1. 8ed29a7 Documentation update. by Sameer Agarwal · 13 years ago
  2. d3eaa48 Restructure the documentation. by Sameer Agarwal · 13 years ago
  3. 0e99e9c Changed the title of the manual to not track the version number, as it is still in flux and doesn't add much to the discussion. Added a way to cite the manual when referring to Ceres in a publication by Sameer Agarwal · 13 years ago
  4. da3e056 Typo corrections in the documentation from Bing by Sameer Agarwal · 13 years ago
  5. 17fbc8e Minor changes to the documentation. Formatting, and typos. by Sameer Agarwal · 13 years ago 1.0.0
  6. 8ebb073 Initial commit of Ceres Solver. by Keir Mierle · 13 years ago