Improve the convergence performance of TinySolver

1. Default constructor and initialization for Summary.
2. Add Jacobi scaling.
3. Add bounds on the lm diagonal
4. Use the diagonal of J'J as the regularizer instead of identity.
5. Update the computation of rho to match the change in regularization.

As a result of these changes, the performance of TinySolver is
now the same as ceres::Solver, solving 53 out of 54 problems.

Change-Id: Ie08c3389ac2e3964ffa04411734c06b65835358a
diff --git a/include/ceres/tiny_solver.h b/include/ceres/tiny_solver.h
index 8f25918..d9fa3c5 100644
--- a/include/ceres/tiny_solver.h
+++ b/include/ceres/tiny_solver.h
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
        : gradient_threshold(1e-16),
-         initial_scale_factor(1e-3),
+         initial_scale_factor(1e-4),
          max_iterations(100) {}
     Scalar gradient_threshold;       // eps > max(J'*f(x))
     Scalar relative_step_threshold;  // eps > ||dx|| / ||x||
@@ -170,11 +170,19 @@
   struct Summary {
-    Scalar initial_cost;              // 1/2 ||f(x)||^2
-    Scalar final_cost;                // 1/2 ||f(x)||^2
-    Scalar gradient_magnitude;        // ||J'f(x)||
-    int    num_failed_linear_solves;
-    int    iterations;
+    Summary()
+        : initial_cost(-1),
+          final_cost(-1),
+          gradient_magnitude(-1),
+          num_failed_linear_solves(0),
+          iterations(0),
+          status(RUNNING) {}
+    Scalar initial_cost;        // 1/2 ||f(x)||^2
+    Scalar final_cost;          // 1/2 ||f(x)||^2
+    Scalar gradient_magnitude;  // ||J'f(x)||
+    int num_failed_linear_solves;
+    int iterations;
     Status status;
@@ -183,8 +191,22 @@
     function(&x(0), &error_(0), &jacobian_(0, 0));
     error_ = -error_;
+    // On the first iteration, compute a diagonal (Jacobi) scaling
+    // matrix, which we store as a vector.
+    if (summary.iterations == 0) {
+      // jacobi_scaling = 1 / (1 + diagonal(J'J))
+      //
+      // 1 is added to the denominator to regularize small diagonal
+      // entries.
+      jacobi_scaling_ = 1.0 / (1.0 + jacobian_.colwise().norm().array());
+    }
     // This explicitly computes the normal equations, which is numerically
     // unstable. Nevertheless, it is often good enough and is fast.
+    //
+    // TODO(sameeragarwal): Refactor this to allow for DenseQR
+    // factorization.
+    jacobian_ = jacobian_ * jacobi_scaling_.asDiagonal();
     jtj_ = jacobian_.transpose() * jacobian_;
     g_ = jacobian_.transpose() * error_;
     if (g_.array().abs().maxCoeff() < options.gradient_threshold) {
@@ -192,65 +214,85 @@
     } else if (error_.norm() < options.error_threshold) {
       return ERROR_TOO_SMALL;
     return RUNNING;
   Summary& Solve(const Function& function, Parameters* x_and_min) {
     Initialize<NUM_RESIDUALS, NUM_PARAMETERS>(function);
     Parameters& x = *x_and_min;
+    summary = Summary();
+    // TODO(sameeragarwal): Deal with failure here.
     summary.status = Update(function, x);
     summary.initial_cost = error_.squaredNorm() / Scalar(2.0);
-    Scalar u = Scalar(options.initial_scale_factor * jtj_.diagonal().maxCoeff());
+    Scalar u = options.initial_scale_factor;
     Scalar v = 2;
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; summary.status == RUNNING && i < options.max_iterations; ++i) {
-      jtj_augmented_ = jtj_;
-      jtj_augmented_.diagonal().array() += u;
-      linear_solver_.compute(jtj_augmented_);
-      dx_ = linear_solver_.solve(g_);
-      bool solved = (jtj_augmented_ * dx_).isApprox(g_);
-      if (solved) {
-        if (dx_.norm() < options.relative_step_threshold * x.norm()) {
-          summary.status = RELATIVE_STEP_SIZE_TOO_SMALL;
-          break;
-        }
-        x_new_ = x + dx_;
-        // Rho is the ratio of the actual reduction in error to the reduction
-        // in error that would be obtained if the problem was linear. See [1]
-        // for details.
-        // TODO(keir): Add proper handling of errors from user eval of cost functions.
-        function(&x_new_[0], &f_x_new_[0], NULL);
-        Scalar rho((error_.squaredNorm() - f_x_new_.squaredNorm())
-                   / * dx_ + g_));
-        if (rho > 0) {
-          // Accept the Gauss-Newton step because the linear model fits well.
-          x = x_new_;
-          summary.status = Update(function, x);
-          Scalar tmp = Scalar(2 * rho - 1);
-          u = u * std::max(1 / 3., 1 - tmp * tmp * tmp);
-          v = 2;
-          continue;
-        }
-      } else {
-        summary.num_failed_linear_solves++;
+    for (int i = 1; summary.status == RUNNING && i < options.max_iterations;
+         ++i) {
+      summary.iterations = i;
+      jtj_regularized_ = jtj_;
+      const Scalar min_diagonal = 1e-6;
+      const Scalar max_diagonal = 1e32;
+      for (int i = 0; i < function.NumParameters(); ++i) {
+        lm_diagonal_[i] = std::sqrt(
+            u * std::min(std::max(jtj_(i, i), min_diagonal), max_diagonal));
+        jtj_regularized_(i, i) += lm_diagonal_[i] * lm_diagonal_[i];
+      // TODO(sameeragarwal): Check for failure and deal with it.
+      linear_solver_.compute(jtj_regularized_);
+      lm_step_ = linear_solver_.solve(g_);
+      dx_ = jacobi_scaling_.asDiagonal() * lm_step_;
+      if (dx_.norm() < options.relative_step_threshold * x.norm()) {
+        summary.status = RELATIVE_STEP_SIZE_TOO_SMALL;
+        break;
+      }
+      x_new_ = x + dx_;
+      // TODO(keir): Add proper handling of errors from user eval of cost
+      // functions.
+      function(&x_new_[0], &f_x_new_[0], NULL);
+      // TODO(sameeragarwal): Maintain cost estimate for the iteration
+      // and save on a dot product here.
+      const double cost_change =
+          (error_.squaredNorm() - f_x_new_.squaredNorm());
+      // TODO(sameeragarwal): Better more numerically stable evaluation.
+      const double model_cost_change = * g_ - jtj_ * lm_step_);
+      // rho is the ratio of the actual reduction in error to the reduction
+      // in error that would be obtained if the problem was linear. See [1]
+      // for details.
+      Scalar rho(cost_change / model_cost_change);
+      if (rho > 0) {
+        // Accept the Levenberg-Marquardt step because the linear
+        // model fits well.
+        x = x_new_;
+        summary.status = Update(function, x);
+        Scalar tmp = Scalar(2 * rho - 1);
+        u = u * std::max(1 / 3., 1 - tmp * tmp * tmp);
+        v = 2;
+        continue;
+      }
       // Reject the update because either the normal equations failed to solve
       // or the local linear model was not good (rho < 0). Instead, increase u
       // to move closer to gradient descent.
       u *= v;
       v *= 2;
     if (summary.status == RUNNING) {
       summary.status = HIT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
     summary.final_cost = error_.squaredNorm() / Scalar(2.0);
     summary.gradient_magnitude = g_.norm();
-    summary.iterations = i;
     return summary;
@@ -261,10 +303,10 @@
   // Preallocate everything, including temporary storage needed for solving the
   // linear system. This allows reusing the intermediate storage across solves.
   LinearSolver linear_solver_;
-  Parameters dx_, x_new_, g_;
+  Parameters dx_, x_new_, g_, jacobi_scaling_, lm_diagonal_, lm_step_;
   Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NUM_RESIDUALS, 1> error_, f_x_new_;
   Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NUM_RESIDUALS, NUM_PARAMETERS> jacobian_;
-  Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NUM_PARAMETERS, NUM_PARAMETERS> jtj_, jtj_augmented_;
+  Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NUM_PARAMETERS, NUM_PARAMETERS> jtj_, jtj_regularized_;
   // The following definitions are needed for template metaprogramming.
   template<bool Condition, typename T> struct enable_if;
@@ -302,11 +344,17 @@
   Initialize(const Function& /* function */) { }
   void Initialize(int num_residuals, int num_parameters) {
+    dx_.resize(num_parameters);
+    x_new_.resize(num_parameters);
+    g_.resize(num_parameters);
+    jacobi_scaling_.resize(num_parameters);
+    lm_diagonal_.resize(num_parameters);
+    lm_step_.resize(num_parameters);
     jacobian_.resize(num_residuals, num_parameters);
     jtj_.resize(num_parameters, num_parameters);
-    jtj_augmented_.resize(num_parameters, num_parameters);
+    jtj_regularized_.resize(num_parameters, num_parameters);