blob: 049a3808064cca3cd89bffac932c4612861729ec [file] [log] [blame]
.. _chapter-acknowledgements:
A number of people have helped with the development and open sourcing
of Ceres.
Fredrik Schaffalitzky when he was at Google started the development of
Ceres, and even though much has changed since then, many of the ideas
from his original design are still present in the current code.
Amongst Ceres' users at Google two deserve special mention: William
Rucklidge and James Roseborough. William was the first user of
Ceres. He bravely took on the task of porting production code to an
as-yet unproven optimization library, reporting bugs and helping fix
them along the way. James is perhaps the most sophisticated user of
Ceres at Google. He has reported and fixed bugs and helped evolve the
API for the better.
Since the initial release of Ceres, a number of people have
contributed to Ceres by porting it to new platforms, reporting bugs,
fixing bugs and adding new functionality. We acknowledge all of these
contributions in :ref:`chapter-version-history`.