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| \title{\Huge\scshape |
| \MakeLowercase{Ceres Solver: Tutorial \& Reference} |
| } |
| \author{ |
| \scshape\MakeLowercase{Sameer Agarwal} \\ \texttt{sameeragarwal@google.com} |
| \and |
| \scshape\MakeLowercase{Keir Mierle} \\ \texttt{ keir@google.com} |
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| \chapter{A Note to the Reader} |
| Building this pdf from source requires a relatively recent installation of \texttt{LaTeX}~\footnote{\url{http://www.tug.org/texlive/}}, \texttt{minted.sty}\footnote{\url{http://code.google.com/p/minted/}} and \texttt{pygments}\footnote{\url{http://pygments.org/}}. |
| |
| Despite our best efforts, this manual remains a work in progress and the source code for Ceres Solver remains the ultimate reference. |
| |
| \input{introduction} |
| \input{build} |
| |
| %% Tutorial |
| \part{Tutorial} |
| \label{part:tutorial} |
| \input{nnlsq} |
| \input{helloworld} |
| \input{powell} |
| \input{curvefitting} |
| \input{bundleadjustment} |
| |
| %% Reference |
| \part{Reference} |
| \label{part:reference} |
| \input{reference-overview} |
| \input{modeling} |
| \input{solving} |
| |
| \input{faq} |
| \input{further} |
| \bibliographystyle{plain} |
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| \end{document} |