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.. _chapter-introduction:
What is Ceres Solver?
Ceres is an industrial-grade C++ library for modeling and solving large and
small nonlinear least squares problems of the form
.. math:: \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i} \rho_i\left(\left\|f_i\left(x_{i_1}, ... ,x_{i_k}\right)\right\|^2\right).
For a brief introduction to nonlinear solving in general, see the
Who uses Ceres Solver?
* `Google Street View`_ panorama poses are computed with Ceres (`see video`_)
* `Google Photo Tours`_ employ Ceres to pose all the photos
* `Google Maps and Earth`_ imagery spatial alignment and satellite sensor calibration is done with Ceres
* `Project Tango`_ uses Ceres as part of the SLAM pipeline
* `Willow Garage's`_ SLAM pipeline uses Ceres for realtime bundle adjustment
* `Android`_ uses Ceres for image processing and stitching, including for `Photo Sphere`_
* `Blender's`_ `motion tracking module`_ depends critically on Ceres, using it
for 2D tracking, 3D reconstruction, panorama tracking, plane tracking, and
more; see the results in `Tears of Steel`_
.. _Google Street View:
.. _see video:
.. _Google Photo Tours:
.. _Google Maps and Earth:
.. _Project Tango:
.. _Willow Garage's:
.. _Android:
.. _Photo Sphere:
.. _Blender's:
.. _motion tracking module:
.. _Tears of Steel:
Why use Ceres Solver?
* Ceres has an **integrated modelling layer**, making it easy and intutive to
model large, complex cost functions with interacting terms, such as a moving
vehicle with multiple sensors and tricky dynamics.
* Ceres has **integrated automatic differentiation**, avoiding the error-prone
task of manually computing derivatives.
* Ceres can model a **wide variety of problems**, beyond simple nonlinear least
squares, thanks to robust loss functions and local parameterizations (e.g.
for quaternions).
* Ceres is **very fast**, thanks to threaded cost function evaluators, threaded linear
solvers, and generous amounts of engineering time spent optimizing.
* Ceres has **multiple nonlinear solvers** including trust region (fast, uses
more memory) and line search (slower, uses less memory).
* Ceres has **multiple linear solvers** for both sparse and dense systems,
leveraging Eigen or MKL for dense solving, CHOLMOD or CXSparse for sparse
solving, and specialized linear solvers for bundle adjustment.
* Ceres has **thorough automated tests** ensuring it is high-quality
* Ceres is **industrial grade** thanks to **many compute-years** spent
running its code, analyzing the results, and improving it.
* Ceres has **world-class solution quality**, with the best known results of
any least squares solver on the `NIST least squares precision benchmark`_.
* Ceres has an **active community** encouraging contributions and mentoring
those starting out.
* Ceres runs on **many platforms** including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and
iOS (sort of).
* Ceres is **liberally licensed (BSD)** so that you can use it freely in
commercial applications without releasing your code.
.. _NIST least squares precision benchmark:!topic/ceres-solver/UcicgMPgbXw