated on
+:math:`x_i = a_i + \mathbf{v}_i,\ \forall i = 1,...,n`:
+.. math::
+   f(x_1,..., x_n) = f(a_1, ..., a_n) + \sum_i D_i f(a_1, ..., a_n) \mathbf{v}_i
+So if each :math:`\mathbf{v}_i = e_i` were the :math:`i^{\text{th}}`
+standard basis vector, then, the above expression would simplify to
+.. math::
+   f(x_1,..., x_n) = f(a_1, ..., a_n) + \sum_i D_i f(a_1, ..., a_n) \epsilon_i
+and we can extract the coordinates of the Jacobian by inspecting the
+coefficients of :math:`\epsilon_i`.
+Implementing Jets
+In order for the above to work in practice, we will need the ability
+to evaluate an arbitrary function :math:`f` not just on real numbers
+but also on dual numbers, but one does not usually evaluate functions
+by evaluating their Taylor expansions,
+This is where C++ templates and operator overloading comes into
+play. The following code fragment has a simple implementation of a
+``Jet`` and some operators/functions that operate on them.
+.. code-block:: c++
+   template<int N> struct Jet {
+     double a;
+     Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, N> v;
+   };
+   template<int N> Jet<N> operator+(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
+     return Jet<N>(f.a + g.a, f.v + g.v);
+   }
+   template<int N> Jet<N> operator-(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
+     return Jet<N>(f.a - g.a, f.v - g.v);
+   }
+   template<int N> Jet<N> operator*(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
+     return Jet<N>(f.a * g.a, f.a * g.v + f.v * g.a);
+   }
+   template<int N> Jet<N> operator/(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
+     return Jet<N>(f.a / g.a, f.v / g.a - f.a * g.v / (g.a * g.a));
+   }
+   template <int N> Jet<N> exp(const Jet<N>& f) {
+     return Jet<T, N>(exp(f.a), exp(f.a) * f.v);
+   }
+   // This is a simple implementation for illustration purposes, the
+   // actual implementation of pow requires careful handling of a number
+   // of corner cases.
+   template <int N>  Jet<N> pow(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
+     return Jet<N>(pow(f.a, g.a),
+                   g.a * pow(f.a, g.a - 1.0) * f.v +
+		   pow(f.a, g.a) * log(f.a); * g.v);
+   }
+With these overloaded functions in hand, we can now call
+``Rat43CostFunctor`` with an array of Jets instead of doubles. Putting
+that together with appropriately initialized Jets allows us to compute
+the Jacobian as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  class Rat43Automatic : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
+   public:
+    Rat43Automatic(const Rat43CostFunctor* functor) : functor_(functor) {}
+    virtual ~Rat43Automatic() {}
+    virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+                          double* residuals,
+                          double** jacobians) const {
+      // Just evaluate the residuals if Jacobians are not required.
+      if (!jacobians) return (*functor_)(parameters[0], residuals);
+      // Initialize the Jets
+      ceres::Jet<4> jets[4];
+      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+        jets[i].a = parameters[0][i];
+        jets[i].v.setZero();
+        jets[i].v[i] = 1.0;
+      }
+      ceres::Jet<4> result;
+      (*functor_)(jets, &result);
+      // Copy the values out of the Jet.
+      residuals[0] = result.a;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+        jacobians[0][i] = result.v[i];
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+   private:
+    std::unique_ptr<const Rat43CostFunctor> functor_;
+  };
+Indeed, this is essentially how :class:`AutoDiffCostFunction` works.
+Automatic differentiation frees the user from the burden of computing
+and reasoning about the symbolic expressions for the Jacobians, but
+this freedom comes at a cost. For example consider the following
+simple functor:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   struct Functor {
+     template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* x, T* residual) const {
+       residual[0] = 1.0 - sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]);
+       return true;
+     }
+   };
+Looking at the code for the residual computation, one does not foresee
+any problems. However, if we look at the analytical expressions for
+the Jacobian:
+.. math::
+      y &= 1 - \sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}\\
+   D_1y &= -\frac{x_0}{\sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}},\
+   D_2y = -\frac{x_1}{\sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}}
+we find that it is an indeterminate form at :math:`x_0 = 0, x_1 =
+There is no single solution to this problem. In some cases one needs
+to reason explicitly about the points where indeterminacy may occur
+and use alternate expressions using `L'Hopital's rule
+<'H%C3%B4pital's_rule>`_ (see for
+example some of the conversion routines in `rotation.h
+<>`_. In
+other cases, one may need to regularize the expressions to eliminate
+these points.
diff --git a/docs/source/contributing.rst b/docs/source/contributing.rst
index fa36d2c..01217a2 100644
--- a/docs/source/contributing.rst
+++ b/docs/source/contributing.rst
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 4. Build Ceres, following the instructions in
-   :ref:`chapter-building`.
+   :ref:`chapter-installation`.
    On Mac and Linux, the ``CMake`` build will download and enable
    the Gerrit pre-commit hook automatically. This pre-submit hook
diff --git a/docs/source/derivatives.rst b/docs/source/derivatives.rst
index e0b9916..0483876 100644
--- a/docs/source/derivatives.rst
+++ b/docs/source/derivatives.rst
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
 On Derivatives
-.. _section-introduction:
 Ceres Solver, like all gradient based optimization algorithms, depends
 on being able to evaluate the objective function and its derivatives
 at arbitrary points in its domain. Indeed, defining the objective
@@ -25,15 +20,16 @@
 Ceres Solver offers considerable flexibility in how the user can
 provide derivatives to the solver. She can use:
- 1. :ref:`section-analytic_derivatives`: The user figures out the
-    derivatives herself, by hand or using a tool like
-    `Maple <>`_ or
-    `Mathematica <>`_, and
-    implements them in a :class:`CostFunction`.
- 2. :ref:`section-numerical_derivatives`: Ceres numerically computes
-    the derivative using finite differences.
- 3. :ref:`section-automatic_derivatives`: Ceres automatically computes
-    the analytic derivative.
+#. :ref:`chapter-analytical_derivatives`: The user figures out the
+   derivatives herself, by hand or using a tool like `Maple
+   <>`_ or `Mathematica
+   <>`_, and implements them in a
+   :class:`CostFunction`.
+#. :ref:`chapter-numerical_derivatives`: Ceres numerically computes
+   the derivative using finite differences.
+#. :ref:`chapter-automatic_derivatives`: Ceres automatically computes
+   the analytic derivative using C++ templates and operator
+   overloading.
 Which of these three approaches (alone or in combination) should be
 used depends on the situation and the tradeoffs the user is willing to
@@ -44,959 +40,21 @@
 three approaches in the context of Ceres Solver with sufficient detail
 that the user can make an informed choice.
-High Level Advice
 For the impatient amongst you, here is some high level advice:
- 1. Use :ref:`section-automatic_derivatives`.
- 2. In some cases it maybe worth using
-    :ref:`section-analytic_derivatives`.
- 3. Avoid :ref:`section-numerical_derivatives`. Use it as a measure of
-    last resort, mostly to interface with external libraries.
+#. Use :ref:`chapter-automatic_derivatives`.
+#. In some cases it maybe worth using
+   :ref:`chapter-analytical_derivatives`.
+#. Avoid :ref:`chapter-numerical_derivatives`. Use it as a measure of
+   last resort, mostly to interface with external libraries.
-.. _section-spivak_notation:
+for the rest, read on.
-Spivak Notation
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
-To preserve our collective sanities, we will use Spivak's notation for
-derivatives. It is a functional notation that makes reading and
-reasoning about expressions involving derivatives simple.
-For a univariate function :math:`f`, :math:`f(a)` denotes its value at
-:math:`a`. :math:`Df` denotes its first derivative, and
-:math:`Df(a)` is the derivative evaluated at :math:`a`, i.e
-.. math::
-   Df(a) = \left . \frac{d}{dx} f(x) \right |_{x = a}
-:math:`D^nf` denotes the :math:`n^{\text{th}}` derivative of :math:`f`.
-For a bi-variate function :math:`g(x,y)`. :math:`D_1g` and
-:math:`D_2g` denote the partial derivatives of :math:`g` w.r.t the
-first and second variable respectively. In the classical notation this
-is equivalent to saying:
-.. math::
-   D_1 g = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}g(x,y) \text{ and }  D_2 g  = \frac{\partial}{\partial y}g(x,y).
-:math:`Dg` denotes the Jacobian of `g`, i.e.,
-.. math::
-  Dg = \begin{bmatrix} D_1g & D_2g \end{bmatrix}
-More generally for a multivariate function :math:`g:\mathbb{R}^m
-\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n`, :math:`Dg` denotes the :math:`n\times m`
-Jacobian matrix. :math:`D_i g` is the partial derivative of :math:`g`
-w.r.t the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` coordinate and the
-:math:`i^{\text{th}}` column of :math:`Dg`.
-Finally, :math:`D^2_1g, D_1D_2g` have the obvious meaning as higher
-order partial derivatives derivatives.
-For more see Michael Spivak's book `Calculus on Manifolds
-or a brief discussion of the `merits of this notation
-<>`_ by
-Mitchell N. Charity.
-.. _section-analytic_derivatives:
-Analytic Derivatives
-Consider the problem of fitting the following curve (`Rat43
-<>`_) to
-.. math::
-  y = \frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
-That is, given some data :math:`\{x_i, y_i\},\ \forall i=1,... ,n`,
-determine parameters :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` that best
-fit this data.
-Which can be stated as the problem of finding the
-values of :math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4` are the ones that
-minimize the following objective function [#f1]_:
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-   E(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4)
-   &= \sum_i f^2(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4 ; x_i, y_i)\\
-   &= \sum_i \left(\frac{b_1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x_i})^{1/b_4}} - y_i\right)^2\\
-   \end{align}
-To solve this problem using Ceres Solver, we need to define a
-:class:`CostFunction` that computes the residual :math:`f` for a given
-:math:`x` and :math:`y` and its derivatives with respect to
-:math:`b_1, b_2, b_3` and :math:`b_4`.
-Using elementary differential calculus, we can see that:
-.. math::
-  \begin{align}
-  D_1 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &= \frac{1}{(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}\\
-  D_2 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
-  \frac{-b_1e^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
-  D_3 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) &=
-  \frac{b_1xe^{b_2-b_3x}}{b_4(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4 + 1}} \\
-  D_4 f(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4; x,y) & = \frac{b_1  \log\left(1+e^{b_2-b_3x}\right) }{b_4^2(1+e^{b_2-b_3x})^{1/b_4}}
-  \end{align}
-With these derivatives in hand, we can now implement the
-:class:`CostFunction` as:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  class Rat43Analytic : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
-     public:
-       Rat43Analytic(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
-       virtual ~Rat43Analytic() {}
-       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
-                             double* residuals,
-			     double** jacobians) const {
-	 const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
-	 const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
-	 const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
-	 const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
-	 residuals[0] = b1 *  pow(1 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
-         if (!jacobians) return true;
-	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
-	 if (!jacobian) return true;
-         jacobian[0] = pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4);
-         jacobian[1] = -b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
-                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
-	 jacobian[2] = x_ * b1 * exp(b2 - b3 * x_) *
-                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4 - 1) / b4;
-         jacobian[3] = b1 * log(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_)) *
-                       pow(1 + exp(b2 - b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) / (b4 * b4);
-         return true;
-       }
-      private:
-       const double x_;
-       const double y_;
-   };
-This is tedious code, hard to read and with a lot of
-redundancy. So in practice we will cache some sub-expressions to
-improve its efficiency, which would give us something like:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  class Rat43AnalyticOptimized : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
-     public:
-       Rat43AnalyticOptimized(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
-       virtual ~Rat43AnalyticOptimized() {}
-       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
-                             double* residuals,
-			     double** jacobians) const {
-	 const double b1 = parameters[0][0];
-	 const double b2 = parameters[0][1];
-	 const double b3 = parameters[0][2];
-	 const double b4 = parameters[0][3];
-	 const double t1 = exp(b2 -  b3 * x_);
-         const double t2 = 1 + t1;
-	 const double t3 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4);
-	 residuals[0] = b1 * t3 - y_;
-         if (!jacobians) return true;
-	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
-	 if (!jacobian) return true;
-	 const double t4 = pow(t2, -1.0 / b4 - 1);
-	 jacobian[0] = t3;
-	 jacobian[1] = -b1 * t1 * t4 / b4;
-	 jacobian[2] = -x_ * jacobian[1];
-	 jacobian[3] = b1 * log(t2) * t3 / (b4 * b4);
-	 return true;
-       }
-     private:
-       const double x_;
-       const double y_;
-   };
-What is the difference in performance of these two implementations?
-==========================   =========
-CostFunction                 Time (ns)
-==========================   =========
-Rat43Analytic                      255
-Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
-==========================   =========
-``Rat43AnalyticOptimized`` is :math:`2.8` times faster than
-``Rat43Analytic``.  This difference in run-time is not uncommon. To
-get the best performance out of analytically computed derivatives, one
-usually needs to optimize the code to account for common
-When should you use analytical derivatives?
-#. The expressions are simple, e.g. mostly linear.
-#. A computer algebra system like `Maple
-   <>`_ , `Mathematica
-   <>`_, or `SymPy
-   <>`_ can be used to symbolically
-   differentiate the objective function and generate the C++ to
-   evaluate them.
-#. Performance is of utmost concern and there is algebraic structure
-   in the terms that you can exploit to get better performance than
-   automatic differentiation.
-   That said, getting the best performance out of analytical
-   derivatives requires a non-trivial amount of work.  Before going
-   down this path, it is useful to measure the amount of time being
-   spent evaluating the Jacobian as a fraction of the total solve time
-   and remember `Amdahl's Law
-   <'s_law>`_ is your friend.
-#. There is no other way to compute the derivatives, e.g. you
-   wish to compute the derivative of the root of a polynomial:
-   .. math::
-     a_3(x,y)z^3 + a_2(x,y)z^2 + a_1(x,y)z + a_0(x,y) = 0
-   with respect to :math:`x` and :math:`y`. This requires the use of
-   the `Inverse Function Theorem
-   <>`_
-#. You love the chain rule and actually enjoy doing all the algebra by
-   hand.
-.. _section-numerical_derivatives:
-Numeric derivatives
-The other extreme from using analytic derivatives is to use numeric
-derivatives. The key observation here is that the process of
-differentiating a function :math:`f(x)` w.r.t :math:`x` can be written
-as the limiting process:
-.. math::
-   Df(x) = \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}
-Forward Differences
-Now of course one cannot perform the limiting operation numerically on
-a computer so we do the next best thing, which is to choose a small
-value of :math:`h` and approximate the derivative as
-.. math::
-   Df(x) \approx \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}
-The above formula is the simplest most basic form of numeric
-differentiation. It is known as the *Forward Difference* formula.
-So how would one go about constructing a numerically differentiated
-version of ``Rat43Analytic`` in Ceres Solver. This is done in two
-  1. Define *Functor* that given the parameter values will evaluate the
-     residual for a given :math:`(x,y)`.
-  2. Construct a :class:`CostFunction` by using
-     :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` to wrap an instance of
-     ``Rat43CostFunctor``.
-.. code-block:: c++
-  struct Rat43CostFunctor {
-    Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
-    bool operator()(const double* parameters, double* residuals) const {
-      const double b1 = parameters[0];
-      const double b2 = parameters[1];
-      const double b3 = parameters[2];
-      const double b4 = parameters[3];
-      residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
-      return true;
-    }
-    const double x_;
-    const double y_;
-  }
-  CostFunction* cost_function =
-    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, FORWARD, 1, 4>(
-      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
-This is about the minimum amount of work one can expect to do to
-define the cost function. The only thing that the user needs to do is
-to make sure that the evaluation of the residual is implemented
-correctly and efficiently.
-Before going further, it is instructive to get an estimate of the
-error in the forward difference formula. We do this by considering the
-`Taylor expansion <>`_ of
-:math:`f` near :math:`x`.
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-   f(x+h) &= f(x) + h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!} D^2f(x) +
-   \frac{h^3}{3!}D^3f(x) + \cdots \\
-   Df(x) &= \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h} - \left [\frac{h}{2!}D^2f(x) +
-   \frac{h^2}{3!}D^3f(x) + \cdots  \right]\\
-   Df(x) &= \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h} + O(h)
-   \end{align}
-i.e., the error in the forward difference formula is
-:math:`O(h)` [#f4]_.
-Implementation Details
-:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` implements a generic algorithm to
-numerically differentiate a given functor. While the actual
-implementation of :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` is complicated, the
-net result is a :class:`CostFunction` that roughly looks something
-like the following:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  class Rat43NumericDiffForward : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
-     public:
-       Rat43NumericDiffForward(const Rat43Functor* functor) : functor_(functor) {}
-       virtual ~Rat43NumericDiffForward() {}
-       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
-                             double* residuals,
-			     double** jacobians) const {
- 	 functor_(parameters[0], residuals);
-	 if (!jacobians) return true;
-	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
-	 if (!jacobian) return true;
-	 const double f = residuals[0];
-	 double parameters_plus_h[4];
-	 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-	   std::copy(parameters, parameters + 4, parameters_plus_h);
-	   const double kRelativeStepSize = 1e-6;
-	   const double h = std::abs(parameters[i]) * kRelativeStepSize;
-	   parameters_plus_h[i] += h;
-           double f_plus;
-  	   functor_(parameters_plus_h, &f_plus);
-	   jacobian[i] = (f_plus - f) / h;
-         }
-	 return true;
-       }
-     private:
-       scoped_ptr<Rat43Functor> functor_;
-   };
-Note the choice of step size :math:`h` in the above code, instead of
-an absolute step size which is the same for all parameters, we use a
-relative step size of :math:`\text{kRelativeStepSize} = 10^{-6}`. This
-gives better derivative estimates than an absolute step size [#f2]_
-[#f3]_. This choice of step size only works for parameter values that
-are not close to zero. So the actual implementation of
-:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction`, uses a more complex step size
-selection logic, where close to zero, it switches to a fixed step
-Central Differences
-:math:`O(h)` error in the Forward Difference formula is okay but not
-great. A better method is to use the *Central Difference* formula:
-.. math::
-   Df(x) \approx \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h}
-Notice that if the value of :math:`f(x)` is known, the Forward
-Difference formula only requires one extra evaluation, but the Central
-Difference formula requires two evaluations, making it twice as
-expensive. So is the extra evaluation worth it?
-To answer this question, we again compute the error of approximation
-in the central difference formula:
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-  f(x + h) &= f(x) + h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!}
-  D^2f(x) + \frac{h^3}{3!} D^3f(x) + \frac{h^4}{4!} D^4f(x) + \cdots\\
-    f(x - h) &= f(x) - h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!}
-  D^2f(x) - \frac{h^3}{3!} D^3f(c_2) + \frac{h^4}{4!} D^4f(x) +
-  \cdots\\
-  Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + \frac{h^2}{3!}
-  D^3f(x) +  \frac{h^4}{5!}
-  D^5f(x) + \cdots \\
-  Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + O(h^2)
-   \end{align}
-The error of the Central Difference formula is :math:`O(h^2)`, i.e.,
-the error goes down quadratically whereas the error in the Forward
-Difference formula only goes down linearly.
-Using central differences instead of forward differences in Ceres
-Solver is a simple matter of changing a template argument to
-:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` as follows:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  CostFunction* cost_function =
-    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, CENTRAL, 1, 4>(
-      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
-But what do these differences in the error mean in practice? To see
-this, consider the problem of evaluating the derivative of the
-univariate function
-.. math::
-   f(x) = \frac{e^x}{\sin x - x^2},
-at :math:`x = 1.0`.
-It is straightforward to see that :math:`Df(1.0) =
-140.73773557129658`. Using this value as reference, we can now compute
-the relative error in the forward and central difference formulae as a
-function of the absolute step size and plot them.
-.. figure:: forward_central_error.png
-   :figwidth: 100%
-   :align: center
-Reading the graph from right to left, a number of things stand out in
-the above graph:
- 1. The graph for both formulae have two distinct regions. At first,
-    starting from a large value of :math:`h` the error goes down as
-    the effect of truncating the Taylor series dominates, but as the
-    value of :math:`h` continues to decrease, the error starts
-    increasing again as roundoff error starts to dominate the
-    computation. So we cannot just keep on reducing the value of
-    :math:`h` to get better estimates of :math:`Df`. The fact that we
-    are using finite precision arithmetic becomes a limiting factor.
- 2. Forward Difference formula is not a great method for evaluating
-    derivatives. Central Difference formula converges much more
-    quickly to a more accurate estimate of the derivative with
-    decreasing step size. So unless the evaluation of :math:`f(x)` is
-    so expensive that you absolutely cannot afford the extra
-    evaluation required by central differences, **do not use the
-    Forward Difference formula**.
- 3. Neither formula works well for a poorly chosen value of :math:`h`.
-Ridders' Method
-So, can we get better estimates of :math:`Df` without requiring such
-small values of :math:`h` that we start hitting floating point
-roundoff errors?
-One possible approach is to find a method whose error goes down faster
-than :math:`O(h^2)`. This can be done by applying `Richardson
-<>`_ to the
-problem of differentiation. This is also known as *Ridders' Method*
-Let us recall, the error in the central differences formula.
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-   Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + \frac{h^2}{3!}
-   D^3f(x) +  \frac{h^4}{5!}
-   D^5f(x) + \cdots\\
-           & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + K_2 h^2 + K_4 h^4 + \cdots
-   \end{align}
-The key thing to note here is that the terms :math:`K_2, K_4, ...`
-are indepdendent of :math:`h` and only depend on :math:`x`.
-Let us now define:
-.. math::
-   A(1, m) = \frac{f(x + h/2^{m-1}) - f(x - h/2^{m-1})}{2h/2^{m-1}}.
-Then observe that
-.. math::
-   Df(x) = A(1,1) + K_2 h^2 + K_4 h^4 + \cdots
-.. math::
-   Df(x) = A(1, 2) + K_2 (h/2)^2 + K_4 (h/2)^4 + \cdots
-Here we have halved the step size to obtain a second central
-differences estimate of :math:`Df(x)`. Combining these two estimates,
-we get:
-.. math::
-   Df(x) = \frac{4 A(1, 2) - A(1,1)}{4 - 1} + O(h^4)
-which is an approximation of :math:`Df(x)` with truncation error that
-goes down as :math:`O(h^4)`. But we do not have to stop here. We can
-iterate this process to obtain even more accurate estimates as
-.. math::
-   A(n, m) =  \begin{cases}
-    \frac{\displaystyle f(x + h/2^{m-1}) - f(x -
-    h/2^{m-1})}{\displaystyle 2h/2^{m-1}} & n = 1 \\
-   \frac{\displaystyle 4^{n-1} A(n - 1, m + 1) - A(n - 1, m)}{\displaystyle 4^{n-1} - 1} & n > 1
-   \end{cases}
-It is straightforward to show that the approximation error in
-:math:`A(n, 1)` is :math:`O(h^{2n})`. To see how the above formula can
-be implemented in practice to compute :math:`A(n,1)` it is helpful to
-structure the computation as the following tableau:
-.. math::
-   \begin{array}{ccccc}
-   A(1,1) & A(1, 2) & A(1, 3) & A(1, 4) & \cdots\\
-          & A(2, 1) & A(2, 2) & A(2, 3) & \cdots\\
-	  &         & A(3, 1) & A(3, 2) & \cdots\\
-	  &         &         & A(4, 1) & \cdots \\
-	  &         &         &         & \ddots
-   \end{array}
-So, to compute :math:`A(n, 1)` for increasing values of :math:`n` we
-move from the left to the right, computing one column at a
-time. Assuming that the primary cost here is the evaluation of the
-function :math:`f(x)`, the cost of computing a new column of the above
-tableau is two function evaluations. Since the cost of evaluating
-:math:`A(1, n)`, requires evaluating the central difference formula
-for step size of :math:`2^{1-n}h`
-Applying this method to :math:`f(x) = \frac{e^x}{\sin x - x^2}`
-starting with a fairly large step size :math:`h = 0.01`, we get:
-.. math::
-   \begin{array}{rrrrr}
-   141.678097131 &140.971663667 &140.796145400 &140.752333523 &140.741384778\\
-   &140.736185846 &140.737639311 &140.737729564 &140.737735196\\
-   & &140.737736209 &140.737735581 &140.737735571\\
-   & & &140.737735571 &140.737735571\\
-   & & & &140.737735571\\
-   \end{array}
-Compared to the *correct* value :math:`Df(1.0) = 140.73773557129658`,
-:math:`A(5, 1)` has a relative error of :math:`10^{-13}`. For
-comparison, the relative error for the central difference formula with
-the same stepsize (:math:`0.01/2^4 = 0.000625`) is :math:`10^{-5}`.
-The above tableau is the basis of Ridders' method for numeric
-differentiation. The full implementation is an adaptive scheme that
-tracks its own estimation error and stops automatically when the
-desired precision is reached. Of course it is more expensive than the
-forward and central difference formulae, but is also significantly
-more robust and accurate.
-Using Ridder's method instead of forward or central differences in
-Ceres is again a simple matter of changing a template argument to
-:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` as follows:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  CostFunction* cost_function =
-    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, RIDDERS, 1, 4>(
-      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
-The following graph shows the relative error of the three methods as a
-function of the absolute step size. For Ridders's method we assume
-that the step size for evaluating :math:`A(n,1)` is :math:`2^{1-n}h`.
-.. figure:: forward_central_ridders_error.png
-   :figwidth: 100%
-   :align: center
-Using the 10 function evaluations that are needed to compute
-:math:`A(5,1)` we are able to approximate :math:`Df(1.0)` about a 1000
-times better than the best central differences estimate. To put these
-numbers in perspective, machine epsilon for double precision
-arithmetic is :math:`\approx 2.22 \times 10^{-16}`.
-Going back to ``Rat43``, let us also look at the runtime cost of the
-various methods for computing numeric derivatives.
-==========================   =========
-CostFunction                 Time (ns)
-==========================   =========
-Rat43Analytic                      255
-Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
-Rat43NumericDiffForward            262
-Rat43NumericDiffCentral            517
-Rat43NumericDiffRidders           3760
-==========================   =========
-As expected, Central Differences is about twice as expensive as
-Forward Differences and the remarkable accuracy improvements of
-Ridders' method cost an order of magnitude more runtime.
-Numeric differentiation should be used when you cannot compute the
-derivatives either analytically or using automatic differention. This
-is usually the case when you are calling an external library or
-function whose analytic form you do not know or even if you do, you
-are not in a position to re-write it in a manner required to use
-automatic differentiation (discussed below).
-When using numeric differentiation, use at least Central Differences,
-and if execution time is not a concern or the objective function is
-such that determining a good static relative step size is hard,
-Ridders' method is recommended.
-.. _section-automatic_derivatives:
-Automatic Derivatives
-We will now consider automatic differentiation. It is a technique that
-can compute exact derivatives, fast, while requiring about the same
-effort from the user as is needed to use numerical differentiation.
-Don't believe me? Well here goes. The following code fragment
-implements an automatically differentiated ``CostFunction`` for
-.. code-block:: c++
-  struct Rat43CostFunctor {
-    Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
-    template <typename T>
-    bool operator()(const T* parameters, T* residuals) const {
-      const T b1 = parameters[0];
-      const T b2 = parameters[1];
-      const T b3 = parameters[2];
-      const T b4 = parameters[3];
-      residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
-      return true;
-    }
-    private:
-      const double x_;
-      const double y_;
-  };
-  CostFunction* cost_function =
-        new AutoDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, 1, 4>(
-	  new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
-Notice that compared to numeric differentiation, the only difference
-when defining the functor for use with automatic differentiation is
-the signature of the ``operator()``.
-In the case of numeric differentition it was
-.. code-block:: c++
-   bool operator()(const double* parameters, double* residuals) const;
-and for automatic differentiation it is a templated function of the
-.. code-block:: c++
-   template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* parameters, T* residuals) const;
-So what does this small change buy us? The following table compares
-the time it takes to evaluate the residual and the Jacobian for
-`Rat43` using various methods.
-==========================   =========
-CostFunction                 Time (ns)
-==========================   =========
-Rat43Analytic                      255
-Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
-Rat43NumericDiffForward            262
-Rat43NumericDiffCentral            517
-Rat43NumericDiffRidders           3760
-Rat43AutomaticDiff                 129
-==========================   =========
-We can get exact derivatives using automatic differentiation
-(``Rat43AutomaticDiff``) with about the same effort that is required
-to write the code for numeric differentiation but only :math:`40\%`
-slower than hand optimized analytical derivatives.
-So how does it work? For this we will have to learn about **Dual
-Numbers** and **Jets** .
-Dual Numbers & Jets
-.. NOTE::
-   Reading this and the next section on implementing Jets is not
-   necessary to use automatic differentiation in Ceres Solver. But
-   knowing the basics of how Jets work is useful when debugging and
-   reasoning about the performance of automatic differentiation.
-Dual numbers are an extension of the real numbers analogous to complex
-numbers: whereas complex numbers augment the reals by introducing an
-imaginary unit :math:`\iota` such that :math:`\iota^2 = -1`, dual
-numbers introduce an *infinitesimal* unit :math:`\epsilon` such that
-:math:`\epsilon^2 = 0` . A dual number :math:`a + v\epsilon` has two
-components, the *real* component :math:`a` and the *infinitesimal*
-component :math:`v`.
-Surprisingly, this simple change leads to a convenient method for
-computing exact derivatives without needing to manipulate complicated
-symbolic expressions.
-For example, consider the function
-.. math::
-   f(x) = x^2 ,
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-   f(10 + \epsilon) &= (10 + \epsilon)^2\\
-            &= 100 + 20 \epsilon + \epsilon^2\\
-            &= 100 + 20 \epsilon
-   \end{align}
-Observe that the coefficient of :math:`\epsilon` is :math:`Df(10) =
-20`. Indeed this generalizes to functions which are not
-polynomial. Consider an arbitrary differentiable function
-:math:`f(x)`. Then we can evaluate :math:`f(x + \epsilon)` by
-considering the Taylor expansion of :math:`f` near :math:`x`, which
-gives us the infinite series
-.. math::
-   \begin{align}
-   f(x + \epsilon) &= f(x) + Df(x) \epsilon + D^2f(x)
-   \frac{\epsilon^2}{2} + D^3f(x) \frac{\epsilon^3}{6} + \cdots\\
-   f(x + \epsilon) &= f(x) + Df(x) \epsilon
-   \end{align}
-Here we are using the fact that :math:`\epsilon^2 = 0`.
-A `Jet <>`_ is a
-:math:`n`-dimensional dual number, where we augment the real numbers
-with :math:`n` infinitesimal units :math:`\epsilon_i,\ i=1,...,n` with
-the property that :math:`\forall i, j\ \epsilon_i\epsilon_j = 0`. Then
-a Jet consists of a *real* part :math:`a` and a :math:`n`-dimensional
-*infinitesimal* part :math:`\mathbf{v}`, i.e.,
-.. math::
-   x = a + \sum_j v_{j} \epsilon_j
-The summation notation gets tedius, so we will also just write
-.. math::
-   x = a + \mathbf{v}.
-where the :math:`\epsilon_i`'s are implict. Then, using the same
-Taylor series expansion used above, we can see that:
-.. math::
-  f(a + \mathbf{v}) = f(a) + Df(a) \mathbf{v}.
-Similarly for a multivariate function
-:math:`f:\mathbb{R}^{n}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m`, evaluated on
-:math:`x_i = a_i + \mathbf{v}_i,\ \forall i = 1,...,n`:
-.. math::
-   f(x_1,..., x_n) = f(a_1, ..., a_n) + \sum_i D_i f(a_1, ..., a_n) \mathbf{v}_i
-So if each :math:`\mathbf{v}_i = e_i` were the :math:`i^{\text{th}}`
-standard basis vector, then, the above expression would simplify to
-.. math::
-   f(x_1,..., x_n) = f(a_1, ..., a_n) + \sum_i D_i f(a_1, ..., a_n) \epsilon_i
-and we can extract the coordinates of the Jacobian by inspecting the
-coefficients of :math:`\epsilon_i`.
-Implementing Jets
-In order for the above to work in practice, we will need the ability
-to evaluate arbitrary function :math:`f` not just on real numbers but
-also on dual numbers, but one does not usually evaluate functions by
-evaluating their Taylor expansions,
-This is where C++ templates and operator overloading comes into
-play. The following code fragment has a simple implementation of a
-``Jet`` and some operators/functions that operate on them.
-.. code-block:: c++
-   template<int N> struct Jet {
-     double a;
-     Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, N> v;
-   };
-   template<int N> Jet<N> operator+(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
-     return Jet<N>(f.a + g.a, f.v + g.v);
-   }
-   template<int N> Jet<N> operator-(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
-     return Jet<N>(f.a - g.a, f.v - g.v);
-   }
-   template<int N> Jet<N> operator*(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
-     return Jet<N>(f.a * g.a, f.a * g.v + f.v * g.a);
-   }
-   template<int N> Jet<N> operator/(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
-     return Jet<N>(f.a / g.a, f.v / g.a - f.a * g.v / (g.a * g.a));
-   }
-   template <int N> Jet<N> exp(const Jet<N>& f) {
-     return Jet<T, N>(exp(f.a), exp(f.a) * f.v);
-   }
-   // This is a simple implementation for illustration purposes, the
-   // actual implementation of pow requires careful handling of a number
-   // of corner cases.
-   template <int N>  Jet<N> pow(const Jet<N>& f, const Jet<N>& g) {
-     return Jet<N>(pow(f.a, g.a),
-                   g.a * pow(f.a, g.a - 1.0) * f.v +
-		   pow(f.a, g.a) * log(f.a); * g.v);
-   }
-With these overloaded functions in hand, we can now call
-``Rat43CostFunctor`` with an array of Jets instead of doubles. Putting
-that together with appropriately initialized Jets allows us to compute
-the Jacobian as follows:
-.. code-block:: c++
-  class Rat43Automatic : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
-   public:
-    Rat43Automatic(const Rat43CostFunctor* functor) : functor_(functor) {}
-    virtual ~Rat43Automatic() {}
-    virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
-                          double* residuals,
-                          double** jacobians) const {
-      // Just evaluate the residuals if Jacobians are not required.
-      if (!jacobians) return (*functor_)(parameters[0], residuals);
-      // Initialize the Jets
-      ceres::Jet<4> jets[4];
-      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        jets[i].a = parameters[0][i];
-        jets[i].v.setZero();
-        jets[i].v[i] = 1.0;
-      }
-      ceres::Jet<4> result;
-      (*functor_)(jets, &result);
-      // Copy the values out of the Jet.
-      residuals[0] = result.a;
-      for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        jacobians[0][i] = result.v[i];
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-   private:
-    std::unique_ptr<const Rat43CostFunctor> functor_;
-  };
-Indeed, this is essentially how :class:`AutoDiffCostFunction` works.
-Automatic differentiation frees the user from the burden of computing
-and reasoning about the symbolic expressions for the Jacobians, but
-this freedom comes at a cost. For example consider the following
-simple functor:
-.. code-block:: c++
-   struct Functor {
-     template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* x, T* residual) const {
-       residual[0] = 1.0 - sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]);
-       return true;
-     }
-   };
-Looking at the code for the residual computation, one does not foresee
-any problems. However, if we look at the analytical expressions for
-the Jacobian:
-.. math::
-      y &= 1 - \sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}\\
-   D_1y &= -\frac{x_0}{\sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}},\
-   D_2y = -\frac{x_1}{\sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2}}
-we find that it is an indeterminate form at :math:`x_0 = 0, x_1 =
-There is no single solution to this problem. In some cases one needs
-to reason explicitly about the points where indeterminacy may occur
-and use alternate expressions using `L'Hopital's rule
-<'H%C3%B4pital's_rule>`_ (see for
-example some of the conversion routines in `rotation.h
-<>`_. In
-other cases, one may need to regularize the expressions to eliminate
-these points.
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#f1] The notion of best fit depends on the choice of the objective
-	 function used to measure the quality of fit, which in turn
-	 depends on the underlying noise process which generated the
-	 observations. Minimizing the sum of squared differences is
-	 the right thing to do when the noise is `Gaussian
-	 <>`_. In
-	 that case the optimal value of the parameters is the `Maximum
-	 Likelihood Estimate
-	 <>`_.
-.. [#f2] `Numerical Differentiation
-	 <>`_
-.. [#f3] [Press]_ Numerical Recipes, Section 5.7
-.. [#f4] In asymptotic error analysis, an error of :math:`O(h^k)`
-	 means that the absolute-value of the error is at most some
-	 constant times :math:`h^k` when :math:`h` is close enough to
-	 :math:`0`.
-#. Why does the quality of derivatives matter?
-#. Discuss, forward v/s backward automatic differentiation and
-   relation to backprop, impact of large parameter block sizes on
-   differentiation performance.
-#. Inverse function theorem
-#. Calling iterative routines.
-#. Reference to how numeric derivatives lead to slower convergence.
-#. Pitfalls of Numeric differentiation.
-#. Ill conditioning of numeric differentiation/dependence on curvature.
+   spivak_notation
+   analytical_derivatives
+   numerical_derivatives
+   automatic_derivatives
+   interfacing_with_autodiff
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+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. cpp:namespace:: ceres
+.. _chapter-interfacing_with_automatic_differentiation:
+Interfacing with Automatic Differentiation
+Automatic differentiation is straightforward to use in cases where an
+explicit expression for the cost function is available. But this is
+not always possible. Often one has to interface with external routines
+or data. In this chapter we will consider a number of different ways
+of doing so.
+To do this, we will consider the problem of finding parameters
+:math:`\theta` and :math:`t` that solve an optimization problem of the
+.. math::
+   \min & \quad \sum_i \left \|y_i - f\left (\|q_{i}\|^2\right) q
+   \right \|^2\\
+   \text{such that} & \quad q_i = R(\theta) x_i + t
+Here, :math:`R` is a two dimensional rotation matrix parameterized
+using the angle :math:`\theta` and :math:`t` is a two dimensional
+vector. :math:`f` is an external distortion function.
+We begin by considering the case, where we have a templated function
+:code:`TemplatedComputeDistortion` that can compute the function
+:math:`f`. Then the implementation of the corresponding residual
+functor is straightforward and will look as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   :emphasize-lines: 21
+   template <typename T> T TemplatedComputeDistortion(const T r2) {
+     const double k1 = 0.0082;
+     const double k2 = 0.000023;
+     return 1.0 + k1 * y2 + k2 * r2 * r2;
+   }
+   struct Affine2DWithDistortion {
+     Affine2DWithDistortion(const double x_in[2], const double y_in[2]) {
+       x[0] = x_in[0];
+       x[1] = x_in[1];
+       y[0] = y_in[0];
+       y[1] = y_in[1];
+     }
+     template <typename T>
+     bool operator()(const T* theta,
+                     const T* t,
+                     T* residuals) const {
+       const T q_0 =  cos(theta[0]) * x[0] - sin(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[0];
+       const T q_1 = -sin(theta[0]) * x[0] + cos(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[1];
+       const T f = TemplatedComputeDistortion(q_0 * q_0 + q_1 * q_1);
+       residuals[0] = y[0] - f * q_0;
+       residuals[1] = y[1] - f * q_1;
+       return true;
+     }
+     double x[2];
+     double y[2];
+   };
+So far so good, but let us now consider three ways of defining
+:math:`f` which are not directly amenable to being used with automatic
+#. A non-templated function that evaluates its value.
+#. A function that evaluates its value and derivative.
+#. A function that is defined as a table of values to be interpolated.
+We will consider them in turn below.
+A function that returns its value
+Suppose we were given a function :code:`ComputeDistortionValue` with
+the following signature
+.. code-block:: c++
+   double ComputeDistortionValue(double r2);
+that computes the value of :math:`f`. The actual implementation of the
+function does not matter. Interfacing this function with
+:code:`Affine2DWithDistortion` is a three step process:
+1. Wrap :code:`ComputeDistortionValue` into a functor
+   :code:`ComputeDistortionValueFunctor`.
+2. Numerically differentiate :code:`ComputeDistortionValueFunctor`
+   using :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` to create a
+   :class:`CostFunction`.
+3. Wrap the resulting :class:`CostFunction` object using
+   :class:`CostFunctionToFunctor`. The resulting object is a functor
+   with a templated :code:`operator()` method, which pipes the
+   Jacobian computed by :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` into the
+   approproate :code:`Jet` objects.
+An implementation of the above three steps looks as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   :emphasize-lines: 15,16,17,18,19,20, 29
+   struct ComputeDistortionValueFunctor {
+     bool operator()(const double* r2, double* value) const {
+       *value = ComputeDistortionValue(r2[0]);
+       return true;
+     }
+   };
+   struct Affine2DWithDistortion {
+     Affine2DWithDistortion(const double x_in[2], const double y_in[2]) {
+       x[0] = x_in[0];
+       x[1] = x_in[1];
+       y[0] = y_in[0];
+       y[1] = y_in[1];
+       compute_distortion.reset(new ceres::CostFunctionToFunctor<1, 1>(
+            new ceres::NumericDiffCostFunction<ComputeDistortionValueFunctor,
+                                               ceres::CENTRAL,
+                                               1,
+                                               1>(
+               new ComputeDistortionValueFunctor)));
+     }
+     template <typename T>
+     bool operator()(const T* theta, const T* t, T* residuals) const {
+       const T q_0 = cos(theta[0]) * x[0] - sin(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[0];
+       const T q_1 = -sin(theta[0]) * x[0] + cos(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[1];
+       const T r2 = q_0 * q_0 + q_1 * q_1;
+       T f;
+       (*compute_distortion)(&r2, &f);
+       residuals[0] = y[0] - f * q_0;
+       residuals[1] = y[1] - f * q_1;
+       return true;
+     }
+     double x[2];
+     double y[2];
+     std::unique_ptr<ceres::CostFunctionToFunctor<1, 1> > compute_distortion;
+   };
+A function that returns its value and derivative
+Now suppose we are given a function :code:`ComputeDistortionValue`
+thatis able to compute its value and optionally its Jacobian on demand
+and has the following signature:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   void ComputeDistortionValueAndJacobian(double r2,
+                                          double* value,
+                                          double* jacobian);
+Again, the actual implementation of the function does not
+matter. Interfacing this function with :code:`Affine2DWithDistortion`
+is a two step process:
+1. Wrap :code:`ComputeDistortionValueAndJacobian` into a
+   :class:`CostFunction` object which we call
+   :code:`ComputeDistortionFunction`.
+2. Wrap the resulting :class:`ComputeDistortionFunction` object using
+   :class:`CostFunctionToFunctor`. The resulting object is a functor
+   with a templated :code:`operator()` method, which pipes the
+   Jacobian computed by :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` into the
+   approproate :code:`Jet` objects.
+The resulting code will look as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   :emphasize-lines: 21,22, 33
+   class ComputeDistortionFunction : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1, 1> {
+    public:
+     virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+                           double* residuals,
+                           double** jacobians) const {
+       if (!jacobians) {
+         ComputeDistortionValueAndJacobian(parameters[0][0], residuals, NULL);
+       } else {
+         ComputeDistortionValueAndJacobian(parameters[0][0], residuals, jacobians[0]);
+       }
+       return true;
+     }
+   };
+   struct Affine2DWithDistortion {
+     Affine2DWithDistortion(const double x_in[2], const double y_in[2]) {
+       x[0] = x_in[0];
+       x[1] = x_in[1];
+       y[0] = y_in[0];
+       y[1] = y_in[1];
+       compute_distortion.reset(
+           new ceres::CostFunctionToFunctor<1, 1>(new ComputeDistortionFunction));
+     }
+     template <typename T>
+     bool operator()(const T* theta,
+                     const T* t,
+                     T* residuals) const {
+       const T q_0 =  cos(theta[0]) * x[0] - sin(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[0];
+       const T q_1 = -sin(theta[0]) * x[0] + cos(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[1];
+       const T r2 = q_0 * q_0 + q_1 * q_1;
+       T f;
+       (*compute_distortion)(&r2, &f);
+       residuals[0] = y[0] - f * q_0;
+       residuals[1] = y[1] - f * q_1;
+       return true;
+     }
+     double x[2];
+     double y[2];
+     std::unique_ptr<ceres::CostFunctionToFunctor<1, 1> > compute_distortion;
+   };
+A function that is defined as a table of values
+The third and final case we will consider is where the function
+:math:`f` is defined as a table of values on the interval :math:`[0,
+100)`, with a value for each integer.
+.. code-block:: c++
+   vector<double> distortion_values;
+There are many ways of interpolating a table of values. Perhaps the
+simplest and most common method is linear interpolation. But it is not
+a great idea to use linear interpolation because the interpolating
+function is not differentiable at the sample points.
+A simple (well behaved) differentiable interpolation is the `Cubic
+Hermite Spline
+<>`_. Ceres Solver
+ships with routines to perform Cubic & Bi-Cubic interpolation that is
+automatic differentiation friendly.
+Using Cubic interpolation requires first constructing a
+:class:`Grid1D` object to wrap the table of values and then
+constructing a :class:`CubicInterpolator` object using it.
+The resulting code will look as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+   :emphasize-lines: 10,11,12,13, 24, 32,33
+   struct Affine2DWithDistortion {
+     Affine2DWithDistortion(const double x_in[2],
+                            const double y_in[2],
+                            const std::vector<double>& distortion_values) {
+       x[0] = x_in[0];
+       x[1] = x_in[1];
+       y[0] = y_in[0];
+       y[1] = y_in[1];
+       grid.reset(new ceres::Grid1D<double, 1>(
+           &distortion_values[0], 0, distortion_values.size()));
+       compute_distortion.reset(
+           new ceres::CubicInterpolator<ceres::Grid1D<double, 1> >(*grid));
+     }
+     template <typename T>
+     bool operator()(const T* theta,
+                     const T* t,
+                     T* residuals) const {
+       const T q_0 =  cos(theta[0]) * x[0] - sin(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[0];
+       const T q_1 = -sin(theta[0]) * x[0] + cos(theta[0]) * x[1] + t[1];
+       const T r2 = q_0 * q_0 + q_1 * q_1;
+       T f;
+       compute_distortion->Evaluate(r2, &f);
+       residuals[0] = y[0] - f * q_0;
+       residuals[1] = y[1] - f * q_1;
+       return true;
+     }
+     double x[2];
+     double y[2];
+     std::unique_ptr<ceres::Grid1D<double, 1>> grid;
+     std::unique_ptr<ceres::CubicInterpolator<ceres::Grid1D<double, 1> >> compute_distortion;
+   };
+In the above example we used :class:`Grid1D` and
+:class:`CubicInterpolator` to interpolate a one dimensional table of
+values. :class:`Grid2D` combined with :class:`CubicInterpolator` lets
+the user to interpolate two dimensional tables of values. Note that
+neither :class:`Grid1D` or :class:`Grid2D` are limited to scalar
+valued functions, they also work with vector valued functions.
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+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. cpp:namespace:: ceres
+.. _chapter-numerical_derivatives:
+Numeric derivatives
+The other extreme from using analytic derivatives is to use numeric
+derivatives. The key observation here is that the process of
+differentiating a function :math:`f(x)` w.r.t :math:`x` can be written
+as the limiting process:
+.. math::
+   Df(x) = \lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}
+Forward Differences
+Now of course one cannot perform the limiting operation numerically on
+a computer so we do the next best thing, which is to choose a small
+value of :math:`h` and approximate the derivative as
+.. math::
+   Df(x) \approx \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}
+The above formula is the simplest most basic form of numeric
+differentiation. It is known as the *Forward Difference* formula.
+So how would one go about constructing a numerically differentiated
+version of ``Rat43Analytic`` (`Rat43
+<>`_) in
+Ceres Solver. This is done in two steps:
+  1. Define *Functor* that given the parameter values will evaluate the
+     residual for a given :math:`(x,y)`.
+  2. Construct a :class:`CostFunction` by using
+     :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` to wrap an instance of
+     ``Rat43CostFunctor``.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  struct Rat43CostFunctor {
+    Rat43CostFunctor(const double x, const double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
+    bool operator()(const double* parameters, double* residuals) const {
+      const double b1 = parameters[0];
+      const double b2 = parameters[1];
+      const double b3 = parameters[2];
+      const double b4 = parameters[3];
+      residuals[0] = b1 * pow(1.0 + exp(b2 -  b3 * x_), -1.0 / b4) - y_;
+      return true;
+    }
+    const double x_;
+    const double y_;
+  }
+  CostFunction* cost_function =
+    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, FORWARD, 1, 4>(
+      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
+This is about the minimum amount of work one can expect to do to
+define the cost function. The only thing that the user needs to do is
+to make sure that the evaluation of the residual is implemented
+correctly and efficiently.
+Before going further, it is instructive to get an estimate of the
+error in the forward difference formula. We do this by considering the
+`Taylor expansion <>`_ of
+:math:`f` near :math:`x`.
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+   f(x+h) &= f(x) + h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!} D^2f(x) +
+   \frac{h^3}{3!}D^3f(x) + \cdots \\
+   Df(x) &= \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h} - \left [\frac{h}{2!}D^2f(x) +
+   \frac{h^2}{3!}D^3f(x) + \cdots  \right]\\
+   Df(x) &= \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h} + O(h)
+   \end{align}
+i.e., the error in the forward difference formula is
+:math:`O(h)` [#f4]_.
+Implementation Details
+:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` implements a generic algorithm to
+numerically differentiate a given functor. While the actual
+implementation of :class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` is complicated, the
+net result is a :class:`CostFunction` that roughly looks something
+like the following:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  class Rat43NumericDiffForward : public SizedCostFunction<1,4> {
+     public:
+       Rat43NumericDiffForward(const Rat43Functor* functor) : functor_(functor) {}
+       virtual ~Rat43NumericDiffForward() {}
+       virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
+                             double* residuals,
+			     double** jacobians) const {
+ 	 functor_(parameters[0], residuals);
+	 if (!jacobians) return true;
+	 double* jacobian = jacobians[0];
+	 if (!jacobian) return true;
+	 const double f = residuals[0];
+	 double parameters_plus_h[4];
+	 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+	   std::copy(parameters, parameters + 4, parameters_plus_h);
+	   const double kRelativeStepSize = 1e-6;
+	   const double h = std::abs(parameters[i]) * kRelativeStepSize;
+	   parameters_plus_h[i] += h;
+           double f_plus;
+  	   functor_(parameters_plus_h, &f_plus);
+	   jacobian[i] = (f_plus - f) / h;
+         }
+	 return true;
+       }
+     private:
+       scoped_ptr<Rat43Functor> functor_;
+   };
+Note the choice of step size :math:`h` in the above code, instead of
+an absolute step size which is the same for all parameters, we use a
+relative step size of :math:`\text{kRelativeStepSize} = 10^{-6}`. This
+gives better derivative estimates than an absolute step size [#f2]_
+[#f3]_. This choice of step size only works for parameter values that
+are not close to zero. So the actual implementation of
+:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction`, uses a more complex step size
+selection logic, where close to zero, it switches to a fixed step
+Central Differences
+:math:`O(h)` error in the Forward Difference formula is okay but not
+great. A better method is to use the *Central Difference* formula:
+.. math::
+   Df(x) \approx \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h}
+Notice that if the value of :math:`f(x)` is known, the Forward
+Difference formula only requires one extra evaluation, but the Central
+Difference formula requires two evaluations, making it twice as
+expensive. So is the extra evaluation worth it?
+To answer this question, we again compute the error of approximation
+in the central difference formula:
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+  f(x + h) &= f(x) + h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!}
+  D^2f(x) + \frac{h^3}{3!} D^3f(x) + \frac{h^4}{4!} D^4f(x) + \cdots\\
+    f(x - h) &= f(x) - h Df(x) + \frac{h^2}{2!}
+  D^2f(x) - \frac{h^3}{3!} D^3f(c_2) + \frac{h^4}{4!} D^4f(x) +
+  \cdots\\
+  Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + \frac{h^2}{3!}
+  D^3f(x) +  \frac{h^4}{5!}
+  D^5f(x) + \cdots \\
+  Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + O(h^2)
+   \end{align}
+The error of the Central Difference formula is :math:`O(h^2)`, i.e.,
+the error goes down quadratically whereas the error in the Forward
+Difference formula only goes down linearly.
+Using central differences instead of forward differences in Ceres
+Solver is a simple matter of changing a template argument to
+:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  CostFunction* cost_function =
+    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, CENTRAL, 1, 4>(
+      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
+But what do these differences in the error mean in practice? To see
+this, consider the problem of evaluating the derivative of the
+univariate function
+.. math::
+   f(x) = \frac{e^x}{\sin x - x^2},
+at :math:`x = 1.0`.
+It is easy to determine that :math:`Df(1.0) =
+140.73773557129658`. Using this value as reference, we can now compute
+the relative error in the forward and central difference formulae as a
+function of the absolute step size and plot them.
+.. figure:: forward_central_error.png
+   :figwidth: 100%
+   :align: center
+Reading the graph from right to left, a number of things stand out in
+the above graph:
+ 1. The graph for both formulae have two distinct regions. At first,
+    starting from a large value of :math:`h` the error goes down as
+    the effect of truncating the Taylor series dominates, but as the
+    value of :math:`h` continues to decrease, the error starts
+    increasing again as roundoff error starts to dominate the
+    computation. So we cannot just keep on reducing the value of
+    :math:`h` to get better estimates of :math:`Df`. The fact that we
+    are using finite precision arithmetic becomes a limiting factor.
+ 2. Forward Difference formula is not a great method for evaluating
+    derivatives. Central Difference formula converges much more
+    quickly to a more accurate estimate of the derivative with
+    decreasing step size. So unless the evaluation of :math:`f(x)` is
+    so expensive that you absolutely cannot afford the extra
+    evaluation required by central differences, **do not use the
+    Forward Difference formula**.
+ 3. Neither formula works well for a poorly chosen value of :math:`h`.
+Ridders' Method
+So, can we get better estimates of :math:`Df` without requiring such
+small values of :math:`h` that we start hitting floating point
+roundoff errors?
+One possible approach is to find a method whose error goes down faster
+than :math:`O(h^2)`. This can be done by applying `Richardson
+<>`_ to the
+problem of differentiation. This is also known as *Ridders' Method*
+Let us recall, the error in the central differences formula.
+.. math::
+   \begin{align}
+   Df(x) & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + \frac{h^2}{3!}
+   D^3f(x) +  \frac{h^4}{5!}
+   D^5f(x) + \cdots\\
+           & =  \frac{f(x + h) - f(x - h)}{2h} + K_2 h^2 + K_4 h^4 + \cdots
+   \end{align}
+The key thing to note here is that the terms :math:`K_2, K_4, ...`
+are indepdendent of :math:`h` and only depend on :math:`x`.
+Let us now define:
+.. math::
+   A(1, m) = \frac{f(x + h/2^{m-1}) - f(x - h/2^{m-1})}{2h/2^{m-1}}.
+Then observe that
+.. math::
+   Df(x) = A(1,1) + K_2 h^2 + K_4 h^4 + \cdots
+.. math::
+   Df(x) = A(1, 2) + K_2 (h/2)^2 + K_4 (h/2)^4 + \cdots
+Here we have halved the step size to obtain a second central
+differences estimate of :math:`Df(x)`. Combining these two estimates,
+we get:
+.. math::
+   Df(x) = \frac{4 A(1, 2) - A(1,1)}{4 - 1} + O(h^4)
+which is an approximation of :math:`Df(x)` with truncation error that
+goes down as :math:`O(h^4)`. But we do not have to stop here. We can
+iterate this process to obtain even more accurate estimates as
+.. math::
+   A(n, m) =  \begin{cases}
+    \frac{\displaystyle f(x + h/2^{m-1}) - f(x -
+    h/2^{m-1})}{\displaystyle 2h/2^{m-1}} & n = 1 \\
+   \frac{\displaystyle 4^{n-1} A(n - 1, m + 1) - A(n - 1, m)}{\displaystyle 4^{n-1} - 1} & n > 1
+   \end{cases}
+It is straightforward to show that the approximation error in
+:math:`A(n, 1)` is :math:`O(h^{2n})`. To see how the above formula can
+be implemented in practice to compute :math:`A(n,1)` it is helpful to
+structure the computation as the following tableau:
+.. math::
+   \begin{array}{ccccc}
+   A(1,1) & A(1, 2) & A(1, 3) & A(1, 4) & \cdots\\
+          & A(2, 1) & A(2, 2) & A(2, 3) & \cdots\\
+	  &         & A(3, 1) & A(3, 2) & \cdots\\
+	  &         &         & A(4, 1) & \cdots \\
+	  &         &         &         & \ddots
+   \end{array}
+So, to compute :math:`A(n, 1)` for increasing values of :math:`n` we
+move from the left to the right, computing one column at a
+time. Assuming that the primary cost here is the evaluation of the
+function :math:`f(x)`, the cost of computing a new column of the above
+tableau is two function evaluations. Since the cost of evaluating
+:math:`A(1, n)`, requires evaluating the central difference formula
+for step size of :math:`2^{1-n}h`
+Applying this method to :math:`f(x) = \frac{e^x}{\sin x - x^2}`
+starting with a fairly large step size :math:`h = 0.01`, we get:
+.. math::
+   \begin{array}{rrrrr}
+   141.678097131 &140.971663667 &140.796145400 &140.752333523 &140.741384778\\
+   &140.736185846 &140.737639311 &140.737729564 &140.737735196\\
+   & &140.737736209 &140.737735581 &140.737735571\\
+   & & &140.737735571 &140.737735571\\
+   & & & &140.737735571\\
+   \end{array}
+Compared to the *correct* value :math:`Df(1.0) = 140.73773557129658`,
+:math:`A(5, 1)` has a relative error of :math:`10^{-13}`. For
+comparison, the relative error for the central difference formula with
+the same stepsize (:math:`0.01/2^4 = 0.000625`) is :math:`10^{-5}`.
+The above tableau is the basis of Ridders' method for numeric
+differentiation. The full implementation is an adaptive scheme that
+tracks its own estimation error and stops automatically when the
+desired precision is reached. Of course it is more expensive than the
+forward and central difference formulae, but is also significantly
+more robust and accurate.
+Using Ridder's method instead of forward or central differences in
+Ceres is again a simple matter of changing a template argument to
+:class:`NumericDiffCostFunction` as follows:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  CostFunction* cost_function =
+    new NumericDiffCostFunction<Rat43CostFunctor, RIDDERS, 1, 4>(
+      new Rat43CostFunctor(x, y));
+The following graph shows the relative error of the three methods as a
+function of the absolute step size. For Ridders's method we assume
+that the step size for evaluating :math:`A(n,1)` is :math:`2^{1-n}h`.
+.. figure:: forward_central_ridders_error.png
+   :figwidth: 100%
+   :align: center
+Using the 10 function evaluations that are needed to compute
+:math:`A(5,1)` we are able to approximate :math:`Df(1.0)` about a 1000
+times better than the best central differences estimate. To put these
+numbers in perspective, machine epsilon for double precision
+arithmetic is :math:`\approx 2.22 \times 10^{-16}`.
+Going back to ``Rat43``, let us also look at the runtime cost of the
+various methods for computing numeric derivatives.
+==========================   =========
+CostFunction                 Time (ns)
+==========================   =========
+Rat43Analytic                      255
+Rat43AnalyticOptimized              92
+Rat43NumericDiffForward            262
+Rat43NumericDiffCentral            517
+Rat43NumericDiffRidders           3760
+==========================   =========
+As expected, Central Differences is about twice as expensive as
+Forward Differences and the remarkable accuracy improvements of
+Ridders' method cost an order of magnitude more runtime.
+Numeric differentiation should be used when you cannot compute the
+derivatives either analytically or using automatic differention. This
+is usually the case when you are calling an external library or
+function whose analytic form you do not know or even if you do, you
+are not in a position to re-write it in a manner required to use
+When using numeric differentiation, use at least Central Differences,
+and if execution time is not a concern or the objective function is
+such that determining a good static relative step size is hard,
+Ridders' method is recommended.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#f2] `Numerical Differentiation
+	 <>`_
+.. [#f3] [Press]_ Numerical Recipes, Section 5.7
+.. [#f4] In asymptotic error analysis, an error of :math:`O(h^k)`
+	 means that the absolute-value of the error is at most some
+	 constant times :math:`h^k` when :math:`h` is close enough to
+	 :math:`0`.
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+.. _chapter-spivak_notation:
+Spivak Notation
+To preserve our collective sanities, we will use Spivak's notation for
+derivatives. It is a functional notation that makes reading and
+reasoning about expressions involving derivatives simple.
+For a univariate function :math:`f`, :math:`f(a)` denotes its value at
+:math:`a`. :math:`Df` denotes its first derivative, and
+:math:`Df(a)` is the derivative evaluated at :math:`a`, i.e
+.. math::
+   Df(a) = \left . \frac{d}{dx} f(x) \right |_{x = a}
+:math:`D^kf` denotes the :math:`k^{\text{th}}` derivative of :math:`f`.
+For a bi-variate function :math:`g(x,y)`. :math:`D_1g` and
+:math:`D_2g` denote the partial derivatives of :math:`g` w.r.t the
+first and second variable respectively. In the classical notation this
+is equivalent to saying:
+.. math::
+   D_1 g = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}g(x,y) \text{ and }  D_2 g  = \frac{\partial}{\partial y}g(x,y).
+:math:`Dg` denotes the Jacobian of `g`, i.e.,
+.. math::
+  Dg = \begin{bmatrix} D_1g & D_2g \end{bmatrix}
+More generally for a multivariate function :math:`g:\mathbb{R}^n
+\longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^m`, :math:`Dg` denotes the :math:`m\times
+n` Jacobian matrix. :math:`D_i g` is the partial derivative of
+:math:`g` w.r.t the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` coordinate and the
+:math:`i^{\text{th}}` column of :math:`Dg`.
+Finally, :math:`D^2_1g` and :math:`D_1D_2g` have the obvious meaning
+as higher order partial derivatives.
+For more see Michael Spivak's book `Calculus on Manifolds
+or a brief discussion of the `merits of this notation
+<>`_ by
+Mitchell N. Charity.