Add checks in rotation.h for inplace operations.

Some rotation functions like UnitQuaternionRotatePoint,
QuaternionRotatePoint, etc. will calculate bad results if the input
point and output point points to the same memory (inplace operation).

This CL adds checks in debug mode to guard against it.

Change-Id: Id0a30e9a0286b340757f0790d417d9f9a3409810
diff --git a/include/ceres/rotation.h b/include/ceres/rotation.h
index a0530dd..71d64e2 100644
--- a/include/ceres/rotation.h
+++ b/include/ceres/rotation.h
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <limits>
+#include "glog/logging.h"
 namespace ceres {
 // Trivial wrapper to index linear arrays as matrices, given a fixed
@@ -185,19 +187,33 @@
 // write the transform as (something)*pt + pt, as is clear from the
 // formula below. If you pass in a quaternion with |q|^2 = 2 then you
 // WILL NOT get back 2 times the result you get for a unit quaternion.
+// Inplace rotation is not supported. pt and result must point to different
+// memory locations, otherwise the result will be undefined.
 template <typename T> inline
 void UnitQuaternionRotatePoint(const T q[4], const T pt[3], T result[3]);
 // With this function you do not need to assume that q has unit norm.
 // It does assume that the norm is non-zero.
+// Inplace rotation is not supported. pt and result must point to different
+// memory locations, otherwise the result will be undefined.
 template <typename T> inline
 void QuaternionRotatePoint(const T q[4], const T pt[3], T result[3]);
 // zw = z * w, where * is the Quaternion product between 4 vectors.
+// Inplace quaternion product is not supported. The resulting quaternion zw must
+// not share the memory with the input quaternion z and w, otherwise the result
+// will be undefined.
 template<typename T> inline
 void QuaternionProduct(const T z[4], const T w[4], T zw[4]);
 // xy = x cross y;
+// Inplace cross product is not support. The resulting vector x_cross_y must not
+// share the memory with the input vectors x and y, otherwise the result will be
+// undefined.
 template<typename T> inline
 void CrossProduct(const T x[3], const T y[3], T x_cross_y[3]);
@@ -205,6 +221,9 @@
 T DotProduct(const T x[3], const T y[3]);
 // y = R(angle_axis) * x;
+// Inplace rotation is not supported. pt and result must point to different
+// memory locations, otherwise the result will be undefined.
 template<typename T> inline
 void AngleAxisRotatePoint(const T angle_axis[3], const T pt[3], T result[3]);
@@ -505,6 +524,8 @@
 template <typename T> inline
 void UnitQuaternionRotatePoint(const T q[4], const T pt[3], T result[3]) {
+  DCHECK_NE(pt, result) << "Inplace rotation is not supported.";
   const T t2 =  q[0] * q[1];
   const T t3 =  q[0] * q[2];
   const T t4 =  q[0] * q[3];
@@ -521,6 +542,8 @@
 template <typename T> inline
 void QuaternionRotatePoint(const T q[4], const T pt[3], T result[3]) {
+  DCHECK_NE(pt, result) << "Inplace rotation is not supported.";
   // 'scale' is 1 / norm(q).
   const T scale = T(1) / sqrt(q[0] * q[0] +
                               q[1] * q[1] +
@@ -540,6 +563,9 @@
 template<typename T> inline
 void QuaternionProduct(const T z[4], const T w[4], T zw[4]) {
+  DCHECK_NE(z, zw) << "Inplace quaternion product is not supported.";
+  DCHECK_NE(w, zw) << "Inplace quaternion product is not supported.";
   zw[0] = z[0] * w[0] - z[1] * w[1] - z[2] * w[2] - z[3] * w[3];
   zw[1] = z[0] * w[1] + z[1] * w[0] + z[2] * w[3] - z[3] * w[2];
   zw[2] = z[0] * w[2] - z[1] * w[3] + z[2] * w[0] + z[3] * w[1];
@@ -549,6 +575,9 @@
 // xy = x cross y;
 template<typename T> inline
 void CrossProduct(const T x[3], const T y[3], T x_cross_y[3]) {
+  DCHECK_NE(x, x_cross_y) << "Inplace cross product is not supported.";
+  DCHECK_NE(y, x_cross_y) << "Inplace cross product is not supported.";
   x_cross_y[0] = x[1] * y[2] - x[2] * y[1];
   x_cross_y[1] = x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * y[2];
   x_cross_y[2] = x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0];
@@ -561,6 +590,8 @@
 template<typename T> inline
 void AngleAxisRotatePoint(const T angle_axis[3], const T pt[3], T result[3]) {
+  DCHECK_NE(pt, result) << "Inplace rotation is not supported.";
   const T theta2 = DotProduct(angle_axis, angle_axis);
   if (theta2 > T(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())) {
     // Away from zero, use the rodriguez formula