blob: d418786a5d2d11c7b0fe083043623cadba351ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ceres/internal/fixed_array.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <scoped_allocator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
namespace {
// Returns the number of elements in an array as a compile-time constant, which
// can be used in defining new arrays. If you use this macro on a pointer by
// mistake, you will get a compile-time error.
#define CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(array) (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(array)))
// Note: this internal template function declaration is used by
// CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE. The function doesn't need a definition, as we only
// use its type.
template <typename T, size_t N>
auto ArraySizeHelper(const T (&array)[N]) -> char (&)[N];
// Helper routine to determine if a ceres::internal::FixedArray used stack
// allocation.
template <typename ArrayType>
static bool IsOnStack(const ArrayType& a) {
return a.size() <= ArrayType::inline_elements;
class ConstructionTester {
ConstructionTester() : self_ptr_(this), value_(0) { constructions++; }
~ConstructionTester() {
assert(self_ptr_ == this);
self_ptr_ = nullptr;
// These are incremented as elements are constructed and destructed so we can
// be sure all elements are properly cleaned up.
static int constructions;
static int destructions;
void CheckConstructed() { assert(self_ptr_ == this); }
void set(int value) { value_ = value; }
int get() { return value_; }
// self_ptr_ should always point to 'this' -- that's how we can be sure the
// constructor has been called.
ConstructionTester* self_ptr_;
int value_;
int ConstructionTester::constructions = 0;
int ConstructionTester::destructions = 0;
// ThreeInts will initialize its three ints to the value stored in
// ThreeInts::counter. The constructor increments counter so that each object
// in an array of ThreeInts will have different values.
class ThreeInts {
ThreeInts() {
x_ = counter;
y_ = counter;
z_ = counter;
static int counter;
int x_, y_, z_;
int ThreeInts::counter = 0;
TEST(FixedArrayTest, CopyCtor) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 10> on_stack(5);
std::iota(on_stack.begin(), on_stack.end(), 0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 10> stack_copy = on_stack;
EXPECT_THAT(stack_copy, ElementsAreArray(on_stack));
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 10> allocated(15);
std::iota(allocated.begin(), allocated.end(), 0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 10> alloced_copy = allocated;
EXPECT_THAT(alloced_copy, ElementsAreArray(allocated));
TEST(FixedArrayTest, MoveCtor) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::unique_ptr<int>, 10> on_stack(5);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
on_stack[i] = std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(i));
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::unique_ptr<int>, 10> stack_copy =
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(*(stack_copy[i]), i);
EXPECT_EQ(stack_copy.size(), on_stack.size());
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::unique_ptr<int>, 10> allocated(15);
for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
allocated[i] = std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(i));
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::unique_ptr<int>, 10> alloced_copy =
for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(*(alloced_copy[i]), i);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated.size(), alloced_copy.size());
TEST(FixedArrayTest, SmallObjects) {
// Small object arrays
// Short arrays should be on the stack
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> array(4);
// Large arrays should be on the heap
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> array(1048576);
// Arrays of <= default size should be on the stack
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 100> array(100);
// Arrays of > default size should be on the heap
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 100> array(101);
// Arrays with different size elements should use approximately
// same amount of stack space
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> array1(0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<char> array2(0);
EXPECT_LE(sizeof(array1), sizeof(array2) + 100);
EXPECT_LE(sizeof(array2), sizeof(array1) + 100);
// Ensure that vectors are properly constructed inside a fixed array.
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::vector<int>> array(2);
EXPECT_EQ(0, array[0].size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, array[1].size());
// Regardless of ceres::internal::FixedArray implementation, check that a
// type with a low alignment requirement and a non power-of-two size is
// initialized correctly.
ThreeInts::counter = 1;
ceres::internal::FixedArray<ThreeInts> array(2);
EXPECT_EQ(1, array[0].x_);
EXPECT_EQ(1, array[0].y_);
EXPECT_EQ(1, array[0].z_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, array[1].x_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, array[1].y_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, array[1].z_);
TEST(FixedArrayRelationalsTest, EqualArrays) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5> a1(i);
std::iota(a1.begin(), a1.end(), 0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5> a2(a1.begin(), a1.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 == a2);
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 != a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 == a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 != a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 < a2);
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 > a2);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 < a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 > a1);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 <= a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 >= a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 <= a1);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 >= a1);
TEST(FixedArrayRelationalsTest, UnequalArrays) {
for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5> a1(i);
std::iota(a1.begin(), a1.end(), 0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5> a2(a1.begin(), a1.end());
--a2[i / 2];
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 == a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 != a2);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 == a1);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 != a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 < a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 > a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 < a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 > a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a1 <= a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 >= a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a2 <= a1);
EXPECT_FALSE(a2 >= a1);
template <int stack_elements>
static void TestArray(int n) {
ConstructionTester::constructions = 0;
ConstructionTester::destructions = 0;
ceres::internal::FixedArray<ConstructionTester, stack_elements> array(n);
EXPECT_THAT(array.size(), n);
EXPECT_THAT(array.memsize(), sizeof(ConstructionTester) * n);
EXPECT_THAT(array.begin() + n, array.end());
// Check that all elements were constructed
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Check that no other elements were constructed
EXPECT_THAT(ConstructionTester::constructions, n);
// Test operator[]
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
EXPECT_THAT(array[i].get(), i);
EXPECT_THAT([i].get(), i);
// Test data()
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {[i].set(i + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
EXPECT_THAT(array[i].get(), i + 1);
EXPECT_THAT([i].get(), i + 1);
} // Close scope containing 'array'.
// Check that all constructed elements were destructed.
template <int elements_per_inner_array, int inline_elements>
static void TestArrayOfArrays(int n) {
ConstructionTester::constructions = 0;
ConstructionTester::destructions = 0;
using InnerArray = ConstructionTester[elements_per_inner_array];
// Heap-allocate the FixedArray to avoid blowing the stack frame.
auto array_ptr = std::unique_ptr<
ceres::internal::FixedArray<InnerArray, inline_elements>>(
new ceres::internal::FixedArray<InnerArray, inline_elements>(n));
auto& array = *array_ptr;
ASSERT_EQ(array.size(), n);
sizeof(ConstructionTester) * elements_per_inner_array * n);
ASSERT_EQ(array.begin() + n, array.end());
// Check that all elements were constructed
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < elements_per_inner_array; j++) {
// Check that no other elements were constructed
ASSERT_EQ(ConstructionTester::constructions, n * elements_per_inner_array);
// Test operator[]
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < elements_per_inner_array; j++) {
(array[i])[j].set(i * elements_per_inner_array + j);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < elements_per_inner_array; j++) {
ASSERT_EQ((array[i])[j].get(), i * elements_per_inner_array + j);
ASSERT_EQ(([i])[j].get(), i * elements_per_inner_array + j);
// Test data()
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < elements_per_inner_array; j++) {
([i])[j].set((i + 1) * elements_per_inner_array + j);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < elements_per_inner_array; j++) {
ASSERT_EQ((array[i])[j].get(), (i + 1) * elements_per_inner_array + j);
(i + 1) * elements_per_inner_array + j);
} // Close scope containing 'array'.
// Check that all constructed elements were destructed.
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, NonInline) {
int const kInput[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput) - 1> const
fixed(kInput, kInput + CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput));
for (size_t i = 0; i < CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kInput[i], fixed[i]);
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, Inline) {
int const kInput[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput)> const
fixed(kInput, kInput + CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput));
for (size_t i = 0; i < CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kInput[i], fixed[i]);
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, NonPod) {
char const* kInput[] = {
"red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"};
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::string> const fixed(
kInput, kInput + CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput));
for (size_t i = 0; i < CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kInput[i], fixed[i]);
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, FromEmptyVector) {
std::vector<int> const empty;
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> const fixed(empty.begin(), empty.end());
EXPECT_EQ(0, fixed.size());
EXPECT_EQ(empty.size(), fixed.size());
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, FromNonEmptyVector) {
int const kInput[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
std::vector<int> const items(kInput,
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> const fixed(items.begin(), items.end());
ASSERT_EQ(items.size(), fixed.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(items[i], fixed[i]);
TEST(IteratorConstructorTest, FromBidirectionalIteratorRange) {
int const kInput[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
std::list<int> const items(kInput, kInput + CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(kInput));
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> const fixed(items.begin(), items.end());
EXPECT_THAT(fixed, testing::ElementsAreArray(kInput));
TEST(InitListConstructorTest, InitListConstruction) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> fixed = {1, 2, 3};
EXPECT_THAT(fixed, testing::ElementsAreArray({1, 2, 3}));
TEST(FillConstructorTest, NonEmptyArrays) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> stack_array(4, 1);
EXPECT_THAT(stack_array, testing::ElementsAreArray({1, 1, 1, 1}));
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 0> heap_array(4, 1);
EXPECT_THAT(stack_array, testing::ElementsAreArray({1, 1, 1, 1}));
TEST(FillConstructorTest, EmptyArray) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> empty_fill(0, 1);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> empty_size(0);
EXPECT_EQ(empty_fill, empty_size);
TEST(FillConstructorTest, NotTriviallyCopyable) {
std::string str = "abcd";
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::string> strings = {str, str, str, str};
ceres::internal::FixedArray<std::string> array(4, str);
EXPECT_EQ(array, strings);
TEST(FillConstructorTest, Disambiguation) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<size_t> a(1, 2);
EXPECT_THAT(a, testing::ElementsAre(2));
TEST(FixedArrayTest, ManySizedArrays) {
std::vector<int> sizes;
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) sizes.push_back(i);
for (int i = 100; i <= 1000; i += 100) sizes.push_back(i);
for (int n : sizes) {
TEST(FixedArrayTest, ManySizedArraysOfArraysOf1) {
for (int n = 1; n < 1000; n++) {
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE((TestArrayOfArrays<1, 0>(n)));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE((TestArrayOfArrays<1, 1>(n)));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE((TestArrayOfArrays<1, 64>(n)));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE((TestArrayOfArrays<1, 1000>(n)));
TEST(FixedArrayTest, ManySizedArraysOfArraysOf2) {
for (int n = 1; n < 1000; n++) {
TestArrayOfArrays<2, 0>(n);
TestArrayOfArrays<2, 1>(n);
TestArrayOfArrays<2, 64>(n);
TestArrayOfArrays<2, 1000>(n);
// If value_type is put inside of a struct container,
// we might evoke this error in a hardened build unless data() is carefully
// written, so check on that.
// error: call to int __builtin___sprintf_chk(etc...)
// will always overflow destination buffer [-Werror]
TEST(FixedArrayTest, AvoidParanoidDiagnostics) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<char, 32> buf(32);
sprintf(, "foo"); // NOLINT(runtime/printf)
TEST(FixedArrayTest, TooBigInlinedSpace) {
struct TooBig {
char c[1 << 20];
}; // too big for even one on the stack
// Simulate the data members of ceres::internal::FixedArray, a pointer and a
// size_t.
struct Data {
std::tuple<size_t, std::allocator<double>> size_alloc_;
TooBig* p;
// Make sure TooBig objects are not inlined for 0 or default size.
sizeof(ceres::internal::FixedArray<TooBig, 0>) == sizeof(Data),
"0-sized ceres::internal::FixedArray should have same size as Data.");
alignof(ceres::internal::FixedArray<TooBig, 0>) == alignof(Data),
"0-sized ceres::internal::FixedArray should have same alignment as "
static_assert(sizeof(ceres::internal::FixedArray<TooBig>) == sizeof(Data),
"default-sized ceres::internal::FixedArray should have same "
"size as Data");
static_assert(alignof(ceres::internal::FixedArray<TooBig>) == alignof(Data),
"default-sized ceres::internal::FixedArray should have same "
"alignment as Data.");
// PickyDelete EXPECTs its class-scope deallocation funcs are unused.
struct PickyDelete {
PickyDelete() {}
~PickyDelete() {}
void operator delete(void* p) {
::operator delete(p);
void operator delete[](void* p) {
::operator delete[](p);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, UsesGlobalAlloc) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<PickyDelete, 0> a(5);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, Data) {
static const int kInput[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17};
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> fa(std::begin(kInput), std::end(kInput));
EXPECT_EQ(, &*fa.begin());
EXPECT_EQ(, &fa[0]);
const ceres::internal::FixedArray<int>& cfa = fa;
EXPECT_EQ(, &*cfa.begin());
EXPECT_EQ(, &cfa[0]);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, Empty) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> empty(0);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> inline_filled(1);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 0> heap_filled(1);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, FrontAndBack) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 3 * sizeof(int)> inlined = {1, 2, 3};
EXPECT_EQ(inlined.front(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(inlined.back(), 3);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 0> allocated = {1, 2, 3};
EXPECT_EQ(allocated.front(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated.back(), 3);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> one_element = {1};
EXPECT_EQ(one_element.front(), one_element.back());
TEST(FixedArrayTest, ReverseIteratorInlined) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5 * sizeof(int)> a = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int counter = 5;
for (ceres::internal::FixedArray<int>::reverse_iterator iter = a.rbegin();
iter != a.rend();
++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
counter = 5;
for (ceres::internal::FixedArray<int>::const_reverse_iterator iter =
iter != a.rend();
++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
counter = 5;
for (auto iter = a.crbegin(); iter != a.crend(); ++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, ReverseIteratorAllocated) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 0> a = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
int counter = 5;
for (ceres::internal::FixedArray<int>::reverse_iterator iter = a.rbegin();
iter != a.rend();
++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
counter = 5;
for (ceres::internal::FixedArray<int>::const_reverse_iterator iter =
iter != a.rend();
++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
counter = 5;
for (auto iter = a.crbegin(); iter != a.crend(); ++iter) {
EXPECT_EQ(counter, *iter);
EXPECT_EQ(counter, 0);
TEST(FixedArrayTest, Fill) {
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 5 * sizeof(int)> inlined(5);
int fill_val = 42;
for (int i : inlined) EXPECT_EQ(i, fill_val);
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, 0> allocated(5);
for (int i : allocated) EXPECT_EQ(i, fill_val);
// It doesn't do anything, just make sure this compiles.
ceres::internal::FixedArray<int> empty(0);
// TODO(johnsoncj): Investigate InlinedStorage default initialization in GCC 4.x
#ifndef __GNUC__
TEST(FixedArrayTest, DefaultCtorDoesNotValueInit) {
using T = char;
constexpr auto capacity = 10;
using FixedArrType = ceres::internal::FixedArray<T, capacity>;
using FixedArrBuffType =
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(FixedArrType),
constexpr auto scrubbed_bits = 0x95;
constexpr auto length = capacity / 2;
FixedArrBuffType buff;
std::memset(std::addressof(buff), scrubbed_bits, sizeof(FixedArrBuffType));
FixedArrType* arr =
::new (static_cast<void*>(std::addressof(buff))) FixedArrType(length);
EXPECT_THAT(*arr, testing::Each(scrubbed_bits));
#endif // __GNUC__
// This is a stateful allocator, but the state lives outside of the
// allocator (in whatever test is using the allocator). This is odd
// but helps in tests where the allocator is propagated into nested
// containers - that chain of allocators uses the same state and is
// thus easier to query for aggregate allocation information.
template <typename T>
class CountingAllocator : public std::allocator<T> {
using Alloc = std::allocator<T>;
using pointer = typename Alloc::pointer;
using size_type = typename Alloc::size_type;
CountingAllocator() : bytes_used_(nullptr), instance_count_(nullptr) {}
explicit CountingAllocator(int64_t* b)
: bytes_used_(b), instance_count_(nullptr) {}
CountingAllocator(int64_t* b, int64_t* a)
: bytes_used_(b), instance_count_(a) {}
template <typename U>
explicit CountingAllocator(const CountingAllocator<U>& x)
: Alloc(x),
instance_count_(x.instance_count_) {}
pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* const hint = nullptr) {
assert(bytes_used_ != nullptr);
*bytes_used_ += n * sizeof(T);
return Alloc::allocate(n, hint);
void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
Alloc::deallocate(p, n);
assert(bytes_used_ != nullptr);
*bytes_used_ -= n * sizeof(T);
template <typename... Args>
void construct(pointer p, Args&&... args) {
Alloc::construct(p, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (instance_count_) {
*instance_count_ += 1;
void destroy(pointer p) {
if (instance_count_) {
*instance_count_ -= 1;
template <typename U>
class rebind {
using other = CountingAllocator<U>;
int64_t* bytes_used_;
int64_t* instance_count_;
TEST(AllocatorSupportTest, CountInlineAllocations) {
constexpr size_t inlined_size = 4;
using Alloc = CountingAllocator<int>;
using AllocFxdArr = ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, inlined_size, Alloc>;
int64_t allocated = 0;
int64_t active_instances = 0;
const int ia[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
Alloc alloc(&allocated, &active_instances);
AllocFxdArr arr(ia, ia + inlined_size, alloc);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(active_instances, 0);
TEST(AllocatorSupportTest, CountOutoflineAllocations) {
constexpr size_t inlined_size = 4;
using Alloc = CountingAllocator<int>;
using AllocFxdArr = ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, inlined_size, Alloc>;
int64_t allocated = 0;
int64_t active_instances = 0;
const int ia[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
Alloc alloc(&allocated, &active_instances);
AllocFxdArr arr(ia, ia + CERES_INTERNAL_ARRAYSIZE(ia), alloc);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated, arr.size() * sizeof(int));
EXPECT_EQ(active_instances, 0);
TEST(AllocatorSupportTest, CountCopyInlineAllocations) {
constexpr size_t inlined_size = 4;
using Alloc = CountingAllocator<int>;
using AllocFxdArr = ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, inlined_size, Alloc>;
int64_t allocated1 = 0;
int64_t allocated2 = 0;
int64_t active_instances = 0;
Alloc alloc(&allocated1, &active_instances);
Alloc alloc2(&allocated2, &active_instances);
int initial_value = 1;
AllocFxdArr arr1(inlined_size / 2, initial_value, alloc);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated1, 0);
AllocFxdArr arr2(arr1, alloc2);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated2, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(active_instances, 0);
TEST(AllocatorSupportTest, CountCopyOutoflineAllocations) {
constexpr size_t inlined_size = 4;
using Alloc = CountingAllocator<int>;
using AllocFxdArr = ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, inlined_size, Alloc>;
int64_t allocated1 = 0;
int64_t allocated2 = 0;
int64_t active_instances = 0;
Alloc alloc(&allocated1, &active_instances);
Alloc alloc2(&allocated2, &active_instances);
int initial_value = 1;
AllocFxdArr arr1(inlined_size * 2, initial_value, alloc);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated1, arr1.size() * sizeof(int));
AllocFxdArr arr2(arr1, alloc2);
EXPECT_EQ(allocated2, inlined_size * 2 * sizeof(int));
EXPECT_EQ(active_instances, 0);
TEST(AllocatorSupportTest, SizeValAllocConstructor) {
using testing::AllOf;
using testing::Each;
using testing::SizeIs;
constexpr size_t inlined_size = 4;
using Alloc = CountingAllocator<int>;
using AllocFxdArr = ceres::internal::FixedArray<int, inlined_size, Alloc>;
auto len = inlined_size / 2;
auto val = 0;
int64_t allocated = 0;
AllocFxdArr arr(len, val, Alloc(&allocated));
EXPECT_EQ(allocated, 0);
EXPECT_THAT(arr, AllOf(SizeIs(len), Each(0)));
auto len = inlined_size * 2;
auto val = 0;
int64_t allocated = 0;
AllocFxdArr arr(len, val, Alloc(&allocated));
EXPECT_EQ(allocated, len * sizeof(int));
EXPECT_THAT(arr, AllOf(SizeIs(len), Each(0)));
struct EigenStruct {
Eigen::Vector4d data;
"Double is a trivial type, so std::allocator should be used here.");
"A pointer is a trivial type, so std::allocator should be used here.");
"An Eigen::Matrix4d needs the Eigen::aligned_allocator for proper "
"A struct containing fixed size Eigen types needs Eigen::aligned_allocator "
"for proper alignment.");
} // namespace