blob: 870fd990f46a04bd8b20eff6bc81c9b2de72a45d [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Build instructions
%%% pdflatex -shell-escape ceres && bibtex ceres && pdflatex -shell-escape ceres && pdflatex -shell-escape ceres
% page dimensions
% Our pagestyle
%% ceres chapter style
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%% Section title style
%% Subsection title style
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\MakeLowercase{Ceres Solver: Tutorial \& Reference}
\scshape\MakeLowercase{Sameer Agarwal} \\ \texttt{}
\scshape\MakeLowercase{Keir Mierle} \\ \texttt{}
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\chapter{A Note to the Reader}
Building this pdf from source requires a relatively recent installation of \texttt{LaTeX}~\footnote{\url{}}, \texttt{minted.sty}\footnote{\url{}} and \texttt{pygments}\footnote{\url{}}.
Despite our best efforts, this manual remains a work in progress and the source code for Ceres Solver remains the ultimate reference.
%% Tutorial
%% Reference